September Chat Continues

Fayetteville, AR(Zone 7b)

And more fall flower pics...

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

HELLO everyone!! It has been weeks and weeks since I have been on DG! I have been in withdrawal! Feel like I am missing out on what my family is up to!.....................Hope everyone is well! How is Ruth? and Sandra's friend Judy?? Haven't seen anything posted about them as I have tried to scan quickly and catch up.

Marilyn, sorry, I don't remember what that is. I tried to look back on the list of things I offered for trade at Jeri's and I don't see it. Guess it was probably something that I raised from seed that I had an extra of - but that isn't a lot of help. But if I had it in my garden I lost it because I don't have anything blooming that looks like that. Sorry I cant be of help! Are you sure it was from me?

I finally finished all the work I was doing at my Mom's old house and got it rented last week so that was a BIG weight off my shoulders! It has taken up WAY too much of my time. I got to spend this past weekend actually working at home which has been being neglected as I spent every spare moment on the other house...... got a big dent made in cleaning out my garage and then sunday afternoon I managed to clean out three small flower beds that looked like a jungle! They were so badly out of hand that people would never have known they were flower beds! NOW, if I can just get the big ones straightened up! I spent the past two evenings making dents in them, and also trying to repoison the area that I have marked off for my foundation planting which i HOPE to get started on soon! I have a few things planted in the area but not many..... had decided to wait until fall to make the major planting since it had gotten so hot. Now, it has been hot for so late that I don't know if they will have enough time to get established before the cold hits! But I hope to at least get some things planted.

Just wanted to say hello to everyone and let you know I sure have missed ya'll !!!


Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Christine your flowers look great! Did any of your brugs you had in the ground last year make it over the winter or did you just plant new cuttings.

Fayetteville, AR(Zone 7b)

Thanks Charlotte!!! I left the two stumps in the ground and put a huge pile of compost on top of them and they never came back. These are from all those clippings I had! LOL I'm not going to do that again, that was an insane amount of cuttings. I figure just before the RU they'll be ready to be cut down and I'll save however many clippings to take to the RU, plus a few clippings for myself, and that will be it. I have some triple purple datura seeds I want to do next year, I'll look at the packet and tell you the name, plus the brugs I get from you, and a few other different flowers so we'll see, I may not even do the pink velvet again. I don't know, I'm undecided... lol

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I did triple purple datura's this year. I've had them before. I like them, but they are not anywhere as nice as the brugs.

Fayetteville, AR(Zone 7b)

Huh, do they smell as good as the brugs?

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

crissy -- that could be it. Birds don't like some feeders because they can't perch easily or comfortably on them and get at the food. Looking at the picture, I think it would be worth a try to attach something to the feeder to give them something to perch on.

(karen) Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Yes crissy that is poison something - leaves of 3 let it be! HA HA

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Looks like poison ivy to me too.

Ripley, MS

I think datura stinks--the plant part and I don't remember the flower having a smell either, but it has been a while since I grew any--my remember-er may be out of whack on that one

(Phyllis) Osceola, PA(Zone 5b)

The one I had was Gorgeous like the Brugs only facing upwards
and it smelled just as good as the brugs too I think it was called Moonflower..I still have a few seeds
it comes back from the roots in the Chico Texas area every's some pictures from last year
I forgot to plant seeds this year...

Thumbnail by lilsista59
(Phyllis) Osceola, PA(Zone 5b)

Front shot..

Thumbnail by lilsista59
(Phyllis) Osceola, PA(Zone 5b)

Night Shot...

Thumbnail by lilsista59
(Phyllis) Osceola, PA(Zone 5b)

This is blooming here's mixed up I think...LOL
Species Lily Rubrum...they say it's has the best scent of all
the lilies...but I didn't smell anything..maybe at night i'll see later on..

Thumbnail by lilsista59
Ripley, MS

Yes, the moonflowers do smell wonderful, but I don't think the other daturas do
Maybe someone growing them should let us know--lol

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Mine is the triple purple and it doesn't open all the way up like the moonflower. I haven't noticed a smell with it either. Your moonflower looks like the flower on my moonvine.

(Phyllis) Osceola, PA(Zone 5b)

It's a datura though......I brought it back from my DSD's in Texas... guess that why they call it moonflower

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Beautiful blooms, Phyllis and Crissy! I enjoyed the "tour" of each of your gardens!

Genna: the plant is a helianthus- flora plena, a type of sunflower, and yes I definitely could make out your name on the tag. :o)) Maybe I can give you a start of it next spring, if you want one.

My moonvine in the front yard has had a few blooms on it, too, but this one was invaded by a caterpillar! GRRRRRR

Thumbnail by marsue
Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

The mums along the driveway are getting ready to bloom.

Thumbnail by marsue
Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

and here is that beautiful no id rose which Kathy Ann gave me a couple of years ago. There is not a single thing I don't like about this rose except the thorns! I love the color, the shape and the fragrance!

Thumbnail by marsue
Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

one more

Thumbnail by marsue
Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Hi Genna, I'm Carole ... newbie here. I've added your name to my ever-growing list of users on the Mid-South Forum. Everyone is new to me so forgive me if I get confused on occasion. Like a lot. ;-)

Oh, Marilyn ... fiddlesticks on that stupid worm.

Thumbnail by Cville_Gardener
Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

My sentiments exactly, Carole. He didn't last long after I took that picture.
Lovely hib!

Lakeland / Memphis, TN(Zone 7a)

Love that cabbage rose Marilyn. How large of the blooms ?

