CLOSED: '09 Fall Frenzy Swap #9

Fremont, OH(Zone 5b)

Thanks for the invite.I'll try to remember to look it up.There's so much on DG!

Trenton, MI(Zone 5b)

Star, I was singing Happy Birthday on Saturday ... Nov. 28th, but not to you . lol That is my son's birthday also.
So I'll add my 'Happy Belated to Ella" along with everyone else.

I should be sending my seeds in on Friday.
Open for Oinking till then.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

viola, we end up sharing our experiences all season long through the process of growing all these seeds. I got involved in the chat threads after receiving some of the overflow seeds from a couple of participants. Ended up staying with the chat threads till the next swap. I've learned so much, and tried growing loads of plants I'd never have otherwise tried and made so many friends. So watch the threads and tell us about your garden and seed growing endeavors, I'm sure we'll have lots of seeds to save for ya :-)

Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

Violap, Welcome to the craziness here! You will love it.

If you want some of my seeds, please send me a Dmail and I will send them directly to you. I have so many seeds that are "homeless". I would rather that they were being planted in someone's garden rather than growing old in my seed box. Most of my seed mommies came from other generous DG'ers, and I am pleased to pass their baby seeds on to others.

Happy Belated Birthday Ella. Hope you are feeling better.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

The first Piggy seeds arrived today. The fun is on. : )

Goodies in it for some piggies. snort snort...

We ha d a piggy who goofed and didn't realize how to do thinsg and they sent somebody and they dont remmebr who a bunch of seeds instea d of sendign them to me. If you happene d to get the package, if you would, just pelas e be kidn enough to send them on to me when ya send yoru stuff.

Thumbnail by starlight1153
Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Ella -- way back on Nov 10th, you had commented about some German Salvia Hot Trumph... and that you sent someone some seeds.....

anyhoo... I got some seeds, and i have them marked in my spreadsheet as salvia roemeriana Hot Trumpet... though - there very well could be a typo in there. I'm not even sure i have the lil envie it came in, as i used all the seeds. I harvested seed pods today [they are intact] -- but when i googled salvia roemeriana, it does not look anything like the plant i have. ... and when i googled Hot Trumph, nothing comes up... that is why i assumed a possible typo somewhere a long the lines.

I will have to see if i can find an image on my PC, but the plant itself is still green... so i can take images tomorrow of the plant without blooms ... maybe you will recognize it.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

tcs. It possible cuz I was tryign to decipher soem of the tinest forgein handwriting ever. but that what the writign had looke dliek to me. Doe s yoru plant look at all liek these plants

I knwo when I first went huntign for it I had problems too, but it a Salvia and it said hot trump on the card I got. wil have to see fi I can stil fidn the postcard that they came atatche dtoo. I have it somewher int he hous e but not sur e wher e at the moment.

Marietta, MS(Zone 7b)

Happy Birthday Star. Sorry I missed it & sorry you spent your birthday in the er :( I hope you get to feeling better soon.


Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

ops... Incorrect image -- this is Purple Pygmy blooms.

This message was edited Dec 1, 2009 2:59 PM

Thumbnail by tcs1366
Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

crap -- my camera is on the fritz.....

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

here's the seed pods.

Thumbnail by tcs1366
Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Looks kinda like a Campanula, both in flower and pod?

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

not sure Karen... as i wasn't home much this summer, I really didnt notice them until i saw the seed pods. From the one image i have, the blooms dont look pink. I will go out tomorrow and photograph the foliage... which is laying on the ground... I cant even recall it being 'upright'.

looking at the images in PF
either my plant is still tiny due to being the first year... or that isn't it, as the leaves are HUGE. If it is... it is a perennial to zone 3 ... so it will come back.

