August in the garden

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well, its not a brug or a datura or a daylily!! Can ya name that tune?!!!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

??? some type of hibiscus?

(Zone 6a)

squash maybe???

Candee, I just took a bunch of pics of the bishops children so you can see

this one was that ugly rectangle one I posted before, but since the plant has matured more so has the bloom! Even the colour changed, it's more red now.

Thumbnail by SW_gardener
(Zone 6a)

heres an orange one

Thumbnail by SW_gardener
(Zone 6a)

just found this double red this morning! exciting!

Thumbnail by SW_gardener
(Zone 6a)

this one's pretty cool, the petals are sort of spoon shaped!

Thumbnail by SW_gardener
(Zone 6a)

and this ones another's sort of semi double

Thumbnail by SW_gardener
(Zone 6a)

heres something different....a zinnia with a bee! my first time snapping a bee on a bloom!

Thumbnail by SW_gardener
(Zone 6a)

I think this lily is called 'black beauty'

Thumbnail by SW_gardener
(Zone 6a)

unknown daylily

Thumbnail by SW_gardener
(Zone 6a)

not a flower but a 'tiger eye' sumac!

Thumbnail by SW_gardener
(Zone 6a)

and lastly cardinal lobelia

Thumbnail by SW_gardener
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

That double red is stunning! You have quite a variety of dahlias much like BB's daylilies.
My lobelia is just beginning to bloom, that is a pretty red. Nice bee shot as well.

(Zone 6a)

Thanks Candee! I wanted the 'childern' for a long time and finally ordered some seeds this spring. I'm happy with how they turned out.....I'm still hoping for a yellow though :)

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Hi haighr, guess we cross posted here! LOL! Morning! Sunny again.. man where is the rain????

Those seed dahlias I tried lasted 2 seasons on me. Partially because I got lazy that second season and said no more I am back on a container kick and next year want a ton of glads!! LOL! I go in binges!

This cute pinky is a baby sun rose. Been my favorite newb for the summer this year! Its a sedum and a tremendous performer here for me. I have about 10 hanging baskets full! I am gonna have to try wintering some someplace in the garden and going to also try taking a basket or two indoors The livingroom will love it!! LOL!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

LOL! SW you are close, its a pumpkin!

That unknown daylily of yours might be El Desperado. It looks like it, but not knowing the specs on it, I could be only guessing! There are some that look similiar.. but here is my El Desperado!

Nice dals BTW!!

(Zone 6a)

GUESS WHAT?? I have my first ever Calla Lily bloom coming in the garden!!!!!! It's not quite open yet but as soon as my camera charges I'll get a pic! You will all laugh when you see all the stuff around it to fend off the vole! It's going to be pink :D

Blossom, I like your sunrose, you can bring it inside for the winter. I left it out last year(in a pot) but a couple reseeded in the patio cracks next to the house so I've got a couple more this year and I'm going to bring them in. They really do bloom like mad!

Somebody clue me in please. Why is this thread hiding in the cut flower and floral design forum? Most of what you are showing and talking about has nothing to do with cut flowers. I love a thread like this, but would not normally find it because I don't usually come to this forum. There are just soo many forums now.

While I am here, I'll ask a cut flower question. Is there a trick to cutting Echinaceas for the vase? Some seem to wilt right away, even though I put them in water immediately.

Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Echoes - welcome to this forum~

I can't answer for the rest of the group, but I am thinking that this thread was started a few years ago as an open-end catch all thread for people to showcase what is going on in their gardens, and not limited to cut flowers only. I also noticed that there are similar threads on currently blooming plants in the cottage garden forum, the California garden forum, etc.

I did start a thread last year concentrating on flowers that do double as cut flowers. I started the first in May, followed by a fall and winter series, and then starting anew for 2009.
The first thread is:

The fall and winter series is:

and then the current one:

I don't recall having any problems with echinaceas as cut flowers. I cut some yellow ones for a July arrangement, and I think they lasted almost a week. Maybe certain varieties are not as suitable as others?

The neat thing is that there are people posting from lots of different places, including Australia and New Zealand, and our winter is their summer and vice versa.

Thumbnail by soilsandup
Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Echoes, I think we post here becasue we also cut and/or arrange flowers too! Least as that is why I do it here! Plus the group here is nice and friendly and we like to share things both out of the vase and in the garden! We get a little silly too! So welcome aboard!

