Strawberry's & Creme Brugmansia

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

Dee...Ken.. I might be able to come up with a small Variegated-Porcelain-Berry-Vine for you.. small.. but interesting berries.. th big vine is in a fight for the trellis wwith the honeysuckle.. both are loving it...

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

Dee...we never got our picture of Emerald Frost did we...
Well.. here's Emerald Frost... at Court Gardens [ my roof ] early this morning..
aside from being an exceptionally strong grower.. a more than cooperative rooter.. it's got some lovely .. quite respectable flowers... this is it as it's starting to color up.. from being a white bud

Thumbnail by GordonHawk
Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

This is Emerald Frost as the color evens out on a bud that opened a few hours sooner...
great plant strength.. and a light baby powder fragrance

Thumbnail by GordonHawk
Hamilton, OH

Good morning
here are some more Pic's of Blooms that are about too open, this is double peach


Thumbnail by plantlover49
Hamilton, OH

another view of double peach


Thumbnail by plantlover49
Hamilton, OH

my favorite Miss B haven Blooming again, the fragrance on this one is hard too describe, but it is nice


Thumbnail by plantlover49
Hamilton, OH

another view of Miss B havin,


Thumbnail by plantlover49
Hamilton, OH

this is my rose that Blooms all the time even in the heat


Thumbnail by plantlover49
Hamilton, OH

this is Emerald Frost, just waiting too get Buds on it, Dee can you believe how much it grew


Thumbnail by plantlover49
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Oh elizabeth, Miss bhavin is beautiful! I just have to get me one. LOL
Goron, so is your Emerald frost. Could you save a piece for me this fall?

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

Ohh, there are so many beautiful Brugs! I am continually surprised by all of your blooms.
Emerald Frost is lovely and delicate. Love that name too, it's my birthstone!
Elizabeth- Miss Bhavin is breathtaking. Do all doubles look like that, with the 2nd bloom fully opened as the first. I am wondering if I have seen doubles at differrrent stages of their bloom or if some just do not open as distinctly.
Re the Winterberry- I have quite a few different Viburnums (5 i believe). I can't remember which you need both the male andd female plant, Winterberry or Sparkleberry(need to go look at the old labels after the rain stops). Whichever one requires both has finally made a good show for me. I am plannning on harvesting some of the volunteers as mated pairs. The other one that doesn't require a mate has many volunteers also.
I also have many volunteers of the Viburnum that has the wonderful layers of white flowers in spring. It makes a grand showpiece and they do well nearly anywhere, sun to shade. (at least mine do). I will be happy to share what I can!

Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

Wow, it's so nice to pop on and see pics of all these beautiful blooms!Gordon, your Emerald frost is looking loverly(as I like to, for the offer of the variegated porcelain berry vine. I had a small one a few years ago, but lost it the first winter, but I think it was because I got it put out so late in the fall.I love the foliage on them.
Elizabeth, beautiful blooms, as always.Miss B Havin' is something else.You gonna post more pics of that double peach in a day or so? I hope so.Did your Angel's Swingtime cutting make it? When I put mine out, it promtly died completely back. I just knew it was a gonner, but I left it, and it has sent up a new branch. It is tiny, but still alive.
Birdie, it is the winterberry's that need a male and female to produce berries.I am gonna have sparkleberry.I'm not familiar with it.Viburnums need a mate to produce berries, and I have a list somewhere who needs who, but it gets soo confusing to me, so I just buy any that I find at a good price. lol. I have quite a few different ones....I need to make a Sounds like you have a doublefile viburnum...the one that layers, do you know which one? I have doublefile summer snowflake.
I have been watching locally for winterberries for past 2 or 3 years, and haven't seen a one. I would love to trade you out of 5 or 6 of your volunteers, if you have that many, when the time comes.I'm sure I can come up with some stuff ya'm not talking brugs. I will send those for postage, just like I received last year. I want to pay those forward.So many generous people have shared with me.(thanks, Elizabeth and Gordon!)

La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

The sexes are separate in winterberry. So you need one of each, but until they are mature enough to bloom and produce pollen or berries, you can't tell the difference between male and female. It gets more complicated, however. Some winterberries bloom early, some in the middle of the season and some late. In order to get blooms, you have to have matching pairs or you still don't get berries.