**edited to say... sorry Karen... for some reason, i thought i saw Critter... it's been a looooooong day.

This message was edited Nov 30, 2009 8:32 PM

(Zone 7a)

Here's a picture of Chelone (Turtlehead) seedpods -

(I was thinking campanula, too, Neal; if it is then there's an interesting resemblance)

(Zone 7a)

I get confused with the most wonderful people around here - being confused with Critter is quite an honor, imho - there's worse things to be called lol

GA, GA(Zone 7b)

Happy, Happy Birthday Ella!!! I hope you feel better soon! ^_^

tcs1366, I can't put my finger on it but that plant and the seed pods remind me of one of the genera that have been traditionally included in the Scrophulariaceae like Penstemons etc. They've re-classified many genera recently and I haven't learned all the new classifications. Sorry that's vague and not too helpful but it's all I have to offer right now. :) It looks like a neat plant though!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Hopefully, once the sun it up and i get a shot of the foliage.. that may [hopefully] will answer the question.

Happy Birthday Ella and do hope you are feeling better, get that rock passed. I get them a lot if I use cheese and milk a lot. Mine are calcium stones. Worse than natural child birth. UHG! I feel for you. Hope your day gets better soon. Thanks for the wonderful experience this year to be a part of this and promise to be more prepared next year and have lots more interesting seeds for all the piggys since I know more about it now. going to mail my seeds in Friday but will send extras if anyone else wants any. Thanks everyone.
I'm changing internet providers and will have a few days without computer so need to get mine in now while I can get on to see how. That is why I'll be sending them in Friday.
Loved the stories ELLA as only you could tell them. I've had more laughs this time here than I have in months all combined. Met so many nice helpful piggies here and can't thank you all enough for your kindness. TILL NEXT YEAR!!!!!

Polkton, NC(Zone 7b)

Good evening piggies and piggilettas, hope everyone had a lovely holiday weekend. Star I hope that you will be able to kick out the stone soon and get back to yourself before all the seedsg get there. We finally got our first freeze over the weekend so a sad farewell to my basils, they looked really pitiful today. But now I can get out there and start cleaning up all the gruff and stuff and planning for a new year. I'm putting the finishing touches on a 2x4x7 foot seed-starting stand that has 4 shelves and will give me 32 sq feet of lighted growing space. Thats about 16 flats so that should keep me busy for the rest of the winter and spring. I think I will be hanging around here hoping to get some good tips too.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I cracked open a seed pod... and here is what is inside... a lil blurry, but they are not big seeds nor med-brown... they are a reddish brown and irregular.

Thumbnail by tcs1366
GA, GA(Zone 7b)

A lot of Penstemon seeds are irregular looking and reddish brown. They remind me of over-toasted breadcrumbs. Some have an odd odor too but not all.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

yanno -- now that you mention Penstemon... the pods are similar to Husker Red.

Browns Mills, NJ(Zone 6b)

Happy Birthday Ella!!!

tcs... I was just razzing you about your limit. It's a little hard to keep a limit when you have what?, 60 of us here? I think you did real well ;) having only 20, would have been complete piggy agony! BTW was it you that was looking for regular purple coneflower or was it someone else? I have a baggie of 15 seeds.


Vashon, WA(Zone 8a)

Evening, all. Well, I meant to get my seeds out today, but failed to get much done after the gym. So, went outside and cleaned up a lot of montbretia (crocosmia masoniorum) bulbs. If anyone would like some of these bulbs let me know. I'm going to send in the seeds tomorrow and will include bulbs for all who're interested. These are pretty big bulbs - definitely blooming size

Polkton, NC(Zone 7b)

oink oink colchie, those are awesome. i would love to have a few. :) Happy December.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

Oh no, a kidney stone for your birthday??? I hope that it "passes" quickly.

I keep adding seeds to my list as I clean and sort my dried seeds. As I find more I can oink for more!

My marigold listing may be confusing. I have both French (short) and African (tall) marigolds in the same shade of yellow. The Calendula-English marigolds are tangerine colored - a yellow-orange color.

I think I am going to need a bigger seed box and a better way to organize my stash!

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Yep make sure ya keep checking either on lists or on our threads, cuz all the way til the day I mail the boxes ther e may be sed available. Ther e also wil stil be folks cleaning seeds and offerign stuff up as they get it done. Just cuz your seeds hve been sent doe't mean ya can't keep oinking as long as somebody is still open or offering.

tcs... Hummmmmmmmm I very curious wonder what we got if it not a Salvia. Do ya remember did the bloosm look liek a Salvia at all?

