Strawberry's & Creme Brugmansia

Hamilton, OH

here's the new thread, this is Strawberry's & Creme

Thumbnail by plantlover49
Hamilton, OH

here's my other Plumeria, that needs too Bloom


Thumbnail by plantlover49
Hamilton, OH

Here's my Banana Tree, that needs too get with it, slow grower I guess


Thumbnail by plantlover49
Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

Great pics Elizabeth! Thanks for sharing. I have 2 bananas in a bed with some of the brugs.The thai black is doing great, but the hardy musa basjoo, isn't looking too hardy right now...don't know what going on with it.

Hamilton, OH

Girl it is so good too see you, thank you for the link, what do you think of my new camera? it is a pentax X90, I think it's my best ever camera, i can't wit for you too see the Pic's my oldest GD takes, she puts me too shame, I hope when she's 21
she will have a job as a free lance photographer, she has an eye for it, are you going to cut the tops off your bananas to take them in, you can leave that hardy one in the ground can't you?


Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

You and your new camera are doing a great job, Elizabeth! Beautiful clear pics!
Yes, I can leave the hardy one in the ground, but if the black tai doesn't get too big, I will probably just pot it up and set it on the sun porch.if it gets too big, I will cut it back and take it to the basement.
Can't wait to see some of your GD pics.Does she like taking pics of flowers?

Hamilton, OH

this is this first year she has shown an interest in growing plants, that Girl makes me proud, she has gotten so tall, i have too look up to her, she graduates High school next year, How's your pretty Brown eyed girl doing? I bet she's getting big
my GS, is the apple of my eye, he gets so mad at me if I don't acknowledge him when I walk through the room
I think Grandpa gets upset with me because he smiles so big when I pick him up, he tries so hard too walk, but he needs his braces

Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

She's doing great Elizabeth.Thanks for asking.She is talking up a storm.When I look at her now, it's hard to believe that she only weighed 4 lb. 10 oz, when she was born.
I know that your grandson, is grandma's boy, so just let papaw be

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Here is my Red Banana. It has really grown this summer.
I love the color...

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

Beautiful garden Charleen!What is the big ruffley leaf plant to the right of the banana? I love it!

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Split leaf Phildandrum I had in bath tub all winter long. I know it is enjoying being out side. the banana was took out this year for first time. It sure wasn't that pretty in the house.
Poor Adora still doesn't look right.

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

I thought that was what it might be.
Poor Adora...she looks like she has had too much sun..just like I do in this kidding

La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

Charleen, How much sun do your Brugs get? That's sunburn. Flowers don't have the same protection against the harsh sun that leaves have. In general, Brugs grow and bloom best when they get morning sun and afternoon shade. I know some people will tell you that their Brugs are in full sun. Not all Brugs and not all climates are the same. Some Brugs may be able to take the punishment. Change one little aspect and you change how a Brug reacts. I've noticed the flowers themselves don't last as long as they do in the fall and spring.

If the plant is stressed, and nutrient deficiencies or lack of fertilizer can stress a plant, it can be more susceptible to damage. The leaves in the background look small for a Brug and the tissue between the veins look pale or yellow. It looks like some sort of nutrient deficiency. This could be due to lack of fertilizer, very high or very low pH or a specific nutrient. If the pH is between 6.5 and about 7.5, then nutrient uptake shouldn't be a problem. On the other hand, your Brugs are growing and blooming> It's something some of us can't say. As Kenboy said in an earlier thread, in much of Texas, especially in the drier parts of the state, Brugs go into a summer dormancy period regardless of what we attempt with them. So far, mine are still growing.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Cute Kittens, cute grandbabies, beautiful flowers and awsome gardens. I am glad I could see them all.
I have had to move all my brugs to the part of the yards that are shaded in the afternoon, and so far they all look good compared to Frosty who in the spring had a wonderful flush but now is so sunburned, but in the ground on the north full sun fence. I can't dig him out and the temps are in the hundreds this week with no rain yet. I have stripped most of his leaves off as they turned yellow and his new growth has baby buds, but I don't expect them to do much. I do use sheer panel curtains from the thrift stores to drape over the plants that look stressed in the afternoon. I make tents with tall sticks for them.
Plz send me the black kitten LOL ( KIDDING) wish hubby would let me have one, but Duke Dog is so old he wants me to just stay focused on one pet at a time. Elizabeth your plummies are awsome, Gordon your rooftop Garden rocks , and Dee, Charleen and Elizabeth your blooms are very pretty! My red bananas are finally growing.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Thank you Betty for the information.

