September Chat Continues

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Article on "Rita's Gold" Boston fern in the latest Horticulture magazine (Oct/Nov), gardener's notebook feature, pages 13-14.

Lakeland / Memphis, TN(Zone 7a)

Kenny - could Charlotte's ear be Elena ? I just have never seen any that large.
Love your Rita's gold fern - as everyone else does too.

Kenny - why in the heck do you have yellow spider blooms - and you know how many I planted and haven't see the first sign of any ??????

Olive Branch, MS

No it is not Elena. Elena is the color of a lime zinger.
They yellow spider is about 3 years old. The ones you have will not bloom till next year if they live. We set out about 50 more this year and they are not doing a thing.

North Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Bonnie, I love the fact that you are not going to buy anymore EEs.....RIIIIGHT ;o)) I must confess that I have (at least) 6 new them all today! I will take a picture of my haul in the morning.

Charlotte, thank you so much for driving today! I so enjoy being with you gals...we always have fun! KA, I am not certain that the pumpkin cheesecake will still be here when Geoff gets home...I will try not to eat all of it but nooooo promises. lol Thanks to all 3 of you for the plants. I hope I get them in the ground before we go to Terrye's...

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

A bunch of neighborhood kids and my next door neighbor were in the street passing the football when I got home. They were watching me unload the truck and the kid next door told he didn't see how I could put anymore plants in my back yard! Little does he know! Fun day - especially when I thought I was just going to be picking up the hydrangeas I had already bought. Never dreamed I'd come home with tons of plants!

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I forgot the name of the little reed type plant. Do you all remember what it is?

Lakeland / Memphis, TN(Zone 7a)

Well, what were ya'll all doing ? Did I miss reading something above ? Did you have another luncheon ?

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

No. Kathy Ann had picked up some hydrangeas for me at a nursery in Bald Knob and Kim and Marilyn went up with me to pick them up and we went over to Bald Knob to the nursery to just look it over. Well we ended up buying a truck load of plants!! She had all kind of EE's. She had huge coffee cups. Huge mums! All at prices you wouldn't believe! After we went to the nursery we went to Searcy and had a late lunch. Kathy Ann baked a fabulous Pumpkin Cheesecake. We just tasted it at her house and took our piece home to eat as we were way too full to eat it at the time.

Olive Branch, MS

Did ya'll forget winter is around the corner. Ya'll are buying plants like it's Spring. All this talk about the nursery has me wanting to make a run over to it.

North Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Now Kenny, are you really surprised? LOL

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Kenny, the only ee's she has now is tea cups, china pink, boa and mojito we bought her last california gigantea that she had she has some infernalis kapit also they are small though, her teacups were over 6 feet tall though, her boas were about 3 l/2 foot tall makes a person sick cause she must sing to her plants. We had a great time today.

This woman (Dian) is a fabulous gardener and is in her nursery business just for the love if it , and not there to make money , she loves the looks on our faces when we drop our jaws at her prices and loves to see a smile when we take home a plant we wouldn't have gotten any other way. That's why she's in this business. Sweet lady for sure.

Spring time she'll have tons of new plants , her mums are awesome, 5 8 and l0 dollar pots, my 5 dollar pot should be a l5 .00 pot that's how huge it was.

She will definitely be a trip worth taking in the spring time.

Bonnie , this is the same place I got yours and terrye's & kenny's hydrangeas at too.

BTW, danny didn't like the cheesecake, but he is particular about cheesecakes, he said he couldn't believe ya'll liked it so much. so I hope ya'll weren't kidding when you said you loved it lol What danny says most times goes in one ear and out the other ha ha.

Ya'll can take a guess what I did after ya'll left, yes, I filled 3 5 gallon buckets with miracle grow water and fertilized again, I do that everytime I go to that place, want to hurry up and get my plants as big as hers. lol

I played all day and tomorrow I have to sew, put up cucumbers and can apple pie filling, going to be a long day!!

Thanks so much for the birthday gifts. I think there's a couple rats over here that like the nugrape besides me, lol got my sign hanging in the living room . love my hypertufa pot going to put that succulent I got at Dian's today in it, I think it will be perfect for it, and will have have to find a special place in the garden for my hypertufa leaf. Loved it, I too always have a great time with you all. I'm looking forward to seeing everybody at terrye's soon too.

I'm glad you guys were im pressed with her today, if your this impressed so late in the season, just imagine how you will feel this spring. I'm looking foward to seeing her 70 variety or so of coleus. She'll be up and going again right after easter.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I loved the cheesecake - all gone! Kathy Ann what is the name of the plant she gave each of us cuttings from. It was growing in a big pot and falling over onto the ground and rooting.

North Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

She spent some time telling me all the types of coleus, EEs and hosta that she is going to have next year....I seriously thought about asking her to marry me or adopt me...whatever, as long as I get to bring home some of her plants ;o))

KA, the begonia that I gave you earlier is a Water Lily Begonia and it is HUGE! Enjoy the Nugrapes...I can bring more in October!

North Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I LOVE the cheesecake!

What is the name of the begonia you sent home with us?

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

the name of the plant she gave us is the
the begonia I gave you was sinbad, that begonia link is neat thanks for that begonia

wasn't there something else Marilyn told me I needed to send her tha name of? I can't remember now.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

i'd love to know the name of that variegated hanging plant she let us dig up out of the garden lol it's a house plant like a philodendrun of some sort, but beautifully variegated, I've got mine planted in a hanging basket.

