CLOSED: '09 Fall Frenzy Swap #12

GA, GA(Zone 7b)

Oh dear, they always pick them up here but I'm near a big city, Atlanta, so that may make a difference.

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

we have 15,000 people. I just don't think he pays attention, usually he has an mp3 player poked in his ears or he's talking on his cell phone

GA, GA(Zone 7b)

"he has an mp3 player poked in his ears or he's talking on his cell phone"

That would do it! :)

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

well come on do you know how hard it is to explain to your kids you need to pay attention...and they see the mailman skip our mail again....even though he put mail in the box...and he's older than thier Dad

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I'm going to be the last person sending in their box I bet Ha!

I think I did finish my seed list today with what everyone is getting now just the paper work to go I've been trying lol

I go to the lawyers tomorrow I finally finished my deposition now I have to go to her to sign off on it and need to take my grandson (that sounds good) shopping for Christmas clothes I know I won't be worth anything after that to get paper work done Ha! Paper work will have to wait another day lol

I just put my updated list up would everyone that oinked for seeds look to see if everything is on there you wanted and if anyone wants anything else let me know I'm closing it late Tues. night to get them ready to box. Squuuueeeee!!! everyone :) The swap is almost over :( I am so axious to get my little piggy munchies here in my grubby little hoofs! I don't think I can wait.

Thanks everyone for all the great seeds and the fun of squeeeeelllling for them!

Ella your are a great hostes with the mostest! You must have the patience of a critter waiting to pounce on live food to put up with all of us lol Bet ya haven't heard that one yet lol I just can't imagine all the work you do to feed us little piggies you are a good momma LOL Thank you!

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

yes she is

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Splish Splash this piggy been taking a bath

While the seed fenzy been going on. Lalalalalal

Wish I coudl remmebr the rest of the words to the the orginal song splish bath. All I cna say is after 2 hours of solid rain. I sure am squeeky clean. Even behind the ears. LOL

Stuck my head otu the door and sheesh from rain and cold yesterday it 52 out right now, misty and fog so thick ya can't see my tail a wiggling. Not goo deither cuz can't see if snake out either.

What wa s ba d wa s ther e been so much rai and floodign down here on the way to church ther e was a group of ducks goign crazy tryign to find dry spot to get out of the water. More rain arrivng shortly.

We have officaically and then some doen broke the all time rainfall record. Highest was in 1964 we about 3 inche s abov e that now and mor e rain to come.

Heck it so ba d down here preacher aske d everybody who ha s been prayign for rain to please stop. LOL or direct it to places that need it.

Think the severe drought of last coupel years ha s now finally caught up. Well, don't think Flodia, Ga and Al be fighting over wate r rights for a little while.


When we change this thread today or tommorrow , the new thread will now be in our home spot on the Cottage Gardening Forum. You wil see the numbe r of thread which is 12 here jump to numbe r like 45 or 46 ( forget which numbe r w e on)

So don't freak when the see the change and make sur e ya either check in on the Cottage Garden forum thread or put the ne w one on your watch.

Dave is good enough to let us run all this time and all thes e threads gettign the oinks done and now we getting near the main chatter and the finalization of boxes, and it time we move over to our home base, so other folks can now have their seed trding posts seen mroe easilier.

The piggy fun is not stopping, we just have to giv e others a chance and we can gab and ask questions mroe f reely now on the CG forum and our threads there.

You will see our Piggy logo for our continuing threads over in the Cg forum.

When we change the thread.... links to jump over there and the first post information will be tranferred for ya too. : )

Montrose, AR(Zone 8a)

Gen I got the upright love lie bleeding for you ... I am closing my list this morning all... Getting my seeds in the mail today.... This swap sure has been fun... Sorry I didnt have alot of different things every one wanted, but hope that next year I'll have ya'll snorting and pawing in the mud for more....

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

My list is closed and I'm headed to the PO today.

As I fully expected, it has been a blast! I must admit, I underestimated the time it would take to get all of my seeds together and prepped for mailing, but it is done!

Thanks so much everybody for your generosity and enjoyable chatter. I have kept up with reading the threads, but didn't have time to "pipe in" much. Y'all are a great group of folks.

Tonya ---{--@

GA, GA(Zone 7b)

Went through the Salvia box and more and am having one more Oink-a-palooza!

