Strawberry's & Creme Brugmansia

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Thank you Gordon for the mule info. got a picture this morning of my gang. The oldest one is the daughter of a BLM donkey. She is always shaggier than the others. But sheds off and looking great now.
Maybe that why my leaves were looking so rough but I had huge blooms. i just won't put in so much, huh? I popped in over on the rooftop and saw you still growing. I know it is beautiful, guess I was lurking, wasn't I Gordon???
Good Morning Elizabeth, yes it was a nice rain just don't care for the lightening that was with it.
Everything looks so pretty and perky too.

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Big Sandy, TX(Zone 8a)

From all the studies I have ever read, Brugs like their Phosphate levels at about half of then Nitrogen. The best plant food I have found for Brugs is Osmocote 19-6-12.

Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

Good afternoon, everyone.
Charleen, you have been working hard,and your gardens show it!
Elizabeth, that Miss B Having is beautiful! The cutting that you sent me last fall didn't make it, but all the others are growing like gang busters. It won't be long, I'm sure before the blooms start popping. I get mad at myself, every time, I think about how late I was getting them in the ground...but, it really couldn't be helped. I'll try to get some pics this evening, if the rain stops.
I did manage to get them all fertilized, and 10 holes dug along the driveway, for a row of summer wine ninebarks, before the rain started.Got 4 of them planted. Maybe this rain will cool things down and I can get them finished up this afternoon.

Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

Ken, I know osmocote is time often do you apply it to your brugs.
Charleen, I almost forgot, I love that vertical wall hanger! Gonna be beautiful, when it gets filled in.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Thank you Dee. It is going to be pretty. My first one.
How much do you put around them Ken, of the Osmocote. A tablespoon full and then do you scratch it in?

Big Sandy, TX(Zone 8a)

Depends on the size of plant, 1 gal. pot gets 1 tbl. large plant planted in the ground 1/4 cup. No scratching, just water.

Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

Ken, do you just put it on once a growing season?

Big Sandy, TX(Zone 8a)

Dee I only use it with plants I want to push, when it is as dry as it is this year I am not using it at all, I let my compost work for me. Here is a thread where trifred is talking about Osmocote;

Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

Thanks, Ken, and one things for sure... ya can't beat good ole compost for making any plant grow! Hopefully next year, I'll be able to add more composted manure to my beds.I spread it rather thin this year, but some is better than none, right?

Hamilton, OH

Good evening everyone
it's good too see you here, I have buds galore, I also found one of the biggest cutworms that I have ever seen, it is in cutworm heaven now, it was munching away at my P&C, I have found a good use for my little GH in Summer it is now a pool house for my GD, she loves it, that water stays warm not hot she can be in it even in the rain, it's so cute too watch her
also when I am watering when it's hot out I have too spray the sidewalk so it doesn't burn her feet
Ken, I have a good friend that's all she use's besides compost, i might have too buy some
Dee, I am so glad you got too join us, you have been missed, I will make sure before it gets cold that you have another Miss B havin, that's one of the Brugs that is a must have, I am so glad that the rest of them is doing well, wait till you see a Pic of Emerald Frost, you won't believe how big it has grown


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I should have watered mine this morning but they are watered now. til tomarrow. My Painted lady is getting ready to bloom. Look at this, white as snow...
Adora still putting out blooms and my Monster is loaded.
I love them!!!

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

Elizabeth, I bet your GD does enjoy her own pool house.I know I would!
when we lived way out in the country we had one of those easy up pools for the grandkids,and if I got hot when I was gardening, I would just jump right in, then do more gardening soppin' wet...but cool.
There is a heat advisory out here, right now, and there's one again tomorrow, til 7PM, so I will just be peeking out thru the sunroom windows.Says tomorrow, it will feel like 100-105.
I did get the ninebarks all planted and watered along the driveway, but that's all that I have gotten done outside,today. We need to mow, but I don't want to it will have to wait a couple more days.
Thanks, Elizabeth, for the offer of another cutting of Miss B Having.I think yours is beautiful.Can't wait to see Emerald Frost.I'm glad it's doing well, for you.Do you like it's variegation?

Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

Charleen, we posted at the same time.Your painted lady maybe white, but she is beautiful.Look at those long tendrils! Elizabeth sent me home with a huge painted lady, when I visited her, but no blooms yet, on mine....surely soon..

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Everytime I mow the longears think I should throw the mowed grass over to them. You don't think they are rotten, do you.
We used to do that a lot last year Dee, crosspost.
I didn't ask George. Ithought she might be color of rose or something. I'll lwt you know tomarow. she sure is a pretty Shape whatever her color.
Here is her full shape.

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Big Sandy, TX(Zone 8a)

Painted Lady is one of the darkest pinks there is.

Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

Yeah, Painted lady is a dark pink from, what I have seen in pics. I thought maybe she opened white and got her color after a day or two. Maybe one of the old timers will step in here and let us know.
Yep, them longears of yours are definately rotten, but they are sooo cute! We used to have a couple pigs that would squeel and come a runnin' to edge of the pen, whenever we got close to the veggie garden, cause we gave them all the over ripe tomatoes, and

Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

Thanks, old timer kiddin'

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Great!! i'll be out there inthe morning to check them out.

Big Sandy, TX(Zone 8a)

Painted Lady looks like Monster.

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

well, I am a broken hearted novice Bruger. Someone generously shared some cuttings with me. And they all turned crispy & died. I put half of them in the water peroxide mixture & half dipped in rootone and planted. the leaves never even regained their crisp look that I'm sure they had upon shipping. I can't help but wondering if somewhere along the USPS route they got cooked in a truck. They were not warm when I got em. I am so sad as I know there were some nice ones (heck they all are, right!), and was so very excited and hopeful.

