CLOSED: '09 Fall Frenzy Swap #12

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

We came from here....

Here is Star's information for sending seeds....

Stay warm out there!!

Thumbnail by tcs1366
Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Cool. I first!!!!!!!!!!!! : )

That is if nobody posts before me.

Shoot ya worrie d abotu flyign things. Ya evr see a piggie fly. Well if ya would have been here abotu an horu ago ya would have seen this one flying.

Had to go to store and tryignt o carry bags in as I heading up the steps i hear a rustle, so I look thinkign oh my lizard is out playign in the leave s and in the pots. Looked to say hi and talk to it and gulpe d in air.. let out scream... and froze in spot for moment. All ya coudl hear wa s my knees knockign and me telling them to buck up that now w as no tiem to faint . Heck the brain ran oen way and the body wante d to run another cu ther e to greet me wa s no my nic e lizard, btu darn balck snake. It staye d ther e and gave me the evil snake ye look and stared and stared whiel I finally got my legs into motion to mov e back off of it and run aroudn in to the back door intot he house.

Now her e I am tryign to get the old ticker to slow down and grab my breath back and make me a cup of coffee to settle my nerve s when what do I hear..


Drat.. maillady puleld up in driveway witth LEBUG yoru boxes and ther e I am havign to try an get from insid e hous e to her and she blarign away on the horn.

Ther e i am, tryign to decid e do I want to stay safe in the hous e or try and brave the distanc e between front door and her vechile knowing ful well that darn snake is still there.

So no I havign heart racing for a secodn and third tiem as I make a mad dash to car and back as ther e so many elave s here have no ide a wher e at udne r them he hiding.

But LeBug I have yoru boxes in my hands. I braved that snake .

he5e's to glad I had nice weatehr but hopign cold coems quick so no mroe snake sfor awhile. Now back to my rbeathign excersise s to calm down.

breath in.. breath out.. LOL

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

tcs, perrrrfect time to make a new thread LOL

Ella open those boxes! Little one first LOL

Drum roll.................................

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

**tap tap tap** ...... well........ what's in the box?? I bet Lea's got lots of goodies in there.

and how BIG was that snake?? We dont have many around here.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

ROFL Lea... Yea.. open the boxes Ella!!

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

tap tap tapping my foot never had to wait this long for her to open a box LOL

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

would you believe i have 27 Salvias in my spreadsheet!! what the heck am I gonna do with 27 salvias??

OK Ella.... *** tap tap tap ***

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Terese if you have too many salvias I'll take them off your hands lol Not really I think I oinked for a 'few' too lol

Ella put that darn coffee down and open those darn boxes and dont spill the coffee on your keyboard LOL

I wish I lived in a zone the snakes were still out at leasst I knowit would be warmer now instead of 22 degrees!

This message was edited Dec 10, 2009 2:38 PM

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I did tell Robin I'd send her some extras if i had a lot... and Lea -- I think I got a lot from you.

Ella -- where are you?? Bet she's opening packages, but off line.... she'll be back soon, unless she's dealing with the snake in the yard.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Here's my list... some could be duplicates, but this is how they were marked....
[bet it wont format correctly]

Salvia Sage, Blue Chiquita Blue
Salvia Sage, Red [NoID] Red
Salvia [Hybrid] "Mesa Purple" Purple
Salvia azurea Blue Sage blue-purple
Salvia coccinea Lavender Lavendar
Salvia coccinea Coral Nymph apricot/coral/white
Salvia coccinea Hummingbird Sage Red
Salvia coccinea Salvia, Scarlet sage, Lady in Red bonfire
Salvia coccinea Salvia, Scarlet sage, Lady in Red Forest Fire
Salvia coccinea Hummingbird Sage Snow Nymph
Salvia Elegans Pineapple Sage Red
Salvia farinacea Mealy Cup Victoria Blue
Salvia farinacea Mealy Cup Blue-violet
Salvia forskaohlii Indigo Woodsage Blue
Salvia greggii Red
Salvia guaranitica Brazilian Sage Black & Blue
SALVIA lyrata Purple Knockout Blackish Blue
SALVIA nemorosa Rose Queen Pink
Salvia penstemonoides Big Red Sage Red
Salvia roemeriana Hot Trumpet Red
Salvia splendens Yvonne's Red
Salvia splendens Bonfire Red Red
Salvia subrotundro Red
Salvia x superba Queen Pink Pink
Salvia × sylvestris Queen Blue Purple
Salvia transylvanica Blue Spires Blue
Salvia verbenaca Vervain Salvia Violet

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

i didnt count mine promised i know its like 150 i am a bad piggy.