Hamilton, OH

Good morning everyone
Dee, it's good too hear, that the GD is doing so well
Charlene your garden is looking so good, is that a citrus tree, I see there, that red banana looks so tropical
Debra Thank you, I am keeping the little black kitten, she is such a ball of energy DH calls her demon, her name is Princess
the one's I have too find homes for are the tiger striped & the calico


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

That black kitten i a pretty little girl. That is a lemontree I think Elizabeth. After I put it outside it is putting on new growth. One of the fellas on the Banana forum told me my banana is Musa zebrina "Blood Banana" Whew that's a mouthful. But you can't eat the fruit I read, but no problem-no fruit.
I loce my gardens even if they do look like jungles. Wild & Exotic huh????

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

here's the nightblooming cereus this morning.. 4 flowers open the night before.. and two open last night .. and dozens of buds awaiting their spot in the moonlight...
I went to a friends nursery today... where he has brugs... and a bunch of mine I gave him last fall... they look better than the ones I kept... but he's cycled them through a series of greenhouses there..

Thumbnail by GordonHawk
La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

Lovely flowers, Gordon. A wonder they can poke through their surroundings. I love your jungle! It's something I can't have or it would attract every snake in the area. LOL.

Hamilton, OH

I love the jungle look
Gordon my 6ft catcus has all kinds of Buds on it also, one of them should open tonight, I will get a Pic of it, my night Blooming & day Blooming Cerus doesn't even have Buds yet, they just keep getting bigger, your Cerus is Beautiful
Veronica good too see you


(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Gordon that is beautiful.. is it a vine?
Elizabeth, calico kittens melt my heart.
Charleen, I love wild and exotic too.
Hi Dee, hope you had a great day!
Veronica it is always good to see you and read your knowledgeable posts.

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7b)

Thanks Ya'll .... well as Veronica said it looked overgrown.. indeed that part of it is... it's pot is in the takeoff area for my morning glory sail ..a large triangular trellis where all along the fence 20 strings are led up to the top of the weather mast... which sits in the center... the night blooming cereus is an eppi.. a, to me, spineless cactus like a Christmas cactus.. but with gigantic leaves.. much thicker and longer than the CC.. the part where the flowers were is compleatly overgrown by the MG's.. I pick the MG leaves off to open it up to some light.... every bit of green in the flower picture has nothing to do with the flower .. but is part of the MG's trellis attack on the annamometer.. up top of the weather mast..
I imagine a late season hurricane skirting us here ... will bring down the vines and antenna mast..although I've thought this might be the case in years past.. I've never had so much windage up there..
well this is it a few weeks ago... the NBC is at the far leaf ot the line.. in the center front of the photo behind the MG's are 4 or 5 brugs planted in the long thin deep planter there.. it's for first year plants.. and is a real test for them as it's up above the roof so... they catch alot of wind.. the MG's help break this wind for them.. and the planter is always dry.. being so thin [ 4 " ] .. up in the wind... and with all the vines sucking water up to their leaves..

Thumbnail by GordonHawk
Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

Good morning everyone. Gordon, those cereus blooms are enchanting.It is amazing to me that a plant that's...let's say, so plain(lol)..can put out such beautiful blooms. How big is your roof top? It gets more beautiful, every year.
Elizabeth, did the bloom on your big cactus open last night? Those prickly pears that you shared with me are growing like crazy.I just love them! I coo over them, even if I can't pet
Charleen, your garden does look like a lush tropical jungle, and I love it! Hey, is your lantana blooming? You haven't posted a pic of it this year.I picked up the prettiest peach lantana, not long ago.I have it in a hanging pot, because they aren't hardy here.I will cut them back and put them in the basement over winter.My red ones came thru last winter, like troopers, but no blooms on them yet...I think because they were root bound.
Debra, hope you are having a great day, too! I love calico cats, but with the 3 dogs, I don't have cats anymore.But, there are a couple strays that hang out here, and my neighbor and I both feed them. Drives the dogs crazy, when they see them walking across the back of the yard, and they can't get out of their fenced in area.It's probably not the smartest thing to do...feeding them, but I can't stand to see any animal hungry.
I slept in this morning (til 7), but I have managed to get 3 korean spice viburnums, and 3 bayberries planted. Now, if I could just figure out where to put the climbing hydrangeas. I 'm tired of moving plants around, so I'm really trying to plan things out..

