September Chat Continues

Ripley, MS

I put 2 pieces of stuff I had made on there when they first set it up. Then I did not even vote for my own, they had some really good stuff on there.

Fayetteville, AR(Zone 7b)

Fiddlesticks!!! LOL Carole, I say that all the time!! I love Fiddlesticks!!!

Genna don't be so sure about the dogwood, my 3 have all lost their leaves and look dead but I'm wondering if they didn't just go dormant to protect themselves from the dry weather and heat, trees have a way of doing that.

I posted a pic of Tiga laying in the grass, such a rotten cat she is!!

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I have noticed a lot of dead dogwood trees. Some may come back but a lot look totally dead. A neighbor down the street has 3 that look dead to me. They just didn't get enough water this summer. They need a lot of water and they and didn't do much watering at all.

North Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Well, I did, Sandra!

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

My little Japanese Maple that I planted several months ago looks the same way -- not a leaf left on it already -- and I'm hoping it will come back okay next year. I don't think it's dead since the branches bend but don't snap ... yet.

This message was edited Oct 2, 2010 11:20 AM

Ripley, MS

Well thanks Kim, but there were much nicer things that what I entered, in fact-i put them on there before I even realized it would be a contest--I thought it was just a new forum. I guess there will not be a calendar contest this year, since they have had this?

I am working on a new bracelet that might have won something-lol--I will show it when I finish.

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

Sandra, I read somewhere on another thread that the calendar photo contest will start in another month or so. This County Fair will only run about a week and is just for fun. The photo contest is for the calendar selections. I don't like the way this County Fair thing is run through Facebook. I think it forces people to vote through FB which forces you to have a FB account to vote. Anyway, I ended up not entering anything in it and can't even figure out how to vote for anything so far except the recipes.

Ripley, MS

Only the recipes are being put on FB here is the link for the rest of the things.
Glad to know they will do a calendar again

Fayetteville, AR(Zone 7b)

Yes that is correct about the photo contest. I asked Admin Terry a few weeks ago and she said there IS going to be the same calendar contest there always is every year, I just don't remember when it starts lol! I'll go look for my post...

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

[quote="crissyr"]Fiddlesticks!!! LOL Carole, I say that all the time!! I love Fiddlesticks!!!

Crissy -- The way the growing conditions have been around here this year, Fiddlesticks is about the nicest word I can use! ;-)

Fayetteville, AR(Zone 7b)

It is the nicest word without getting yourself in trouble! My grandmother always said "horse feathers" LOL

Terry said that the photo calendar contest is going to start shortly after the voting for the fair wraps up, Melody says in a couple of months. Woo Hoo!!!

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

Thanks for link to the other photos, Sandra. I've already voted for my favorite farm animal. There are some real cute ones.

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

I have a photo in the domestic animal section--it is the same one I put on FB recently of Friday and Gideon.

North Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

I voted on yours, too, Marilyn. Those aren't the only ones from folks in here...I voted on those too ;o)

Okay, none of us will go against our Mother's wishes, right? Well, mine made me promise that I would keep the cute door prize that I was going to take to Terrye's (unless KA took it before we got there lol) So, I will show y'all what it is. I do have another door prize or two that I think someone will be happy to get!

This 2 ft frog is holding an umbrella and wearing glasses....

Thumbnail by duckmother
North Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

But that is not what makes him so is what he does at night...Sorry, I must keep him!

Thumbnail by duckmother
Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

awe! your keeping him? what a bummer, better hide him next time i'm over there.

You should see the awesome door prize I picked up , lol I'm thinking seriously about keeping it for myself too ha.

North Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

LOL Yeah, Mom just fell in love with this guy and picked the spot for him and everything!

Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Love your froggie!!! Can see why you are keeping him. I haven't found the thing that strikes my fancy yet - gotta get busy!

I worked outside all afternoon. Got some things ready for the RU and then I started taking my pots apart. There are a bunch of things I got at Rita and Homestead that I want to try and overwinter. They are in the big pots on my deck and I can't even move those things to power wash the deck. So I'm digging out what I want to save and repotting. Tracked down all my amaryllis so I can take them inside. Now I need to clean out the storage room and the little green houses. Did some hypertufa stuff this afternoon also. It will soon be took cold to work on it.

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Well, Kim, the least you can do is tell the rest of us where you found that froggie so we can go buy one for ourselves! Believe it or not, Fred's had some cute solar-powered garden art back in the spring and I'm still kicking myself for not buying at least one of theirs! They were gone when I went back to get one. :o((

North Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Froggie came from Kmart!

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

He's sooooo cute!

