CLOSED: '09 Fall Frenzy Swap #9

Beaumont, TX(Zone 9a)

herbspirit, Lion's tail is in your trough

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

AJ.. If I haven't already oinekd for soem Lions Tail and ya got some left, oinkign for some. If ya alreayd mailed that ok.

Bluespiral have your box.

Maxine got yoru bubbler envie today, but ya forgot to send stamps or money to mail your envie back. When ya get a chanc e if ya could in the mail would appreciate it. : )

Tcs.. It is quite possible that they thought thos e were the seed s they sent but accidently sent somethign else. Ya it happens sometimes. Maybe from yoru pic s what we got cna be identified.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

want any seeds? I'll be sowing more this year just so i can watch them better... but i've got a few pods.... I was planning on giving you some anyways, since you asked about them.

GA, GA(Zone 7b)

tcs, Okay, I'm confused. Based on the leaves, it looks like the plant in this post:
is a different plant from the one in that recent foliage photo. I agree that the plant in the foliage photo does look a lot like Penstemon mexicali. So do you know what that fuchsia flowered plant is in the first photo?

Oh, I know what you mean about exceeding a self imposed limit! I was only going to oink for 25 packs and I'm at 60 something! We both did the same thing. :)

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Danita... due to the height of that plant in the photo you linked to... it could very well be a completely different plant. Like i said... the location was there, but the height of the plant is not.

I can not think of what else was in that area.

with the foliage images. it certianly looks like a Penstemon.

I was planing on goign back outside while it is still nice out... i can look around in that area... which as i recall was mostly Agastaches ... I had 3 purple pygmys there and somethign else too... but i can't recall.. and dont reallyhave any photos.

Holy cow... i jsut found one.... in the folder there are 270 images spanning 2 yrs... gimme a min to edit it.

GA, GA(Zone 7b)

Oh speaking of mis-marked seeds, last year I sent a couple of piggies some seeds that I purchased as Nicotiana 'Lime Green.' This year when I grew some, they were not Nicotiana at all. They fell victim to a spider mite invasion so I'm not sure what they really were, but they weren't Nicotiana 'Lime Green.' I suspect they may have been some type of Celosia or Amaranthus which I'm not fond of and would never have purchased! Sorry about the confusion but I had no idea they sent me the wrong seed.

FYI, I still plan on adding a few new seeds as I get things packaged up.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

ok... here is the whole image, with a bit of cropping....

the main object is my Purple Pygmy .... but you can see it in the lower/left side... I'll enhance. it....

oh -- i am just tickled pink about this find...

Thumbnail by tcs1366
Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

here is a cropped down version... you can see the pink blooms and the seed pods... it's not really in focus, but you can definitely see it's a penstemon. YAY

I'm thinking that Mexicali Hot Rocks ....

Thumbnail by tcs1366
GA, GA(Zone 7b)

Oh okay, the fuchsia "flowers"in the first photo were Agastache calyces! Ha,ha, that had me confused! :)
The flowers of the mystery plant really look like Penstemon mexicali likely 'Red Rocks' as was suggested on the ID forum.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

since all of those plants were new to me this year... and i didnt see all of them blooming ... i guess i did nto know what i was looking at. Thanks... and i've edited out the other posts so they are not confusing anymore...

well... gonna go enjoy what little sunshine we have left... winter should be hitting us tomorrow. It's 55° and sunny currently.

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

I have a maybe dumb question for you guys, since I didn't have very good success with wintersowing last year. What kind of soil do you use in your wintersowing containers? I used the same sterile mix that I used indoors, but wonder if it's too light, so maybe the seeds get too cold?
I also had my containers on my roofdeck floor, so possibly they froze too much due to air circulation from underneath as well?
Any info would be appreciated as there's no way I can start all of these seeds indoors!!!

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Perennially me. When I start outside seeds I us e soemthign Miracle grow or what I liek better is the Jungle Soil commercial mix. If you using a sterile mix. Your seed s probably starving beside s gettign to cold.

A seed sterile mix doesn't have the nutrient s to keep a seedlign going. Unles s you otu ther e fertiliizng it all the time.

Soembody probably have soem better advice, they can giv e ya either on this thread or on the ne w one.

Scoot along little piggie s ot thread numebr 10!

Fremont, OH(Zone 5b)

What do you do if you can't differentiate the seed from the other stuff?
I have seed from a cupids dart that I am trying to clean and I'm having a terrible time picking them out!
Any suggestions would be appreciated.

How do you find out what others have to offer?


Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Violap. Jump over to the thread number 10 now.

if ya not sur e what is seeds and what is chaff just list as with havign chaff. Just put the whole seed hea d in.

In the veyr first post on each threa d is the links to the big haves list of whateverbody has and then a small list for indivuual folks names.

Soem folks liek me with pute r problems may have stuff liste d that not available cuz we can't update lists yet, but just need to ask that person.

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