CLOSED: '09 Fall Frenzy Swap #9

Marietta, MS(Zone 7b)

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you.


GA, GA(Zone 7b)

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! ^_^

Browns Mills, NJ(Zone 6b)

To all my fellow gardeners... "Happy Thanksgiving!" I hope you and your family are safe, happy and comfortably full ;)

My computer broke down yesterday. The motherboard went. So, I have to steal some time on my 16 year old's new one. It's like prying a bone away from a hungry dog, lol! So, I will check in as often as I can until my computer comes back :-)


Kannapolis, NC

Andrea: Watch out you don't lose an arm or a hand reaching for that keyboard! Bummer.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Hopefully ya ll fat and sassy, and happy piggies, but incase there somebody who stil ha s some room. have alimite d supply of these.

First oinks, on her e or dmail gets.

Thes e are all the Magellen Series . They about a 12" high Zinna and are continous bloomers.

Offering fiv e seed sin each packet a s thes e are expensive to buy.

Her eis the color s I have

3 yelow
3 Scarlet
3 Orange
3 Ivory
3 Cherry
3 Coral
3 Pink

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

Star i would love the coral and cherry as i have never heard of tiny zinnias.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Imzadi. Tossign them two color s yoru way. : )

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

can i have two colors??

Scarlet and Orange... if only 1, i'll take Scarlet.

Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)

When you piggies roll away from the Thanksgiving trough
for a few minutes you may be interested in my "snap & snatch" deadheading that I'm sorting through.

Have some blue ageratum - 4 pkgs of 20 seeds

and 8 pkgs of 30 (Colorado?) blue columbine seeds.

The ageratum are bushy little buggers so thats why less
seed per pack.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

ooh, Star, I'd love either the cherry or the pink zinnia... thanks! I'll be ordering some Starlight Rose zinnia, and you know I'll share with you when they arrive (seems obvious that you need that one)... they were a good price in a bigger packet from HPS this year. :-)

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Does anyone want any
Eastern Purple Coneflower
Echinacea purpurea

I have a bit of seeds and I dont think i've listed them.

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

thanks star.

GA, GA(Zone 7b)

Star, I'd love to try the Cherry and Coral Magellan Zinnia. First choice would be the Coral. Thanks so much!

I don't know about everyone else but I'm still stuffed from Thanksgiving dinner. I hope everyone had a great day! :)

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

tcs.. critter.. danita. got ya too : )

Critter. .. I have seed of the Starlight Rose already. Ha d it up on the swap. You want soem of it so ya don't have ot buy it?

(Zone 7a)

Hi Star - groggy from lots of traveling, but still have oinking powers, if we can do that after we send in our seeds? So, if okay, this is to oink for a coral Magellan zinnia (2nd choice would be scarlet). I do not need both.

Piggy box was sent to you Wednesday, 11/24/09, priority, confirmation # 0309 0330 0000 0157 8054.

Sent you that "sheet of paper" via email with our piggy information you wanted included in our boxes, in hopes it's okay for you to print it out on your end and stick in my box when it arrives. I have succeeded in murdering another printer - too embarrassing to explain. Feel free to copy and post my list of extras for Ye Piggies.

I also updated our dmail.

All righty - hope everyone had a great T-day. I enjoy everyone's Thanksgiving posts - well said.


Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

When the next thread starts, or on December 1st, will start a new thread, whichever coems first and will put up the directions again for folks to get their seed packets all ready to send in for thos e that are ready or wil be ready shortly. If ya need to review til that goes up you can click on the guideline s link from first post up above and start reading all what you wil need to send me.

Yes..... it is ok to keep oinking even if you have sent your packet in if you still have oinkign power available.

Just please, once you have sent your seeds in , or are not offering seed oinkign cuz you gettign ready to pack, Put on the top and maybe bottom too, that your seed list is closed .

Not sure if she able too cuz of messed up puter, but take notic e Blue Spiral list is closed.

Again too, if ya don't have your wish lists up, pleas e do them, save s me lot s of time a s I go along to have ready on hand now. Pleas e try and have at leats ten items, mor e if ya can cuz soem folsk have wishe s that just no way they can be fulfille d cuz ya got vegatativ e cutting only plants , so no seed of them .

