Strawberry's & Creme Brugmansia

Hamilton, OH

this is how the Catcus looks, when it first starts to open


Thumbnail by plantlover49
Hamilton, OH

another one, they only Bloom for one night


Thumbnail by plantlover49
Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

Elizabeth, those pics are amazing! And, the bloom is beautiful! How big is it? Is it fragrant?
Debra, had to go look up bermuda grass...sounds like it's as bad as the crab grass. I swear the more I pull it out..the more it pops back up. I spray it, if it's not real close to a plant...good old round up takes good care of it.

Hamilton, OH

good morning, the Blooms is about 3 inches across, no it's not fragrant, I wish it were, I have a Bud on Miss B havin, that should open up tonight, it has more buds on it also, yippee, it is fragrant, I will post Blooms when it opens


Hamilton, OH

this is another Pic of the Catcus Bloom after it opened a little more


Thumbnail by plantlover49
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Oh Elizabeth isn't it beautiful?? Does it smell sweet? It looks like it might..
Dee, I would use round up, but then it would kill all my flowers too..

La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

Elizabeth, Your cereus blooms are gorgeous! Who has the unpleasant task of moving it for winter? I used to have one when I lived in the San Francisco Bay Area and didn't have to move it.

Debra, You have my deepest sympathy on your fight against Bermuda grass. I have been fighting it for several decades and have never won a fight — maybe battle or two — but it always comes back. Round up knocks it down for a few months, but doesn't kill it because the roots can go down as far as 6'. Any little root node that survives starts a new plant. The stuff can travel long distances to get to water and fertilizer.

Bermuda grass is the reason I haven't planted my Brugs in the ground. This past winter, I had a 100' x 200' area near the house cleared of struggling hackberry trees and native yaupon shrubs and leveled out. I was left with clean, or so I thought, sandy soil. The area had been very shady and weedy, but without any signs of grass in it. I had planned to put my vegetable garden and some more fruit trees in it. I still had some good sized trees scattered in the plot. So I was going to plant my Brugs under them. I never got the chance. After the first rain, Bermuda grass started sprouting everywhere. It is so lush now, you would think it has been there for years.

Hamilton, OH

Hi Debra, that must be something trying to get rid of that grass, here we have Johnson grass, it's something too get rid of also
Hi Veronica, it is my task too handle the Catcus, when I have someone help I get those spines in me, so it's better if I handle it myself, I went outside too take some more Pic's so here they are, this is my rose Blooming


Thumbnail by plantlover49
Hamilton, OH

another Pic of my Brug with lots of buds on it


Thumbnail by plantlover49
Hamilton, OH

This is a double daylilly, I love the orange one's


Thumbnail by plantlover49
Hamilton, OH

last one it's my Canna Blooming, the Hummingbirds love it


Thumbnail by plantlover49
Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

OH>> Veronica.. let me send you a hunk of this one... i'll have to knock a bunch of it back to get it back through the hatch to inside... guess you should remind be as the heat drops off some.. even this armorclad plant.. might thke exception in a hot box in a hot delivery vehicle..

La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

Thanks! I'll be sure to remind you. Remember the yellow cutting of Star Dancer x ? you sent me at the beginning of the year? It never recovered. When the top died, I removed what was left of the stub and put it in a smaller pot. Didn't help. If you still have it will you start a cutting for me? Let me know if you are looking for something. If I have it I will gladly send you a cutting.

Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

Eliabeth, that cactus bloom really is beautiful, as are all the others. I probably won't be on tonight as I have two of my grandsons. I ususally go to bed when they do,and they like playing games on the puter....sooo, I'll catch y'all tomorrow, hopefully.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Elizabeth, Look what I got done today.
Remember that empty flower bed??? Well, it is not empty now.
Brugs garden now! Cypress garden, Super Nova, Dola, Santa Rosa,
Strawberries & Cream, Adora, I believe that's it. There is either seven or eight plus the one I did yesterday.
What a job! Was wet when I got thru.

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Hamilton, OH

Dee, have fun with the GK's see you tommorrow

Charlene, how pretty that is, you have done a great job there Girl, I will be so excited too see all that in Bloom, Guess what?
NN has a Bud on it, I will have too use a ladder to get a Pic when it Blooms, from the looks of it, it must be 9 or 10 ft tall
I will take a Pic of Miss B haven in awhile, it is about too open, I lost 2 Buds on Joli, I guess it has been just too hot for it


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I know that is a lot of work , no wonder my shoulders were hurtin' I didn't even realize why until DH mentioned it. But if I don't plant they end up in those bags and the wind kept blowing them over, so I got my old rump out there and planted them. glad I had that flower bed cleaned out. But still want to plant iris and daylilies I got coming in. What a mess. Thank you , Elizabeth.

Clifton Springs, Australia

Charleen..your garden bed will look fantastic when everything is in flower...
The photo is lovely with the sunlight coming thru and I am sure that Adora will be fine in the Autumn.
Us girls aren't too keen on the blazing sun....
I hope that you had a good soak in the bath with plenty of bubbles to relax those tired shoulders
and your DH gave you a massage.
Elizabeth..your double orange daylily is lovely..