Star package left here today priority mail. so should get it in a few days.

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

now you sound like me with the salvias. hehe didnt look to see how many i had scared too. but the hummies love them

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

LOL I did have a few salvias this yere if there are too many of them I can take some out of your trough LOL Nope once they are in there they are there to stay!

You know last year she wouldn't open the swap seeds until everyones packages were there so I put to open right away on the smaller box forgot to put that on the other box.

Oh Ella I haven't sent my seeds in yet I'm getting ready to offer more seeds tonite after eveyone gets home from work open those darn boxes both of them I've having fits here and you are right terese she probably isn't even on line right now :) She'll B back! I'm going back to doing seeds lol

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

imz... it was the first swap i was in - Feb or 08
I think I got back over 200+ packs... I think that was the Spring i started my spreadsheet...and i just adjust it as I get new ones and get rid of stock.

but .. dang.. i'm still over 200... OK 234 to be exact... there are a few that were not inputted yet... but when i get my seeds I'll finish up.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

OH Lea... i thought you sent in your seeds....

I thought this year Ella was going to open them and start divvying them up to get a jump on things.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

They just lined up there perfect terese! Now you are going to have all kinds of salvia seeds to offer for next year let's see I think I'll make my list right now LOL

Southborough, MA(Zone 6a)

All- closing my list tonight so I can get my seeds sent out by Saturday Morning. Last chance for oinking.


Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

this whole "Where is Ella?" is killing me... i have to step away... maybe i'll go clean some drawers out.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I'm just sitting here going thru my crisper drawer full of seeds but can't get them done because I keep hitting refresh LOL

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Ella had to go lay down , she be back on in a little. She is still sick but you know she don't like stopping unless she has to. LOL

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Thanks Carolyn, at least we know now to wait a bit appreciate it sure hope she gets to feeling better soon it's got to take a toll on her doing this swap too thanks I'll dmail you :)

Canton,IL &Dent Coun, MO(Zone 5b)

Guess what Blake's doctor recommended as therapy for him...Plants! I thought Dad was gonna pee his pants laughing

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

LOL.... plants are very therapeutic.... he'd better finish up that green house.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Hey it's a cure all trina lol Somehow I wonder if it will work but wouldn't it be great if he helped you in your beds for next year! :) If he gets out by then I hope it works for him but something tells me it's going to take a long time to undo what has been done to him if he can put it behind him at all such a hard thing for him to go thru and it will screw him up for the rest of his life it's so sad! I really hope everything works out for him! He's so young sigh...

Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

I love your list of salvia. I couldn't believe it this year all mine were still blooming up until Monday night when we had a 2nd day of under 30 weather. We hit freezing temps several times at night before this and they just kept right on going. I wished I had been able to get out there at the right time and get the darn seeds,

That coral nymph reseeded itself from the year before and they were very prolific. In other words they went from 2 plants last year to a garden size area of 5 ft long by 3 wide. I loved it. I tried pulling some of them to keep the reseeding down, but my head said one thing and my fingers ignored it. I'll let them come up where they may. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

(PSSSSSSST) If you want to get rid of some I'm in the exchange........

Plants are very therapeutic, I started playing with them when I got hurt and they disabled me. It sure kept myself from having private pity parties. Now the only pity party I have is no GH, NO money left from buying plants to be able to buy more, and never having enough time to play with the plants.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Robyn, leave it to me to read something amusingly wrong! When I read "Plants are very therapeutic, I started playing with them when I got hurt and they disabled me." first I thought the plants disabled you, LOL. I guess in spring we've all felt like the plants have disabled us, LOL!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I have not germinated Coral Nymph yet... I jsut had so many last year, i couldnt get to them all.

but this year, i will have my list of "things i MUST sow"

I think I'm going to have to clear and area of Cut Leaf Teasel next year to make a bigger bed. we shall see how that works out.

Boy -- I hope Ella is feeling better soon... was starting to think that snake pushed her over the edge.

Carolyn -- thanks for letting us know she's laying down for a rest.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I can't believe it's still warm enough there for the snakes to be out mine go in around the last of Sept. maybe.

I never have but this year I'm trying to get organized enough to put my baggies into catagories like Suzy was talking about this year we'll see how that goes too lol I'm never organized that's why I'm so late listing seeds this year Ha!

I still have a bunch of baggies to go thru to list but have listed about 14 so far lol NOT ON THE LIST THREAD YET, a little later :)

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

she is up now, should be here very soon.

