Strawberry's & Creme Brugmansia

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

Yes..that should be repeated..
don't use fresh manure on plants.. they should be in a pile decomposing for a LONG TIME
by long... depends on the animal.. longer if you are using it on food crops.. to kill the pathogens 2-5 months depending on the ambient air temps
One use for the fresh manure is as a blanket in the fall... to have it spread over the covered cut back stalk of a brug.. and then cover the manure with more mulch... will keep everything under it quite hot for a long time.. reapply as needed.. I've not used it this way.. but I would use the new manure as a blanket to keep some underground water connections from freezing through the winter.. it will burn plants if applied fresh.. please refer to Charleen's expertise here...
paicture is of the nighttime fragrance competion to my brugs... the night blooming jasmine is open every night..

Thumbnail by GordonHawk
Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

I was just gonna make some plant poo water. Or is there more to it than just making a "tea"

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Let it set and in a day or twoit will be ready. If I'm trying to revive a plant I use pretty full strength but after the plant is going I put about 2 pints in a milkjug and finish filling it with water. then as you dip it out just add more water. It should last for a while.

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

Oh goody, gonna go poo begging ^_^
thanks , you all are so helpful and encouraging. I feel right at home

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

My charley tea made things grow like lightening. It is good. I am picking up rabbit poo next week from a friend. It will be added to the tea. here is isabella last night, tonite she has more open.

Thumbnail by joeswife
Hamilton, OH

good looking Brug, I had that one it bit the dust last year, I guess I just had too many Brugs, if there is such a thing, yours looks so healthy


Hamilton, OH

my Beautiful GD at the fair wearing the dress she made for 4H, I just can't believe how she grew up so fast


Thumbnail by plantlover49
Hamilton, OH

my GS, with his blue ribbon, that he won decorating a shirt with the ohio state map


Thumbnail by plantlover49
Hamilton, OH

my other GD wearing the vest that she made, looking Beautiful, we call her smiley, she's always smiling


Thumbnail by plantlover49
Hamilton, OH

here is a photo of the tiny quail at the fair


Thumbnail by plantlover49
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Cute Elizabeth. Loved the pictures of g'kids.

Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

Elizabeth, what beautiful and talented grand kids you have.The vest is great, and that dress beautiful.Look how well it fits! She did a great job on it!

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

How wonderful and talented your Grand Children are. Beautiful as well. I am glad the 4H is still around. It is almost a lost
event in this area. Congratulations on a job well done being a wonderful Grandmother.You have a reason to be Proud!

Hamilton, OH

Good morning everyone
I just found out my GD is going too State fair, with the dress she made, I hope she gets a Blue ribbon there, she worked so hard on it, I hope she entered one of her photo's I'll find out later when i talk too her, she graduates High School next year
I still have a hard time believing she is almost grown, my DD has did a wonderful job with those GK's


Hamilton, OH

I hope you check in here this evening, here's the Emerald Frost, as I promised, & I am posting a few other things either in Bloom or about too Bloom


Thumbnail by plantlover49
Hamilton, OH

This is a Duranta, it's a beautiful Bloom, too bad it's not fragrant


Thumbnail by plantlover49
Hamilton, OH

This is the Plumeria, still Blooming, still Fragrant


Thumbnail by plantlover49
Hamilton, OH

my Rosebud, I love Rosebuds


Thumbnail by plantlover49
Hamilton, OH

This is a brug Bud, going too open soon, I will post a Pic, when it's open, it should be tonight or tommorrow night


Thumbnail by plantlover49
Hamilton, OH

another Brug Bud going too open soon


Thumbnail by plantlover49
Hamilton, OH

Huge Catcus with lots of Buds, I hope I can catch them while they're open


Thumbnail by plantlover49
Hamilton, OH

Last one, Dee here's the Petunia's you gave me as seedlings, they are Beautiful


Thumbnail by plantlover49
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Dee, I transplant your Hydrangea and it looks so much better. It make make it now. It is supposed to be pink but it ad a blue bloom. It may bloom again in it's new location. Got it closer to water.
hwy!!! Elizabeth, love all you pictures, love the Blue Sapphires I have one too. Duranta

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

Oh my but that Blue Sapphire Duranta is beautiful!! I used to have a large very old cactus like yours that bloomed every summer. Lost along with many prized plants in a house fire some years ago.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Beautiful blooms, Elizabeth. I can't wait until my durantas bloom. They usually follow the plumbago. My Dola is open tonight. She sure smells sweet. Elizabeth brug has three blooms on this new flush. She is improving.

Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

Elizabeth,wow! state fair! Tell her we are all rootin' for her!
You sure have a lot of beautiful blooms.Love that duranta.I have never seen one.
Debra, are you going to post a pic of your Dola?...hope so.
Charleen,I have gone to annabelles and one limelight hydrangea.No guessing about if they are going to comeback every year and their bloom
It is turning daylight outside and I need to get out there and start working on cleaning up more shingles.We are putting a new roof on(thank goodness for our family who have gotten together to do the labor).But, hubby and I have been trying to do the clean up, and it is not a fun job in this heat.I don't know how the guys can stand it up on the roof! I came in yesterday, got a quick shower, took a 800 mg Ibprophen and was out like a light, til 4 this morning.

Hamilton, OH

Good morning, Thank you for all the nice comments, i am sure she'll do fine, I have too take more Pic's when the sun goes down, with watering everything, everyday, the Brugs have a lot more Buds, hopefully there will be a nice flush soon
Dee, try not too over do it, I know it's hard when you have so much work too do
Debra, I will give her the high five, yes I would love too see your Dola's Bloom
Sheri, I am thinking in September I can send you some clippings
Charlene, how's your Brug Blooms doing?


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Monster is loaded. I took this at night. Painted Lady , Adora and Tropical Sunset all blooming.

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

Great photo of Monster White, Charleen! Congratulations!

Hamilton, OH

look at you, you go Girl, looking Great, I love the Brug Blooms, there's no other Bloom like it, Thank you for sharing


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Oh, Elizabeth. i went out to take a pic of my red Banana pup for a lady. Painted Lad
y still has beautiful blooms. Oh, the heavenly smell. Wish you all could smell it. It is very addictive.
this was taken at night also. Isn't she Magnificent?
Thank you Betty.

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

I will want one... pweeze ^_^

Big Sandy, TX(Zone 8a)

There is not much about Painted Lady that I don't like. You're doing good girl.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Very nice Charleen, I am so happy for you! Beautiful and I know the smell is intoxicating.

Hamilton, OH

that's just Beautiful, Dee will have the same Blooms hopefully soon, I am still waiting for mine too Bloom
you're doing great, i love the night time photo very nice
Hi Sheri, Ken, Debra, & Veronica


Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

WhoooHoooo...look at all those blooms, go girl! I love that monster white!

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

all appear most loverly!!

Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

Hey, birdie, do you think you will have some winterberry shrubs to trade this fall? I have been looking for some for ages.Bet I could come up with somethings that you just have to

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I am looking for a ServiceBerry plant if anyone has one to trade. here is Dola

Thumbnail by joeswife
Big Sandy, TX(Zone 8a)

I have not heard of winterberry shrubs before so I googled it and like everything but the fact that it is not drought hardy. I may want to try one anyway.

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