Hamilton, OH

Good morning Charlene & Dianne
it is a lot of work, but the results is so worthwhile. Dianne I am glad you like my daylily, I wish I could find more doubles
it's nice too have some color while the Brugs aren't in Bloom


(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Elizabeth, do you have a Cherub?

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I am looking forward to the blooms so I can show you all.
It's going to be a beautiful mess, isn't it. I am going to plant some lily bulbs in the back and let them grow, they should like it there. the brugs will be gone by spring so they should all get along good together.
Dianne, it is so nice for you to visit. Hope we have lots of blooms for you to see.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I have one, Debra. It is in a pot. Do you need one?? Cherub

Hamilton, OH

I don't have Cherub, I have often thought abou getting it, but never did, I think this winter I will have more Plumeria's & less Brugs, also a whole lot less houseplants, it's starting too be too much work, is that one that you're looking for?


(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

No, thanks Charleen, you are a big hearted person, but I have one that I got from a DGr, it came as a rootball, now it has three plants. I was going to offer her one of them. How is your Cherub doing ? Mine has not Y'd yet.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I had four plumerias, but couldn't get them to grow, so gave them away. My friend Tropicman in wichita has some that are as big as trees, but he has greenhouses. I do not. I am going to be down sizing things this fall, as my back won't let me do the carry and bend thing anymore.

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

OH... Debra... you need the carry and bend thing to keep it all open and free flowing...
Should we reserve a place for you on the african violet board

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

My Cherub is getting sprinkled on right now. Maybe she will start growing. I got her in a pot.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Gordon.. LOL possibly. I would never give up my brugs tho..Wish you would send some rain this way.. anyone..
Elizabeth, let me know if you want a cherub. I am keeping one, and seeing if the person that I got it from wants one. If she does not, then I will have another.

Hamilton, OH

you're so sweet, I saw in a plant magazine, the had a Cherub, it looked red, I think it was parks that had it for sale, but I don't think it Bloom red, even Superspot isn't red until the Bloom is done, my sangs aren't doing well at all, they are the only true red that I know of, I am so sorry about your Back problems, I also have a disc. problem it's the C6/C7, my L1 S5 is buldged, I think you're younger than I am, it's bad too have problems when you're younger, the back is so fragile
do you go to the Chiropractor, it really helps if you can afford it


Hamilton, OH

charlene & Dee
these Blooms are for you, Miss B havin looking good


Thumbnail by plantlover49
Hamilton, OH

This is my yellow crown of thorns


Thumbnail by plantlover49
Hamilton, OH

another Bloom of Strawberry's Creme


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Hamilton, OH

another Pic of crown of thorns


Thumbnail by plantlover49
Hamilton, OH

This is how the Plumeria looks after Blooming for awhile, it's so fragrant, I love it


Thumbnail by plantlover49
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Elizabeth. all the blooms are beautiful. Let me show you a new plant gadget I got today. Got my Hen &chicks and succulents in them.
Called a vertical wall hanger at Lowes.

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Elizabeth, my Elizabeth is blooming again. I love Miss BHavin. I grew a seedling croxx from Bdelph and gave her away to some people and they threw it away cuz it didn't bloom fast enough. If you do a snipping this Fall, please keep me in mind.
Charleen, that reminds me of my hanging shoe pouch planter I had in the winter. Very Cool.
Buds are hanging everywhere here. It is so hot. I went to sis in laws to water while they are out of town. She is growing three brugs I gave her. One is a seedling I grew also from bdelph called peanut x rubiline. here it is today.. (in the back of this picture)
it has buds but hardly any leaves, and I think I need to feed them tommorrow. The other two are leafy, but I pulled worms off of them. Peach Versi and a b.arborea.

Thumbnail by joeswife
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Ken just told me not to give them Bloom Booster. Said they didn't like it.
Here is Adora, still going.

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Painted Lady is not far behind. and Monster is coming on too.
So we are getting ready for blooming season, got some rain and as always so glad we did.

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

Hi Charleen... lovely brug pictures... glad to hear they are starting to pop for you there... lots of new ones budding here.. some reflushing.. some blooming for the first time.. and some like Georgia Peach.. that always has two or three open all of the time... don't telll them they don't like bloom booster... although it does play havoc with the leaves and look of them..
doyou know the Poitou DONKEYS.. bred fro old Roman animals crossed with another rare horse...they are FRENCH But look more Jamacian

Thumbnail by GordonHawk
Hamilton, OH

Good morning
Charlene really looking good, I am glad you got some rain, the Brugs always do better after it rains
Debra, those Brugs look good also, let me see what I can do for you this fall, the way Miss B havin is growing, there should be a cutting for you
Hi Gordon, I hope you'll post Pic's when your Brugs do flush, everyone enjoys the view


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