Montrose, AR(Zone 8a)

Hello everyone.. Its been a while since I posted.. I have taken over the booster club at school and its been a non stop job with games on Monday, Thursday and Friday nights, meetings on Tuesdays and we feed the football team on Friday mornings.I was up at 4 am this past week making 100 homemade bisquits and sausage gravy..The past week was homecoming so it was Paint the town purple week and everyday we had something going on. Glad that week is over..You all still have some beauties growing.. the heat and dry weather has really put a strain on my flowers.My petunias and pink dahlias are still blooming. My sedum that one of you gave me is in bloom I think it is autumn joy..Zinnias and 4 Oclocks straggling thru..Here's a lil hummingbird enjoying the petunia's

Thumbnail by huneybunch_2000
Montrose, AR(Zone 8a)

This is the first brug bloom I ever had.. It is on my shortest brug plant.. My two healthies looking ones, one of them has very small buds on it now and the other which is the largest put out no buds at all this year..

Thumbnail by huneybunch_2000
Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Good to see you posting Trish! Know what you mean about being busy!! Sounds like ya'lls booster club is a LOT more active than ours! We struggle to get 4 or 5 people at the meetings! We don't do anything special for homecoming week but I sure wish we did! When you get a chance, send me a dmail with some ideas of the things ya'll did...... Jessi and I are planning on making decorated cookies for the players for homecoming, and some personal things on our own, but it would be nice to get lots of people involved for homecoming!

My flowers are just about all gone - had some 4:00s still going strong, and some verbena, and zinnias, but we had frost last night so not sure if anything will be left now!


Montrose, AR(Zone 8a)

This was given to me as a double coreopsis, but I beleive it is some type of dahlia.. It has bloomed continuously all summer..Whatever it is, I love it and hope it comes back with lots of new ones to share next year..

Thumbnail by huneybunch_2000
Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

I didn't put my clematis in the ground this weekend since they were calling for such low temps last night. Anyone have an opinion on whether I should go ahead and put them out now? or try to keep them in pots over the winter? And did someone on here say they should be planted deep???

I have got to do something with them!


Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Love that yellow Trish! That is a perky color...... Marilyn, is that the same plant that you posted a couple of weeks ago??

Montrose, AR(Zone 8a)

I saw frost warnings for Northern ar.. It sure was cold here this morning lol..People in the really cold states would laugh at that im sure..Its about the same here girl only a few people make it happen..Tho we have managed to get more people involved this year than ever before, but still when it comes to doing the work it falls to a few select ones..We sure are missing Coach Chambers.. I hear you guys are having a great year. Thats wonderful. Hears a pic of one of my pink zinnias..dont look at all the grass tho..

Thumbnail by huneybunch_2000
Montrose, AR(Zone 8a)

Hers looked sorta similar to it I will post a close up of mine so she can compare.. not that it will be any help because I dont know what mine is either lol.

Thumbnail by huneybunch_2000
Montrose, AR(Zone 8a)

white zinnia..

Thumbnail by huneybunch_2000
Montrose, AR(Zone 8a)

Variegated Morning Glory. I planted out some daylilies yesterday, I hope they have time to take root before cold weather gets here.. I didnt know what else to do with them.

Thumbnail by huneybunch_2000
North Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Trish! So nice to see you posting again. The white morning glory is so sweet...almost makes me want to grow them...but Jeff chops down any vine becuase it must be a weed ;o))

Isabella, MO(Zone 6b)

Your blooms are all pretty, Trish. I like the white zinnia especially because I don't think I have ever seen a white one before. Will you be saving seeds from it?
Your yellow no id flower does look like mine and I am pretty sure that mine is a helianthus (flora plena). You can look it up in plant files and see what you think.

Genna: I am no help when it comes to the clematis. You should go over to the clematis forum--someone over there will be able to tell you for sure.

Fayetteville, AR(Zone 7b)

Nice flowers Trish!! Great to see you!!!

My brugs are in full bloom and I don't think we got a frost... it sure felt good this morning getting out of bed and hitting that nice hot shower though!

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

We had our first light frost last night. Our usual first date for frost is around Oct. 6th so we are about on schedule. Now where the heck is the RAIN?????

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Wow - love those zinnias! Especially the pink ones! Are those from seed you purchased or swapped for? Do you happen to know the name of the pink? I have a pink that has really been pretty but it is much more pale than that one!

Thanks for the suggestion Marilyn.... I will try to venture to the clematis forum to inquire.

Fayetteville, AR(Zone 7b)

Where art thou rain??

(Phyllis) Osceola, PA(Zone 5b)

All the rain is stuck up north here with me...
I wish we could have gotten this in the summer
But I'll still take it even though it's cold out 40's and 50's..30's 40's at night
We haven't gotten our first frost yet...thought we would the other night so all my pots are now inside and the Brugs aren't very happy about that....Their dropping buds like crazy.... : (
I have 4 that have or had buds on them when I brought them in on Friday...
so that's kinda weird that you's down south are getting frosts...
Ours last year was Sept 7th....So i'm not complaining...

Thumbnail by lilsista59
Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Marilyn I have white zinnias also. I'm saving some seed and will bring to Terrye's. Sandra had also said she wanted some.

Ripley, MS

Ray just called and said Terrye had to be put in hospital for IV's, she is no better than she was last week, so she gave in and went.

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