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

coral nymph is my favorite. plan to make a bed just of them once i get my salvia bed done.

shoot i get presents like snake and stuff all the time. last snake i got wouldnt let me in my car. they as outdoor cats not sure who was at fault decided to bring a 5 ft snake home alive. could see teeth marks in it . well i finally got it in a box (harmless water snake) too k it to local wildlife park by river. needless to say he was not very happy. i get little dead babies all the time.

life of a woman with cats.

Ella deep breaths old saying if you leave it alone it will leave you alone. just wish my cats would take it too heart.

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

mine is on its way to Ella. probably forgot something on the list but its on is way.

the white envie is the lists and postage and label. seeds labeled in baggies is in bubble envie. got delivery confirmation on it.

and each baggie has dg name on it. and loose seeds labeled loose seeds.

so hope i did it right and didnt forget anything.

GA, GA(Zone 7b)

Trina, I haven't posted in a couple of days so I just wanted to wish you, your family and especially your stepson the best. I'm glad you were finally able to get the assistance you needed.

Ella, glad you escaped the snake!
I had a big, 4-5' long Eastern Kingsnake in my yard this summer. I was happy about it though because the yard is overrun with chipmunks and I twist my ankles in their holes all the time. Also, Eastern Kingsnakes are known to eat poisonous snakes like copperheads and rattlesnakes. We just kept out of each others way and all was well.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Imazadi, Sounds like you did good girl I can only imagine what Ella goes thru when she gets all of these 50 some odd boxes with seeds lol She has better nerves than I have or she has drugs one lol Maybe she puts a little something in her coffee when she starts passing them all out Ha!

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Ok folks I am here!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry folks. Afte r I got the boxe s in the neighbor s dogs back in the pen that got out at same time wa s hurting and ha d to take some med s and lay down and not mov e for a bit.

I thought the two boxes I got was just Lebugs seeds and so I put on table to open with rest of mail later when I got up and been offline.

Knowign that it was gonan be 22 in the morning, starte d haulig seedlings flats in and they in the room with the piggy buckets, and thta reminde d me, need to undo the two boxes I got today.

As I picke d the little one up first I happene d to see open this one before all seed s arrive. Thought cool. Must be soem special thign for me to put in people s piggy feeders.

So imagien my surpris e when I opene dit up and found batteries, and tape and more seed envie s . I did a piggy jig. I was all smile s and going on saying ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh them piggies .. They just so sweet. : )

And then........ ( giv e me few mintue s to type evrybody)

Thumbnail by starlight1153
Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

and then.. if ya notic e first thign I did wa s get into the batteries and hea d back to oen of the piggy trough rooms and take some pics: )

her e buckets all over my bed. Spare be d being use d for extra trough right now.

(hold on story not done yet)

Thumbnail by starlight1153
Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Where's box #2? you said BOXES.

>>(hold on story not done yet)

OK... i'll wait patiently.

This message was edited Dec 10, 2009 5:16 PM

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

and piggy fee dbuckets starting ot get filled. I wa s so excited to have batteries. I wa s thinking greta cna show the piggies soem pics. : )

( mor e to comestill)

Thumbnail by starlight1153
Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

I gettign there. LOL Ya knwo everythign a story with me hehehehehe..

Well then I carrie d the secodn box into bedroom thinkign this must be the one with seed s in and put it on the table to open and then to start pitchign seed s with.

I had a major battle with some duck tape. It refused to open up. so I rippe d the box open .

( stil not done)

Thumbnail by starlight1153
Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

You better b careful with that box Ella :)

In my defense Ella I had to make a box to cover the odd box lol Didn't think you would mind Ha!

This message was edited Dec 10, 2009 6:22 PM

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Well, I have receive d boxes for the piggy swap in all sizes shapes and conditions, so didn't think to much of the box that wa s insid e the abov e box at first.

I felt stuff moving and thought dang she must have really organize d the seed s lal in there nic e and neat and in order and such. I opene d the end up and no seeds came out.

I gave little shake and stil no seed packets. I turn the thing up and see soem foam and somethign black so I stick my hand insid e to pul out the seeds.

What I pulle d out was not seeds. what was in the box had me sittign on the floor amoung all the piggy troughs with tears runign down my face and stil sittign her e all full of tears too.

why .......

becas e what was in the box wa s not seeds but wa s somethign that have needed and wante d and talke d abotu gettign for the past years , but never had the extra money for.

This is the gift that I found that has this piggy so teary eyed and humble d and happy and so much emtiosn all goign on at once.

Thumbnail by starlight1153

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