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

here's one with the sun shinning on that banana and you can see the Philodandeum better, theres a hibiscus and a couple brugs in there plus the citrus tree. Good Morning Dee, You will get things situated, just a matter of time.
Nice roof top pic Gordon.

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Hamilton, OH

Good morning
Dee I was too late, too get the Catcus Bloom, but there are a lot of Buds, hopefully tonight I can catch one open
Gordon what a view I bet you spend a lot of time on the rooftop, it's Beautiful, your plants are always amazing, how long does it take you to water? it just took me an hour, I have a lot, small one at that for a yard
Charlene, your jungle looks great, Girl you really know how too take photo's
Debra, I wish you live closer, that little calico needs a good home


Hamilton, OH

here is a Pic of the kitten's being lazy

Thumbnail by plantlover49
Hamilton, OH

The other 2 being lazy,

Thumbnail by plantlover49
Hamilton, OH

here's the Buds on the catcus, hopefully I can catch one open tonight, anyway this Buds for you


Thumbnail by plantlover49
Hamilton, OH

another one

Thumbnail by plantlover49
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Eliz.. hehe thanks, That is way cool! My pear is still making pads? Maybe next year for blooms?

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Beautiful, Elizabeth. Love cacti and kittens are as cute as can be.
Got another brug in the dirt. I put it in raised bed. Makes it easier and put rocks around it and watered it in good. Got to get you pic. Another Adora. Believe I got three of them.
Water lily


Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Hamilton, OH

that Bloom is amazing, I love it, had too look at it close up, Thank you for posting your Beauty


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I transplanted another brug into the ground. I made a raised bed garden. Put the form up and all I hadto do was clean out the weeds, which I have already done. I poured in two bags of potting soil to raise it enough to work. Put in the poor Adora and covered her up. Put rocks around her in hopes chicken or dog won't dig her up. Watered her with Charley Tea and a watering can of water.
She is looking so much better. One of the girls sent me some bulbs and planted them in back.
Here is the picture.
See my rain chime on the post???

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

Great pics, Ladies.Those kittens are adorable! Charleen I love pics where the sun is shining thru, like that. Elizabeth, thanks, for the That thing is gonna be beautiful.It is full of buds, isn't it?

Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

Great idea Charleen. I need to do something like that. I have crabgrass that keeps creeping into my beds.I love that little smiling face.Did you make it? Neat rain chime, too!

Big Sandy, TX(Zone 8a)

Charleen, you will be glad you went to the extra trouble and planted it out and someday Adora will pay you back in flowers.

Orange Sunshine in a basket;

Thumbnail by kenboy
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I know Ken, I have some more to put in that bed.
ThanK you all.
Not lazy, just got so many but so glad to have them.
That is beautiful. What size is that basket???
No, I didn't make it. It is full of buds. maybe it will do better than it's sister, even tho she does have more blooms forming.

Hamilton, OH

Dee, Thank you, it will be hard too part with those 2 kittens, they are so much fun, I am staying up a little later too get a Pic of the Catcus Bloom open, it's reall pretty
Charlene, nice raised bed, it's beautiful
Ken, it's nice too see you have Blooms, that's a nice basket, I will have too trade you something for a clippings of your Orange Brug, that's my favorite color


Ladoga, IN(Zone 6a)

Beautiful basket Ken! The cutting of orange sunshine that I traded you out of last fall, didn't make it thru the winter. But, thanks, to the generousity of several people, (especially you, Elizabeth) on this forum, I have plenty. I hope to help some newbies get started this year, with cuttings.
Can't wait to see a pic of your open blooms, Elizabeth.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Beautiful job there Charleen. I love your new raised bed.
Ken I love yur hanging brug basket. I am thinking of moving the small Brug Plants to baskets.
Those rain chimes are way cool!
Hey Dee, I have Grass called burumuda coming to my gardens that stuff is BAD!

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