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

>> Do ya remember did the bloosm look liek a Salvia at all?

Ella -- I honestly do not even recall the bloom. so sad, i know... terrible plant mom.

>>... I was just razzing you about your limit. It's a little hard to keep a limit when you have what?, 60 of us here? I think you did real well ;) having only 20, would have been complete piggy agony!

I know... and i did not do too well on restraining myself... i think I've surpassed the 60 seed pack mark.

>>BTW was it you that was looking for regular purple coneflower or was it someone else?
Wasn't me... I have plenty to share too, just didnt post them. Probably give them away to the Newbie seed thing.

*who really slept in this morning....

OINKING Colchie, I would love some if you have plenty- I d-mailed you last night when I saw you listed them. Those are beautiful and would look nice in my DG friendship garden.

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Good morning piggies.

Colchie, I'd also love some of your crocosmia bulbs.

tcs, when I saw your seed pod photo, I thought it looked just like my husker red penstemon.

(Zone 7a)

Good morning. What a plant to oink for on my way to help DH clean the chimney -

Colchie may I put in an oink for your Montbretia, too? What an awesome hummer plant :)

I wonder how much extra postage I should send in for these bulbs?

Southborough, MA(Zone 6a)

If you use a US Postal Service flat rate box, bulb weight does not affect the postage. If it fits in the box, it ships for a flat rate. I highly recommend the flat rate box. I'm sure it would make it easier on Ella as well, as she knows the cost upfront. No need to estimate how much extra it would cost.
Plus it includes tracking automatically

Here is the 2010 price list for flat rate priority mail-

Priority Mail Flat-Rate Envelope: $4.90
Priority Mail Small Flat-Rate Box: $4.95
Priority Mail Regular/Medium Flat-Rate Box: $10.70
(Using 2010 as Ella is probably mailing back after Jan 4th)

Seeds only might be ok for the small box, but if bulbs or tubers are in your receiving list plus a lot of seeds, I would highly recommend the medium box. I have a medium box filled up over half way already with just outgoing seeds (170+ seed packets). A small flat rate box is pretty small if you are getting your pkg back with a bulb, tuber, or two.... The boxes are free at the PO.

This message was edited Dec 1, 2009 11:34 AM

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

took about 8 images, and this was the best... the morning sun can be so harsh.

the Plant tag reads... Salvia Hot Trump... but since these were not WS'ed, my notes may not be very good. I will have to see if i can find anything that i may have wrote. I did find in my spreadsheet, "Sown inside, south window" the date and All, meaning i used all the seeds. But that was it.

OH -- height-wise, it's about 12-14" tall and maybe 8-10" wide.

This message was edited Dec 1, 2009 11:03 AM

Thumbnail by tcs1366
Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I've also posted in the ID forum... we shall see what they can come up with too.

My notes were not very good... just says they were germinated indoors, 4 seedlings and location in the yard where i planted the.

Kannapolis, NC

TCS: That leaf looks more like Penstemon to me.

Beaumont, TX(Zone 9a)

Tommorow I will be getting my seeds ready to mail so today will be the last day I be taking Oinks. Take one last look and let me know what you want.

Here is my list:

Southborough, MA(Zone 6a)

Ajntexas- can I get some of your Lion's Tail – Leonotis menthifolia ?

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I was just sort of ID'ed as Penstemon x mexicali "Red Rocks" -- though without seeing the blooms, can't be 100% sure... but the foliage does seem to be a match.

Ella -- it is possible that the seed pack you were trying to decipher did say Salvia Hot something.... but they were just the incorrect seeds. I have found that happen before. I WS'ed a seed that was supposed to be a Coreopsis or some sort and was definitely a Cleome.

Browns Mills, NJ(Zone 6b)

tcs. I thought Penstemon also when I saw the seed pods. I have a few of them here. The bigger ones can get floppy too.

Ella, I hope you are feeling better by now. I know that pain. Like having a baby -- without the baby :( It will be good to hear you running around in your fuzzy pink bathrobe and cloghoppers through the brambles to catch a millipede again soon ;)

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