As your packets start arriving, wil be lettign ya knwo I have them. Onc e ya send, please dmail too ya have sent so I cna mark sent by yoru name and also I do have to go to store on and off. Piggiy has to eat after all, and this let s me know whether to leave or not so I cna catch packages. I do stress putting confirmation stickers on yoru packages.

Yesterday I got into fight. It was real battle and for awhile I wondered if I wa s gonan take a real beating. I knew that this morning would be a frost freezing day and kne w I stil ha d a coupel of plants that I wanted to see if they ha d any seed and gather it befor e the frot killed and rooted the plants.

Too lazy to put my coat on, I trompe d outsid e in long pink fuzzy robe. Knew i wa s only to be a few minutes , so figure d I would be fine.

Out into the yard I tromp. Clod hoppe r slippers, pink fuzzy robe and purple ski hat on the body and walmart shopping bag and scizzor s to gathe r the seed.

There I go trompign through more than ankle deep leaves, battling the bramble and beery bush prickers which seem to have jumpe d up a thousand fold . Maybe too becaus e I haven't mowe din quit e awhile.

On the way to th eplants I happened to see my newest members to the yard a coupel of chipmunks. One wa s sittign out on a pallet in the sun just a groomign away like crazy. I stood ther e and froz e for minutes watchign the process and marveling how tiny thie r litle hand s are and how cut e they look. Stood ther e for abotu 5 minute s before the little tyke discovere d my presenc e and went bounding away.

About that time I decide d I better get to boundign to the back field too. Now I have on two sizes too big flannel sweats and no socks and the bramble s are stinging my ankles, but on I tromp in case ther e somethign good out there for ya all piggies.

I get bakc out ther e and take a look around and seems the birds adn otehr wildlife had beat me to the seeds. Took a littel walk aroudn and with empty bag heade d back to the house.

In the door I come, plop down the scizzor, bag and my body whiel I sip on a hot cup of coffee. Ahhhhhhhh blisssssss : )

While sittign I notice d my ankles were ichign liek mad. Darn berry bushes. Took a look down to see the damage and my eyeballs got big. The whoel bottom half of my robe looke d liek it had green measles. I wa s covere d in them nasty little weed sticker seeds that stick to evrythign and don't wanan let go. So I fought with them.

Just abotu the tiem I thought I was winnignthe battle I felt somethign weird runnign in my pant leg. I slapped at my pant leg but I coudl still feel it movign and movign up it was and a round.

Down is flung the coffee cup, off is flung the robe and slipper being kicke d off to land wherever they can. Pants coem stripping off. I look at my legs . front and back turnign side ways runnign hand s up and down them, btu didn't see anything. Turned my pants inside otu and didn't see anything. Thought Ella ya just got a case of the spookeis from p[ickign all then naties off yoru pants.

Put my pants bakc on, got my coffe e cup again and sat down at table and starte d lookign through mroe seeds. Things seeme d ot be going fine and then I felt it again, that weir d feelign on my leg. trie d to ignore it and it wasn't goign to be ignored.

Back off coem s the pants and starte d shakign them like crazy. This time when I shaked out coem a flinging this brute of a monster. it landed on my arm and that did it in between screams and a whoel lot of new piggy danc e moves in the kitchen I started fightenign with it. it got me on the arm heading for the face. I lookign for a weapon of my own.

Thought abotu using the hot cup of cofee, but darn didn't want to take anothe r shower so soon. Looke dat the scizzor s and figure d woudl probably do me me mor e damge than my emeney of the moment would. Ahhh ha pappe rtowel roll.

I snatche d that sucker up and starte d beating on my arms and chest wher e th edarn thing ha d moved. got it off my body and on to the kitchen floor. The fight wa s on.

I tryign to crawl around chai rlegs under tables , knockignmy hea d on them as this creature woudl rear up at me as I trie d to eliminate it. Who would win. me or my combatant. Wa s getting to be a tight race. Smacke d my ankle on a corne r cup board and sent out a yelp of surpris e hiel I watchign my enemy heading for the livign room carpet. Onc e their I knew I woudl have a hard time as they both wa s brown.

backign out from under table as fast as this piggy rump could i decide d to head it off. grabbign flyswatter on the way in one hand and paper towel roll stil in the other . After all two weaposn shoudl be betetr than one.

