September Chat Continues

Fayetteville, AR(Zone 7b)

Your absolutely right Carole!

KA nice pics! Someday I'll find my cable to my camera so I can download the pics, then I'll be able to share all of the pics I've taken around my yard lately.

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Well, these are just gazanias but they were only .50 a piece for the 8" hanging pots at Lowe's today so that makes them kinda special. Woohoo! Not quite as good as free but almost.

Great mgs and begonias, KA. Just keep posting those pics. Love em!

Thumbnail by Cville_Gardener
Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Are you Chris or Crissy?

Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

She goes by both ,her name is Christine, Carole.
I love gazanias especially for 50cents.

Loving all the pictures. Our watering well was down for 4 days. Things really got crunchy around here. Showing a little fall color is my oxblood lilies growing up through the hosta.

Thumbnail by Riverland
Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

A few spider lilies blooming

Thumbnail by Riverland
Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Your spider lily reminds me , this morning in the ditch down the road, I saw about 7 or 8 red spider lilies growing, must have been from seed carried off by the birds from mine, cause as far as I know i'm th eonly one growing those red spider lilies around here. thought it was neat that they came up in the ditch.

but I've also seen morning glories, passiflora, milkweed and 4 oclocks in that same road ditch lol

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Nice photos, KA, Carole and Cindy. I really like that oxblood lily.
I saw what must have been 50 spider lilies in a yard across the street from the high school today. They were in a corner of the yard that is under a bunch of trees and it looks as if the spider lilies had "naturalized" themselves. It was very pretty. I'll try to remember to take my camera the next time I go to town and get a photo.

I have one lone spider lily blooming--forgot it was there till it bloomed this week.

Thumbnail by marsue
Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

caught a yellow Cloudless Sulphur flitting around today--I have seen quite a few of these lately.

Thumbnail by marsue
Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Lady in Red salvia with Katie Blue Mexican Petunias

Thumbnail by marsue
Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Obedient plant

Thumbnail by marsue
Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

close-up of the Katie Blue

Thumbnail by marsue
Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Just thought I'd throw this one in for good measure. Never know what you'll find 'growing' in a pot, do you. :-D))) Frick and Frack.

Thumbnail by Cville_Gardener
Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

That oxblood lily is a beauty ... and I like 'Katie Blue' a lot. We've had quite a few Cloudless Sulphurs here lately and a lot of Buckeyes plus some I don't know the names.

LOL about the "ditch garden" ... some of the time I can't get things to grow where I'm actually cultiving them.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Love that oxblood lily Cindy!

Northeast, LA(Zone 8a)

Daves is having a county fair

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Moved this.

This message was edited Sep 21, 2010 10:33 AM

Thumbnail by Cville_Gardener
Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Great "fun stuff", Carole! We'll want to see photos of those in your garden. :o)

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

I am currently harvesting seed from my Rose Mallow ... Hibiscus moscheutos 'Luna Pink Swirl' if anyone would like some. I finally have something to offer (that everyone probably already has). ;-) This picture doesn't do it justice as the color is deeper and nicer.


Thumbnail by Cville_Gardener
Fayetteville, AR(Zone 7b)

LOL Carole, there's a story behind my name.

When my mom got pregnant she knew she was going to have a boy, thus picked out the name James Robert and was going to call me Jimmy (my dad's name is Robert James and she loves the name Jim.) Well, when they told her that she had a girl she panicked, didn't know what to do. She thought of the name Michelle but didn't want me to be called Shelley. My dad came up with Christine, so they decided to name me Christine and I'm called Crissy by my mom, my dad has always called me Chris, and yes, my middle name is Michelle.

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

I finally got a decent photo of one of my hummers. I love watching them this time of year.

Thumbnail by OutsidePlaying
Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

Marilyn, those sulphurs are hard to catch. We've had a bumper crop of them and other butterflies this year too. I've tried to plant for attracting butterflies, birds and hummingbirds and I guess it's finally paying off. I'm going to work on Monarch's more next year. I love the Swallowtails and they have been in abundance this year.

Thumbnail by OutsidePlaying
Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

Gulf Frittilaries have been showing up for several weeks now.

Thumbnail by OutsidePlaying
Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

A couple of weekends ago I was trying to catch a shot of the hummers. I could see one flying toward the feeder and hovering a few feet away but it never would land on the feeder. I was watching it out of the corner of my eye with the other eye in the viewfinder. I finally was giving up and it was hot. I was sitting on the brick steps and I looked down and saw this little guy crawling up the railing.

Thumbnail by OutsidePlaying
Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

Asters and lantana by the pond. My verbena is blooming again too.

Thumbnail by OutsidePlaying
Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

And this daylily is at it again. Two blooms on it today.