Yep, we almost need to mname it the international cut flwoers group thread or some wild thing like that!

I dont have any trouble cutting purple cone flowers and just sticking them in a vase. Usually they hold pretty good. Occassionally they do wilt but perk up pretty good after being in the vase. Mine are a pretty stiff stemmed cone though.

Christchurch, New Zealand

there is a similar thread in the Aussie forum too, I guess we double up a bit - it is fun to share what is growing on the other side of the world.
We are just heading in to spring...
but it has been very damp this week - my daffs will be here any day now :)

Thumbnail by dalfyre
(Zone 6a)

Hi Brenda! Theres many different sorts of threads here on this forum, some are 'Yard to Vase' and theres another on 'Leaf Manipulation' so this one was started to show off our gardens and plants that we get our cut flower material from.

Please feel free to join in and come over and visit us at The Flower Pot Cafe where we just finished wrapping up a mystery!

By the way everyone, I took a picture of my Calla and am in the process of loading it onto the computer!


(Zone 6a)

Grrr........................the pics won't load from my's soooooo slow! I want to show off my Calla!

(Zone 6a)

..........*sigh*............finally! The pics loaded!

Isn't she pretty?

Thumbnail by SW_gardener
Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Dontcha just hat dial up!! LOL!

Lovely calla SW, looks like one I have and soils has one too! LOL!


Loverly, meet bashful!

london England, United Kingdom

Beautiful flowers everyone!

Hi echoes, Welcome! We like showing off our gardens when we can. It's also great trying to spot the flowers we know that have been cut and used for arrangements.

Thumbnail by terriculture
Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

good one terri, looks fake! LOL!

london England, United Kingdom

Hi Blossom, I rescued the poor sunnies!! they had snapped off, numbers 24 and 25!

london England, United Kingdom

Here they were!! no fakes...

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

My first Gallardia!

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Sweetpeas and Sunflowers

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

Amaranthus getting big and cosmos coming up.

Thumbnail by terriculture
Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

OoooOOO terri, very pretty! I think next year I want to try sweet peas!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Welcome echos. Can't help you with the echinacea question other than to tell you that I have a number of different ones and some of them do well when cut and others wilt w/n a day.
You should check out some of our other threads here and please show us some of your arrangements. I occasionally post a theme arrangement and we all attempt to arrange accordingly. Would love to have you join in the fun and adventure of arranging and chat.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

MOrning Haighr! Hope your having a great day, we got a little rain! YAY! Finallly, now its back on my knees again for weeding.

SW - here is my sorry calla today, its called Garnet Glow.. I need to tidy it up. Hope to divide it later and get a new variety next spring! I was very happy with it! And it too was my first!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

I have never tried callas, they are quite pretty. o they last long in arrangements?

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

I dont know about lasting long in the arrangements for cut flowers, but they sure did well for me in the pots. The flowers kept coming. I tidied my pot up and it looks too like it has new growth now. I am wondering if it will go dormant and whnen a good time to divide it would be.

My cleomes are doing well. I need to harvest pods off them.

Has anyone heard from GEEK?

(Zone 6a)

Nice calla Blossom! Yours does look similar to mine, but mines just a noid with no name. It was a discard at a local greenhouse last year because it made no blooms so I picked it up for around 5$!
In the fall I just dig up the bulbs and let them dry then put them in a paper bag with some paper shavings for the winter.

Candee, I've never cut a calla before but I've heard you can insert a wire into the hollow stem so you can bend and curve it.

Terri, Beautiful blooms! I love the amaranthus! I've always wanted to try it......maybe next year. Your sweet peas are really nice too.................................they make mine look like weeds!

london England, United Kingdom

Thanks Blossom, the Sweet peas were slow to get going, but now they need cutting almost everyday!
Beautiful Cleomes, pretty leaves too. I might try growing those next year. Do they last well in a vase and are the stems sturdy?
Thanks Steven, It's the first time I've grown Amaranthus, I'm surprised how big it is. I don't know what to make with it now ..LOL!
Lavender and cornflowers still going!

Thumbnail by terriculture
(Zone 6a)

In a book I have on cut flowers the guy put some amaranthus in a tall cylindrical basket(the vase was hidden inside) with some large palm leaves and I think some bird of paradise and some other flowers as well. It looked really good and exotic!

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