I felt liek oen of them automated little drumerm liek toys. Had both arms going then finally my enemy of the day made a fatal mistake and turne d back at me.

Splat.. and double splat and triple splat . darn thign just wouldn't go down.

Finalyl I wa s able to sit bakc down, enjoy my coffee and smile to myself. ther e in the trashcna sits was was left of the 2" milliped that decided to take on this hog. Fo once I took on mother natrue and won. What a good feeling. : )

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Ella, I'd love a couple of colors of Magellan Zinnias- you're choice- I love 'em all!

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

sur e thign Gemini : ) Oinky oink!

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Yayyyy!!! They're the most awesome Zinnia I've grown, I really missed them last year! Those bushy, tidy little plants have the biggest, most fully double blooms, and get their first blooms about 6 weeks after starting the seed.

And I meant to ask (but forgot in my oinking enthusiasm), did you ever identify the creature?

Kannapolis, NC

Hey, Ella, what were you drinking in that coffee cup? Wow, you lead an exciting life! I don't think my heart could stand to start my day that way. Not a morning person to start with and having that much excitement so early in the day could be fatal! You rock, Ella.

I'm getting my packets together for mailing next week. I should have plenty of salvia x superba Queen Blue, as I placed another order from Park Seed when I couldn't get a response from Swallowtail about my order. Of course, immediately afterward here comes an e-mail from Swallowtail that my package has shipped, so I'll have lots of seeds to put in those packets. I'll list some on the agastache and salvias forum, too.

(Zone 7a)

Star, you're the Stephen King of the Seed Trading forum - lol! My cat's tail whisked against my leg just now, and it made me levitate a couple of inches after reading your adventure with Mr. and Mrs. Multiwhiskers. I guess Mother Nature knows who's boss now

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

ya one of them liek thousand leggers. Darn thign was so stubburn and just didn't want to die.

brought the tropicla hibscus in last night and soem other seedlings and have been lookign at spider s and other critters starign bakc at me on the leave s since i didnt have tiem to spray before briging them in. I waitign for the lizard s that came in with plants to start havign fun onthe coutner soon.

Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

Ella, you're too funny. Thing is I been in your shoes many times. I wear a blue fuzzy robe. Critters just love all the stuff to grab hold of and stickers too.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Last year I was really good, and cleaned all my plants with soapy water as well as around the rim of the pots and the bottoms, before bringing them in. That helped a lot with the wildlife population in the house, but this year was a rush job- just grabbing them and dragging them inside in the nick of time.

My family does the holiday meal today, started that several years ago. So many in the family were rushing to schedule 2 family meals (one with inlaws), we finally made that change to simplify for everyone. Better get ready to get on the road, have a great black Friday everyone!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

GardenQuilts has put up her list....

and GardenQuilts -- i have Foxglove and White Swan if you still want them... i see they are on your wants list.

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

i have never grown the zinnias Star is offering. didnt want to be greedy so chose the 2 i did.

if any go unclaimed Star they will have a home here.

ok going to edit my wish list to see if there is 10 up there.

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Gardenquilts, I still have some Salvia Coral Nymph available, should I put your name on some?

Kannapolis, NC

GardenQuilts: I am including some of my salvia x superba Queen Blue for you.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Found my batteries. finally. : ) I could los e myself inhere if I tried.

Anyway thought ya might liek to see this.

This is the start. Her e I have evrybody own personalized piggy trough bucket. They double stacke d up at the moment in spare room. They wont stay ther e long as I start fillignthem. Then be scattere d in rooms and down hallways and seed s will cover tables, coutners , floor s and even my bed. for weeks.

You'd be surprised and it wotn take logn for al lthem 2 gallon feed buckets to fil up and be overflowing in some cases.

While settign them up did find in the bototm of one a small packet of soem sort of bean seed gues s when I was emptying buckets last year I forgot. Whoevr was missign a bean last year, opps sorry , hangs head. I knwo ya must have been desperately wantign them. ; )

We all make this journey togetehr so as we go along wil postign picks of the swap for yoru entertainment enjoyment. No addmisison fee neede d either to vie w em. LOL

Saving the pics of the hog slop trough for later. hehehehehehh

Thumbnail by starlight1153
Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh foudn the sweet shrub seeds if anybody wants someof them. Forgot I picke d and stuffe d them in my lunch box. LOL

They take awhiel to germinate and get going, but they have beautiful flowers when they get a little bit of siz eon them. They great for humemr s and butterflies too. : )

Just oink on her e or dmail me if ya want some. : )

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

I love your stories Ella! Quite the entertainer you are. We have a two-treats-in-one hostess!