Thumbnail by OutsidePlaying
Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

Beautyberry is loaded with berries this year. The birds should be happy!

Thumbnail by OutsidePlaying
Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I've been working on a friends flower beds the few days. Still have a day or so to go before it is the way it should be. This is a very good friend and she knows nothing about plants. She has moved into a patio home and therefore the beds are fairly small but they had been allowed to grow in weeds like you wouldn't believe. Her beds have excellent bones and were done professionally but she just couldn't see beyond the weeds. So as a housewarming gift I told her I would get her beds back in shape. I didn't want her to hire some one to clean it up that probably would know nothing about plants. So I've been doing some pruning, pulling up weeds and grass. It looks so much better already!!

Ripley, MS

Great pictures, I have noticed we seem to have hundreds of the sulphers the last couple of weeks. I wonder if that is a sign of anything, having so many of them??

Charlotte, where do you get all your energy, I can't get my own done, would not even think about doing someone else's. I have Mamma's waiting on me too, I was over there Friday and I told her that me or the frost one would take care of her bed, but I didn't know which one would get to it first.

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

Charlotte, that is a wonderful housewarming gift! LOL, Sandra, I know what you mean...I can barely keep up with mine this year. Too hot.

And as for the sulphurs...we have had them all summer. They were among the first to arrive and have stayed around. We've had loads of butterflies all summer, except I didn't ever catch any buckeyes.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Loved all the pictures .

That is a wonderful gift Charlotte. one of those that a person would really appreciate.

Charlotte has always been like that, so full of energy I think she has me beat. Your doing something right charlotte! If you feel good and have lots of energy. that's fantastic. I have lots of energy but I don't feel good after working a 9 hr shift. llol I should be loosing weight like crazy now but i'm not.

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

My friend does appreciate it. She is a long time 30 year plus friend. We've been through good times and bad times together and she has been going through some bad times for the last couple of years. But I think things are going to start being a lot better for her now. She's getting excited about her yard now that she sees how great it looks. In the back she has 2 little Gem Magnolias, a service berry tree, a crape Myrtle, several azaleas, a long row of spirea, a gardenia, camellia, hardy fern, a big clump of decorative grass (not sure of the name), 2 lace cape hydrangeas,a peony, 3 daylilies, another decorative tree that I need to figure out what it is, and some box wood. That horrible weed that has kind of fussy leaves and grass had been allowed to completely take over the beds and all the shrubs were overgrown. The crape myrtle had all kinds of suckers sprouted up through it. She was thinking she just needed to have it all ripped out and start over. She is now amazed at how great it looks. She wants me to teach her how to plant pansies.
Kathy Ann you still have me beat with the energy and getting things done! I'm thankful that I can still tackle projects like that. I don't however have near the energy that I did in younger days. I'm now amazed at some of the things I did when I was younger.

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Great photos, y'all!

I don't know why Elaine, but I have better luck with photographing the sulphurs than any of the others BF's that visit my garden. I love the color combo of your lantana and asters. :o))

Charlotte, what a wonderful gift you are giving your friend. I'm so glad she has you to offer her advice with her gardens. It certainly sounds like there is a lot there to work with but I can understand how she felt overwhelmed with all the weeds and grass being in the flowerbeds.

Kathy Ann, so sorry about the stressful day you had yesterday at work(posted on the RU thread). Hope things are better today!

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

That was an interesting article, Carole.

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

Yes, Carole, that was definitely interesting. Could account for all the sulphurs we're seeing. Thanks for sharing.

By the way, my DGD played in a soccer tournament in Clarksville about 3 weekends ago. My DH went up for it on Sat and stayed overnight but I was out of town on a business trip so didn't make it. They came in 2nd place which was pretty good considering the big girls they played for the U-11 championship game.

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Congrats, Elaine, to your DGD!

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Where did they play the tournament? If it was at Heritage Park that's just down the street from me ... about a mile or two or so away, I'd say. :-)

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

OK, I'm really excited. We were about to leave the houseto go have dinner with my brother who is in town for the the evening and I saw a butterfly outside. I thought at first it was one of the Gulf Frits I had seen but it seemed bigger. I grabbed the binoculars and ran outside with the camera. Look what was visiting our backyard today!!! This is the first Monarch I've spotted for sure in our backyard!! I'm really pumped about this!! Plus I'm pleased with the shot!!

Thumbnail by OutsidePlaying
Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

Carole, I forgot to answer your question - yes, it was Heritage Park where the soccer tournament was held. They have played several tournaments in Nashville, but this was the first in Clarksville. Now that the girls are getting older, they are playing more and more out of town tourneys. I'll let you know if they are up that way again. Could be again in the spring.

Ripley, MS

Great Shot, beautiful Monarch, I know you are excited to see it

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