(you may want to state your top two picks just in case there is a stampede)

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Danita, I'd love to try Penstemon calycosus

GA, GA(Zone 7b)

Gemini, I already had you down for the Penstemon calycosus from earlier in the swap. :)

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

LOL, I thought that was a new one. Thanks!

Trenton, MI(Zone 5b)

Danita, I'd love to try the Dianthera nodosa.

Trenton, MI(Zone 5b)

Ok Danita, You said the top 2 choices of your list ... my second choice is Zaushneria californica. Other than that, I'd love any seeds that you have had great success with in attracting hummingbirds. (I'll bet your smiling at that major OINK!) lol

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Neil... I"ve done that too. See a seed, get all excited, only to find out you've Oinked it already.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Danita... if any of those Salvias do not go... I'll take'em all. None of those names look familiar to me, so i currently do not have them... but i don't wanna be a total pig and snatch them up before others get a chance.... so... if they still need a home when you are 'boxing up' toss'em in my baggie.

im definitely going to be late. i had terrible weather last week so i got behind on stuff..ill close my list when i have sent
pam sue

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Oh Danita, I would really like to have those Salvia flava var. megalantha they are yellow I don't have any yellow salvias :) Oink Oink!!!

Sorry Terese I'll save you some seeds Ha! IF I get to get them!

I may as well oink for some shorter Blazing Star while I'm at it! How tall do these get I was wanting some of those last year but I was thinking they weren't a perennial here but it looks like they are, the plantfiles lists them all heights I hate it when they do that!

This message was edited Dec 14, 2009 12:36 PM

Browns Mills, NJ(Zone 6b)

Ah, LeBug.... your going to have to save some seeds of that one next year if you get it! I was going to request it too lol!

Back to the rest of the list now ;-)

Browns Mills, NJ(Zone 6b)

Ok :-)

Danita... If you still have it available, the Salvia greggii ex 'Citron Stampede' pretty please ;-)
I'll shoot you a d-mail now too.


Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Piggy mail call for today. This is who arrived.


Time to go toss seed s for awhile into troughs.

A yellow Salvia. Didn't think they cam ein a yellow. Bug, or whoever gets them, if you get them ya definately got to save soem for the rest of us next year.

Are we bad or what already puttign in tequests for next year. hehehehehe

Whiel I thinkign abotu it onthe question of liek Salvia greggo. Thos e of you who grow it do ya prune it back when it goe s dormant or do ya just let it grow how it wants ?

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

>>Salvia greggo

Star... i have 1 plant that i grew by seeds... i'd have to look up who i got them from... but they are not really hardy to my zone, so i have it planted by my bay window, where i can 'squeek' an extra zone but to the foundation and southern exp. I did not cut it back, and i'll have to watch it to see if it comes back next year...

and LEA... yes to the Yellow Salvia for next year.

Montrose, AR(Zone 8a)

I put my seeds in the mail today... Hopefully you will get them around Thursday...

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

I haven't been on DG for almost a week so I should have known it would take me an hour to play catch-up. In case anyone's interested finals are over and at least all the hard work paid off. I lost (and I do mean lost) 10 weeks of my life to algebra, but I ended up with a B and couldn't have been more tickled. Well, I suppose I'd have been more tickled with an A, but since I didn't expect to even pass the class, my tickle level is plenty high with the B.

A huge thank-you for all your work Ella. I'm happy that we were able to send you a token of our appreciation.

I did not even look at any of the new offerings. I'm betting Lea had some real goodies, and I saw a couple of new salvias mentioned that made my mouth water, BUT...

Even though I closed my list over a week ago, I still haven't gotten my package in the mail to Star. So yesterday I started finishing everything up, and since my house has looked like a war zone for the past 2 months (as in zero house cleaning) I decided to just go ahead and organize all my seeds. There were a few packs laying here, and a few packs laying there, a bag full here, and a bag full there, all just laying around at random. I still had all the fall seed collecting paraphernalia scattered around...paper plates, baggies, sieves, piles of uncleaned was a real mess! OMGoodness, by the time I had collected everything together I had 2 gallon zip-lock baggies full of seeds. It makes me sad that I didn't have time to go through everything at the BEGINNING of the swap as I'm sure I could have found homes for at least part of them, but I don't guess anybody was left wanting, and hopefully I'll have more time next fall and can offer them up at that time. The bad part is now I have to make room in the fridge for 2 gallons of seeds. Oh the new ones I'll be getting in a few weeks. LOL!