Glad ya'll liked the cheesecake, I liked it too,

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Thanks! Don't know why I couldn't remember Papyrus! I love that variegated plant too! Got mine in a terra cotta pot for now and will change to a hanging basket later. I was in a hurry and the terra cotta pot was the first thing I saw.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

when Mine gets a little bigger, I'm going to post a pic on the id forum to see if we can id it. she had a nice tropical over there by the hostas that she had no idea what it was, didn't think she could id it even when it blooms, but it hadn't bloomed yet and I wasn't sure what it was.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I didn't notice the plant your talking about.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

the variegated philo plant that we all divided, she gave us . I had asked if we could buy some cuttings off the one in the greenhouse, she said, just go dig that stuff up outside that fell out of a hanging basket that she sold someone, it was growing on the ground, she said just pull it all up so I did. didn't have to tell me twice. Marilyn helped me get some of it up.

you know she's gonna let all those brugs die this winter cause she has no place to over winter them. their all no names though. what a shame!

North Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I don't know. I tried to find it but I am just not certain. I will look at plant better tomorrow.

BTW--if you want to look at Boa info

North Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Charlotte, you can also find info about your Kapit...that may go Kaput lol...on the same site.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

I forgot to post this pic, I checked the mail today and I got a package from a friend, the person who gave me all my alteration experience had made me this jacket.

last time she came to town we met at hancock fabrics and we both fell in love with this fabric, I told her to get the fabric cause I would never make anything with it. and look what she made with it. I coudn't believe that.

it was quilted fabric already made like that, on the bolt, thought it was neat. it's got one button at the top of it.

Thumbnail by kathy_ann
Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Really pretty jacket!! You'll enjoy wearing it!

North Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

What a nice gift. You got all kinds of gifts today!

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

I did, and it's not even my birthday yet !! lol

Lakeland / Memphis, TN(Zone 7a)

Ahhh ha ! So it was a KA celebration day. Happy early b'day - KA !! I hate it when my plant friends have so much fun without me. Sounds like it was great friends, having a great time ---- and eating great too.

Today is my day with my friends Kenny & Jim. Wonder what kind of trouble we will get into.

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Uh, oh, Bonnie. I think y'all will need a chaperone!. Let me hop in my helicopter and fly over there! Now where did I put that helicopter. . . .? LOL

Yes, we had a great time and the cheesecake was delicioso!!! don't forget to send us the recipe, Kathy Ann.
By the way, the name I wanted was for the California EE but Kim sent me the link. I'm impressed with you guys that you already have your variegated philo in pots. Mine is still in the bag--I need to get outside this afternoon and get it potted up and get those other plants in the ground. My shade garden is getting full--gradually! :o)) Do those papyrus plants need to go into a pot for the winter or can I just put it in the ground?

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I put my papyrus plants in individual pots and when I looked them up it said it is hardy to zone 8 or something like that but then there were folks in zone 7 who said their's came back. So I thought to be safe since, we are just rooting them, that I would keep them inside to root good this winter and then put in the ground in the spring. They can also go in a bog or a pond so I think I'm going to put one pot in my pond.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Kathy Ann here is the link for the papyrus plant.

North Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

KA, I did not make it home with my recipes, so when you dmail/email the others to me, would you send the 2 pumpkin cheesecake recipes again?

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I just got all my hydrangeas planted. I was thinking I was going to have to dig up and move some mopheads but figured out I didn't need to do that. I had a spirea growing in front of the mopheads that was a perfect spot for Pinky Winky. So dug up the spirea and planted Pinky Winky. I put Invincible in under the tree where the big Rita's Gold fern is. To the left side of the tree not under the fern. The other three will all stay short so I planted them in front of the azaleas that are in front of DG workshop. Next to where the mojitos are now. I had a couple of pots of calidiums sitting there and they are now shot so I just pulled them out and will dig up the bulbs and store. I also a brug sitting in there that I moved. I've been needing something permanent in that area but just hadn't found it. It just occurred to me this morning that the hydrangeas would be perfect. I had calla lilies there one time and they didn't do right (flopped) so I moved them. I've planted other perennials with no success (too much shade) and finally I think I've hit on the right thing. I'm going to dig up one of the mojitos and store for the winter and I will probably plant it in a different place next spring so it want crowd the azaleas (that is provided I don't kill it over the winter).
Also got my coffee cups planted. Now to figure out the rest of the stuff.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

can you come plant mine? lol i'm still working on those really hard alterations right now. HATE IT> almost done though. back to work

North Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Here are some pix from yesterday.

The Loot...

Thumbnail by duckmother
North Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Giant $10.00 Mum. The blooms will be red with yellow centers.

Thumbnail by duckmother
North Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I told Jeff that I called these Tea Cups and everyone else called them Coffee Cups, but when he saw how big it was, he said we should call it D-Cups. LOL This monster is about 6ft tall!

Thumbnail by duckmother
North Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Alocasia Boa...

Thumbnail by duckmother
North Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

The owner gave us a cutting of this lovely tropical vine...anyone know what it is?

Thumbnail by duckmother
North Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

The Vine...

Thumbnail by duckmother
Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Kim, I got those recipes up on FB for you , charlotte, and marilyn, If I get a wild hair I may copy a few other ones. ;0)

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