Unless you want to take pot luck, the best thing to do is to buy named and sexed plants. You could also take and root cuttings of named and sexed plants, but I believe many are patented.

Elizabeth and Gordon, Your blooms are gorgeous. This week-end I had to turn the sprinkler over all my Brugs and leave it on while I drove to Houston to pick my DH up. His plane out of Jackson was late and he missed his connecting flight to Austin. I have been out of the house more often than I have been in.

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

I will check my records and plants. I do have a "mated pair" lol that was purchased from an old southern garden that is part of the NC extension. They were planted about 5'apart approx 10 years ago. This year I took note of the different types of flowers and feel confident that I can identify at least a few pairs.
Hmmm..double file summer snowflake....sure sounds like a good description of my beauty. She is about 10'tall and wide and breathtaking during her spring 'coming out party' ;-)
One of my Viburnums has kind of leathery leaves and produces navy blue berries!
I also have "hearts a bustin"..don't think that is a Viburnum, but I love it anyway. no volunteers yet, but did collect a few seeds last year and will watch for more this year.


Hamilton, OH

Good Morning
here's what the double peach looks like today, I found the flying green bugs just munching away, I killed it, then I saw some more killed them also, they eat holes in the Bloom


Thumbnail by plantlover49
Hamilton, OH

another view


Thumbnail by plantlover49
Hamilton, OH

I will take some more Pic's tonight, the Double Peach, should have all it's color then


Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

Elizabeth, what a beaut! Can't wait to see it once it gets all of it's color.
Debra. I almost forgot to tell ya. I have a service berry "Autumn Brilliance" That I could take cuttings of.Do you have any luck with cuttings? If not, I could try to root you some. I am not great with cuttings, but I have read that service berry cuttings are pretty easy to get to root.

Hamilton, OH

I am sorry I didn't answer your question, angels swingtime is growing slowly, but it's still alive, I am going too move it too the porch where it will get sun but be more shaded, remember the Emeral Frost had a piece of it broke, well I planted both
the broken piece is taller than the other one, so now I have 2 pushing 4ft, when angels swingtime get bigger, you can have a clipping if yours doesn't make it


Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

Thanks, for the offer Elizabeth.I think mine will be ok, but it is Looks healthy enough tho.Yes, I remember the break on Emerald Frost.Isn't it amazing that some brugs are so tough, while others seem to struggle.

This message was edited Aug 1, 2010 4:05 PM

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Dee, I would love some cuttings of the service berry,, I have great luck with cuttings. Do you want an old fashioned lilac? Dmail your info and I can send you shipping money.
I am currently rooting the tip of the second shoot of CG, the neighbors cat broke it when they jumped the southwest fence corner to "hide out" near the bird feeder. I have a baby cardinal it is just tempting them( the cats), but mom and pop cardinal seem to keep it safe. I am also rooting some triple ruffle purple and some triple pink rose of sharon, some gold flame lonicera and some red weiglalia.

Hamilton, OH

Hi Dee & Debra
I have been busy this afternoon watering, & killing Bugs & worms off my Brugs, also the cable guy was here too change out the DVR, it was messing up, he fell in love with my kittens, those little guy are adorable, it took me a half an hour too get some good Pic's of them I will post them later when I post the new Pic's of the Double peach, i hope everyone is having a great day, I think it was last year I bought a sony camcorder that play's DVD's I am charging it up, so my SIL can tape my GD at the State fair since I can't go, I so wish I could I know she will do well, I am so proud of that Girl, she turns 17 on Tuesday, it's funny she has her Birthday, then a week later it's my Bday then my youngest GD has hers on the 17th, then my other GD will turn 14 on the 30th of August, my oldest wa so funny she said Grandma my Bday is on the 3rd then your is on the 10th then maria is on the 17th then we take a break then Bethany is on the 30th all August


Hamilton, OH

here are my babies, I just love these kittens, now I only have 2 of them plus their momma


Thumbnail by plantlover49
Hamilton, OH

the first Pic is of Max, the only male, this is the Girls, my favorite the little Black one, then the tiger stipped one