(GardenQuilts I think I was able to send all your requests minus one.)

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Lala, that Echie started showing color just as the 18F temps hit. What I can see is a rosey color, and seems to have coral tint. The petals were still curled like straws when it froze, so inconclusive at this point, but I've seen enough to make me excited to see it next year.

GA, GA(Zone 7b)

Hi All,

I'm going to have to figure out who gets what on the salvias and let you know because there were thread oinks and d-mail oinks everywhere! :)

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

if there are none left, that is fine... but as mentioned, i'll take any stragglers.

I can oink again next year.

GA, GA(Zone 7b)

Congrats on the B Lala_Jane! ^_^

Star, you'll want to wait until late winter/early spring to cut back that Salvia. If you prune back any salvia/agastache before that, then they usually won't make it through the winter. Some have hollow stems that funnel water to the crown and cause it to rot out. The greggii never goes totally dormant for me. It just looks scraggly.

There are several yellow salvias such as flava, madrensis, glutinosa and some forms of greggii. The 'Citron Stampede' greggii is a pale yellow, but Rich Dufresne said that a bright yellow form has been found in Mexico but couldn't be reached for seeds. Hopefully, seeds will be obtained and we'll have a bright yellow greggii in the near future. :)

If you want to drool over salvias check out this website:

(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

Lea, I've sent a dmail to you for one of your Ruds :)

Ella, my box and money went out to you today..flat rate envelope, since I only have 31 packets coming to me.. I hope I did all of it right LOL
Thanks for letting me backtrack into this swap..I'm glad I changed my mind cause I've had such a terrific time :)

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Well I think we should settle this little yellow salvia thang and if I get them I'll let Ella have them she should get her pick don't you think little piggies squeeeellll!!!

Good luck Danita those salvias are dangerous around here snort snort Aren't you glad we can't stampede you on here Ha!

OH La ;-) I am so proud of you all your hard work paid off! Can you see those dust seeds still after hitting the books so hard snort snort I don't think I had any real goodies in this swap but I hope to next year lol I had several out in that middle bed that turned to weeds that I wanted seeds off of guess I probably lost those altogether this year I'll have to wait and see if I can dig them out in the spring. I have to dig my herb garden out too if I can and it has all of my skullcaps in it!

Get this little piggies :) I worried about that deposition having it in by today like my lawyer wanted me to and she didn't even see me today! I was so mad lol I could have spent the weekend on the crisper! Ha!

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I'm glad you changed your mind too it was good to have you with us and yes wasn't it fun squeeeeelllllll!!! And just think you know so many more people on here now!

I gotcha on the Dwarf Rud snort snort

(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

I am truly blessed with the wonderful people on Dave's.. you'll never know how much it's helped me this year to just keep going one day at a time because of the kindnesses and friendship of so many people.

Hugs to all of you

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Danita, great site, do you belong to that salvia group? I do but I never go in can't get past DGs!

I want Hot Lips sooo oinking bad :P

Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

LeBug, Remind me in the spring, and I will send you some Hot Lips cuttings. I can send you some now, if you want.

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

Star, I prune my salvia greggii by one third in January and again in June or July (J months) so they produce two very full "flushes" of blooms. hth I do the same for my salvia coccinea.

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

I can't wait until Spring!!!!! okay, I'm having a hard time gettig my laptop to do what I want it to do so does anyone know what an acer palmatum 'Virdis' loks like, I know it's a japanese maple, but tha's all and everytime I try to go to plant files my computer geeks out

It's the weeping cutleaf green jap. maple and in later summer changes color to a golden yellow color. I have one small.

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

ok I couldn't remember what it looked like and I got a pack of seeds...gonna see how well this works...if they all germinate, I'll be giving a bunch away! LOL

GA, GA(Zone 7b)

LeBug, are you talking about the Salvia yahoo group?
If so, then yes I'm signed up on that group. However, it's mostly the same people that are here on Dave's and also on GW's Salvia forums so I mostly read those two.

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