Really bummed in NC!

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

Dee... this is a small Emrald Frost rooted cutting.. mother has finally a bunch of new buds

Thumbnail by GordonHawk
Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

Sheri, sorry to hear about your cuttings.If you remind me this fall, I should have several cuttings to share with you.
Gordon,I love that subtle variegation.If it never bloomed, it would still be a pretty plant.I hope you will share a pic, when your mother plant blooms.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Good Morning All.
Painted Lady came thru like a trooper. Lookat this Color.

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Here is a close-up. i was so surprized when I saw her. You know I was telling her how pretty she is. It is ard to believe it is the same thing. Amazing isn't it?

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

Oh, Charleen, I bet you were dancing a jig. I know I would have.Those are gorgeous! I bet Painted Lady is the one that Elizabeth posted a pic of last year, that had both white and pink blooms opened at the same time, and I fell in love with it....hmmmm...that's probably why she gave such a nice one...duh It's h*ll, getting old and So many plants, so little brain.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I know about forgetting, Dee, I do it all the time. It is so aggravatting.
Oh, Dee, it is so beautiful. Makes you not care that it is a single and the blooms are long. I love these plants and ant to go water here in a bit.
Adora still going too. Love them.

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Hamilton, OH

Good Morning
Charlene look at you, you're doing great with your Brugs, & yes the longears are spoiled, how could they not be they're your babies
Dee, I will have too take a Pic of emerald Frost this evening, if you have a heat advisery, then I am sure we do too, our weather pattern is the same as yours, I am glad all your plants are doing great, you will have so many Blooms at the same
Sheri, as soon as it cools down, I can send you clippings, by fall you should have a big collection, everyone on DG is so generous, that's the fun in growing plants is sharing, so don't be sad, we'll help you out
Ken, painted lady is one of the prettest Brugs, I love it


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

i can't believe the color and yesterday, they were white as snow. Such a Transformation.
Be patient Sherri, Fall is coming and we will be cutting off back up brugs and still have too many plants to take into the house.

Hamilton, OH

there are a lot of Brugs, that Bloom white, then turn pink, frosty pink does that, I am still waiting for PeanutXRosalla to Bloom pink so far it has been white Blooms, the shape of the Bloom is really nice, I just wish it would get some color
you're doing so well with your Brugs, they're all so healthy looking


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Oh, thank You. I couldn't do it without the help of my friends. Ken's Tropical Sunset is gdropping too. Isn't it cute???

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

I'm looking forward to seeing your Emarald Frost, have turned into a pro...look at all those blooms, and like Elizabeth said your plants look so healthy!

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Seems like it has taken me long enough, with the help of my friends; I'm getting there.
Charleen Thanks Dee

Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

I have so many plants that I want to bring in this winter.Like Elizabeth, I think I am gonna cut back on some brugs.Think I will keep all the doubles, and a few special singles.Just watch tho, when mine start blooming, I will think they are all When I was getting cuttings, last fall, I wanted everyone that I could get my hands on.
Elizabeth, did your petunias do ok?

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

well..yes she's there producing flowers this year.. where last year at this time she was trying to get a " Y " going.. and I suggested to her to load them up with her supply of manure to kick them into gear...
Lordy, Honey!!!! I got plenty of that with my mule and three donkeys. Thank you, I'll go put it on today.
Hope it is not too late..
it's lovely to see one's been of some help.. to the growers and the plants who's bidding I'm here to fullfill...
it's a reminder to me to not neglect their nitrogen... I did start them off early with the bloombooster this year.. big trees from last year.. but they are really starting over also... and need the full complement of " N " before moving on... when I applied my first BB this year... I bet I had 100 dropped yellowing leaves by the next day.. there's a heavy price for pushing the flowers... so I'm making shure now i give it lots of " N " .. and serching for the recomended fertilizer make up monica has recomended.. like Ken was poiting out
" P " should be 1/2 the " N " value.. and " K " should be back up like the " N "... the BB is way way away from these numbers.. Low " N " .. and a high " P "... I've been looking for these in fertilizers... been thinking i should have some custom blnded.. w/ lots of micro ingredients...[ which lots of companies will do ] who wants to in with me on a few tons..

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Bowing to the king of Brugs, one of many. Your royal Highness Sir Gordon.
Laughing on my way out the door to pour on more Donkey/mule tea.
Thank you Gordon,
Charleen and those 3 donkeys and a mule. (((())))

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Charleen you are doing so great with your brugs. I know you are so excited and can't wait to go see them every 15 minutes or so, Right? Charley did well!

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

They are wonderful and everyday an experience.

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

I pass a home that has 3 or 4 horses on my way to church. I may just work up the courage to stop and request some horse poo. Bringing my own bucket and lid of course. I wonder if they'll think I'm nuts?

Hamilton, OH

Good Morning everyone
Dee I will get you the Pic's this evening of the Emerald Frost & the Petunia's, they're doing great, now that it's so hot out I have too water them a lot more
Charlene, another good looking Bloom, I have too take a Pic of Harlot's lone Bloom, it Blooms a lot better when it cools down some
Gordon, you are so informative, no wonder you grow big Brug trees, I need too feed my Brugs more, if NN gets any taller
I will have too cut the whole top of it off, I have it planted next too a chain link fence, it is at least 4ft taller than that fence
it finally has Buds on it, tiny Buds, I'll have too use a ladder too get Pic's
Sheri, most people that have horses or cows, will gladly give you Manure


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

You are right, Elizabeth. Yes, sherri, they will give it to you. always go for the dry stuff. It won't burn like fresh will.

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