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Thanks, M ... the hib apparently likes the awful weather conditions we've had ... still putting out super-size blooms with beautiful deep color. Most everything else is looking rather weary ... or burnt up like the leaves on it. What can you do? Sigh!

I will say my pink 'Cl. Cecile Brunner' rose is doing fine and the very sturdy Double Red and Double Pink Knockout roses are also going strong.

Your cabbage rose is beautiful ... and the driveway plantings. Sigh again!

Thumbnail by Cville_Gardener
Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

The cabbage rose is probably about 3 1/2 inches across. The fragrance is such that you just want to stick your nose in the bloom and leave it there! LOL

Carole, don't despair--your flower beds will get there in time. Just take a look at these photos:
My late DH and I found those mums in the driveway planting for 25cents each at the end of the season back in 2007. Here is a picture of what this bed looked like in 2008. The one on the left was made in April, 2008 and the one on the right was made in Sept. 2008.

This message was edited Sep 30, 2010 8:59 AM

Thumbnail by marsue
Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

LOL...guess I do need a start of it Marilyn, because it seems if I had it, I killed it! But then I have lost a LOT of things this summer in the heat. That sandy soil I have just sucks up the water and the plants don't seem to even know they got watered!! I have a few things that survived, but I think I lost almost all the new things I put out this summer......

Oh well, I just keep trying and if I can keep a few things alive then eventually the beds will fill up! I think I have lost my dogwood that I have had for 5 yrs in front of my home! It looks pitiful! There are some sprouts growing up from it, but I think the main trunk is dead!

Nice to "meet" you Carol. There are lots of great folks here on DG.... like a big family!


Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Gee, Genna, I hear you all too clearly about the weather this year. Sheesh. And, yes, it's nice to "hang out" with people who get it when you go bonkers over a bloom. :-D)))

You are right, Marilyn, gotta keep remembering that one of the joys of gardening is that you do get "do overs". :-) I wish I could post a picture of our last home in CA but don't have any pics of it on this computer. And the back yard there was just as lush as the front. But we had lived in that house for 12 years so time had done a lot for the yard and garden. Then we get here and last year was great for planting, but this year's weather, oy vey.

So as not to despair, I found this shot of part of the perennial garden I have planted along the back part of my driveway, taken earlier this year. It is amazing how much things have grown in spite of it all.

And I'm still hanging in there.

Thumbnail by Cville_Gardener
Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

And a shot taken a few months later from the opposite direction.

The pink 'Cl. Cecile Brunner' rose right now is way up to the level of the top of the deck railing.

Gosh, it's so good to have pics for comparison, isn't it? Yay! Thanks for sending me on the picture hunt.

Thumbnail by Cville_Gardener
Ripley, MS

Your new garden looks great.

I have all my daylilies in the ground, except one little one that still needs a little petting.
Can you believe I don't have a pot farm now--only daylilies in pots here are going to Terrye's swap !!!
HOORAY for me !!!

Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

Hooray for you too!! I still have pots. I'm plugging along.

Where is our Jeri off too? Haven't seen her pop in here lately

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I've been wondering the same thing about Jeri! I have some stuff in pots I need to get in the ground this weekend. I've been running all week and just haven't had time to do anything in the yard. Fri Sat and Sun are going to be stay at home and get some stuff done days!

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

I have some daylilies I hope to get out of pots and into the ground this weekend as well! I am amazed at what all I can manage to get done when I actually spend some time here! But I am so far behind I think it might take MONTHS of staying home to ever catch up! I woke up this morning with a really bad sore throat and a fever so I didn't go to work because I have to answer the phone all day and they couldn't even understand me when I called to tell them I wasn't coming! I spent a good part of the day trying to dig out my sewing room that had become the catch all room for everything! I am so pleased with it tonight I even left the door open......... I had forgotten what the floor looked like in the room!! NOW, if I could just get everything else in that good of shape!

I have some clematis that I have in small pots ..... was thinking about going ahead and putting in the ground this weekend but they are calling for temps to drop to 38 next Monday. Is that going to hurt them after just getting in the ground?? And did someone on here say that I should plant the clematis really deep?? Seems like I heard that after I had already planted my last ones but I can't remember if that is correct............... Guess I need to do some fall cleaning in my brain because my memory is sure getting bad!! :)

Have a good night everyone........

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Thanks, Sandra ... it sure isn't what I planned but there ain't nothing ya can do about the weather, is there? ;-) As I said, there's always 'do overs'. LOL. I'm thinking that now I will have to wait until Spring to add what I'd planned around the yard and do a lot more of it although they say our winter will be wet and warmer than normal. But who knows??? The talking heads aren't always right. Have a good day, all.

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Carole, you have a good start on your garden! It's very pretty. "Once a gardener--always a gardener!" :o))

Ripley, MS

Oh I still have some things in pots---just not daylilies--LOL--and it is not such a huge job staring me in the face every time I go out.

Jeri called one day last week to ask about Judy, I think she is ok, just busy.
I think everyone is out and enjoying the cooler weather that have a chance to get out.
As for myself--I think I will stay inside and make jewelry today, I am so sore after 3 days of yard work I am creeping around today.

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Sandra, you take care of yourself and don't overdo--we want to see you in fine shape at Terrye's! (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Sandra))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Does anyone on this forum have any photos entered in the DG 'County Fair' photo contest? Voting started today.

North Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

LOL I do...and almost everyone in here will recognize the photo ;o)) I mostly did it because Ruth said it was "the cutest picture ever!" Plus Jeff and others said I really should enter it, so I did!

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Well, I'm going to vote then. I might know which one it is even though I probably haven't ever seen it. :-)

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