Thumbnail by plantlover49
Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

Elizabeth, they are soooo cute.I just want to squeeze That one in the first pic, sure looks like it's mamma, doesn't it? Septy is so pretty.
Debra, I have just spent a couple hours looking at pics of your garden.(Dial up is so slow, to load pics..I hate it).What a great yard you have!
Wonder if Charleen and Charlie road off into the wild blue yonder..Sure is quiet around here, without her, today.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I love those little kittes. I especially like the striped one. Our month of september is crazy.. joes moms is the 7th, sons is the 8th, college girls the 9th, neice is the 10th, joes little brothers is the 17th, joes is the 29th. WHEW!
Do you have a great big birthday dinner for everyone?
Dee, thanks for looking at my pictures, I have two threads, one for morning glorys and one for brugs.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I decided to pop in to see you this morning. Maybe show you a pic of my Lucas pup. He is eating dirt. Don't know why but they eat dirt, they are missing nutrients of somekind. Love the kitties, so cute.

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Love his face and his eyes Charleen. He looks very faithful to his momma.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

He is so silly but very sweet. He is a good boy. When he's not breaking things. He has gotten lots better. I believe he is a "keeper"

Hamilton, OH

Hi Dee, Debra & Charlene
I am glad you like my kittens, I now just have the 2 & momma, the other 3 found good homes
Charlene, I like your baby, he's cute, I bet he's a lot of company, Debra, you always have a good garden, even you basement garden is so nice
Dee, I hope you get too take a Break from all the work you have too do, a couple more Brugs are starting Bloom & yes there will be Pic's, I sent my camcorder that plays DVD's with my SIL so he could tape my GD at the state fair, I really wanted too be there, but I have another trip planned for Friday, so I will be out of town, but I will be back on Saturday hopefully then a lot of my Brugs will be in Bloom, I will water them really good on Thursday


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Is it time for the races again Elizabeth??? How exciting. Thank you. My puppy is a mess. But sweet.

Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

Charleen, look at the innocent look on that pups face.He is soooo cute!
Debra, I went thru both threads.The brug one, had me on the edge of my seat...good reading!
Elizabeth, I am slowing down, and relaxing more.The crab grass is still driving me crazy, but I have settled on the fact that it is gonna keep coming into the beds til I can get landscape fabric and mulch put down this fall. I'm sure it will keep creeping in, but at least it will be slowed down.
As far as the house goes, I am concentrating on the sun room and the front porch right now, and they are rooms that I am gonna enjoy doing, as they are I am gonna do the front closed in porch in a 40's/50's style, with my old metal glider, a couple old arm chairs, a floor model radio and an old tv that my husband has had for years, and years.It is the darnest thing that I have ever seen.It looks like a tv in a suite case...It's like a 1948 model, with a thick 5 inch I knew all that old stuff would come in handy some I need to go to the thrift store and pick up some old pics, and stuff.The main sun room is gonna have bare minium furniture, so I can cram lots of plants in there this winter.

Hamilton, OH

Dee. Charlene & Debra
I ran outside took some more photo's here they are, double Peach, the fragrance is amazing


Thumbnail by plantlover49
Hamilton, OH

Velvet Rose, it's hard too believe tommorrow it wil be pink


Thumbnail by plantlover49
Hamilton, OH

my Princess, I love this little Girl, you can't tell from the photo how small she is


Thumbnail by plantlover49
Hamilton, OH

Velvet Rose before it turns Pink


Thumbnail by plantlover49
Hamilton, OH

another view of Velvet Rose


Thumbnail by plantlover49
Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

Beautiful pics ,Elizabeth. Love that double peach.That is a sweet pic of your kitten too... Is that her name...Princess?

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

Can anyone explain the color change process in the ones that change. Or is it just something you have to see for yourself. I cant imagine how or why it occurs. Does it take hours or days or what?


(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Oh Elizabeth those blooms are so awsome! Kitty is sweet too.
Dee I like the theme you have chosen for your redecorating. I like that era.
Birdie, I am kinda new at brugs, but some just take a few hours, some are starting out right away with colour and some take a day, but I am sure someone else can give you the scientifics of it all.
Charlene your adora is so pretty too.

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