Kannapolis, NC

We love our Ella!

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Hope everyone had a good turkey day I ate too much! lol

Ella do you WS your sweet shrub seeds that's what I did with mine and I think every one came up!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

LOL, Star... the main reason i had to click on the description for "Starlight Rose" is because I figured it was one you had to have! I should have known you'd have it already. I appreciate the offer, but I think I'm going to go ahead and order a big pack... I want to put them along the front of the veggie bed, maybe with some other short ones, so Little Bit has something to pick while Mommy picks tomatoes. LOL

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

I love all ya piglets too : ) If I dodn't sure wouldn't be doign the swap. : )

LeBug. I haven't wintersowe d them cuz of all the critters and the birds, but if you did your that way and you had d way way better germination that I did. Ya need to share how you did yorus a nd what kind of contaienr and such. I got some small holed and very light thin piece of netting and would love to have more than oenor two seed s pop up.

Critter... LOl You cna put little bits in a sing and go down the rows singing I'll take pick the high road adn you pick the low road .... : )

Can just see ya now if ya have her on yoru back . You'll be e bent over pikign one thign adn she wil be grabbign a field of flowers behind yoru back. hehehehe : )

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

For thos e who haven't seen yet.

Kim _M put up a list for ya all.

Hope I did this right. First time trying it.

Herb... or hemophobic. one of ya forget which one post an oink under her swap haves list. When ya get a chanc e will ya edit out please. Thanks : )

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I did mine in milk jugs just planting them 1/4" deep, the lids to the jugs kept the critters from getting into them but I bet you don't drink milk just coffee lol Just a wild guess there LOL You could go to a dollar store and get some of those alumiumn big pans with the lid and put hole in them or someone on here might be able to tell you something else to use that the light gets too them seems like they were up early in the spring and they grew to be about five inches tall thru the summer they probably would have grown faster but I just wasn't in any hurry for them to get big guess I planted them out too soon because I lost all of them :)

I thought Critter had a pretty good idea there little ones will always go for the flowers first but they will pick them and when all the pickin is done they will rush to the others lol Should be a fun summer Critter which I'm sure you are really looking forward to never a dull moment with little ones around I miss that! Your so lucky :)

This message was edited Nov 27, 2009 4:24 PM

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Lebug. Yoru right. My blood is nothign but pure coffee and sugar LOL. Will ask the neighbro sto try and save me a coupel of milk jugs. They got kids so shoudl maybe have a few around.

But I must admit I did by two of them little bottle s of go go milk strwberry flavored. : ) Sa w it and thought hum might be a good thign to get soem vitiam d in the body. Though it probably wil go in shock when I do drink it.

When you put them out did you put them in shade? They have to be kept failrly moist and liek shady areas gettign just mornign sun and maybe some evenign sun. They can't take afternoon sun .

Trenton, MI(Zone 5b)

Star, don't know if you have any of the Magellen Zinnia's left, but would love an ivory and an orange if possible.

I had to smile when bluespiral called you the 'Steven King of the Seed trading forum'. LOL
I love reading your stories as much as Steven Kings stories.

This message was edited Nov 27, 2009 4:49 PM

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Mine were in morning sun and until about 3 in the afternoon you may just want to put them in just morning sun until about noon where you are.

Gotta watch that Vitimim D LOL It's a killer LOL Will put your body in bad shock! You probably get enugh vitiamin d with the sun being outside all the time :) Just sit them out there and forget them I've never worried about moisture in the jugs they seem to hold a lot I still have two jugs out front by the porch that didn't get watered and are in the shade from this year they didn't get rain because of the awnings over the window and think I did only put them in the rain once this summer so they should get enough rain thru the winter there unless you are predicted a dry winter like we are and I plan on WS about 200 jugs this year again so I'll have to keep an eye on them this year but seems like we have had a dry winter before and it wasn't that bad heck seeds come up that's been on the ground or in and they still come up with no rain or snow much from the winter you know?

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