August in the garden

Emory, TX(Zone 8a)


If you only had a few you could winter them over in tubs like I did and plant them in the ground in the spring. It takes a lot less room to winter them over as cuttings in a tub than each one in a large pot.

Emory, TX(Zone 8a)

You could too, Candy!

Blossom & Candy,

I guess I should explain why I don't want to put them in the ground any more, since I am telling ya'll that is what you can do...

When you have over 75 or so in the ground it takes up a lot of space that you could put other things in, especilly if they are the same cultivars you have in pots also. It gets to being too much of the same thing. Which is why I suggested that if you only have a few you can do that. And anyway, in ya'lls zone they wouldn't come back from the root so you wouldn't be doubling them every year!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Yardqueen, you are as bad as I am with daylilies!! LOL! I have the room, but!

Yaknow, every year for the last 20 years I have acquired some 50 newbs....and that is like each year. Then I go bonkers doing the divides and I keep saying I should stop.

Its a hobby gone mad. This year I am doing seed for new hybrids... I acquired sevearl thousands of seed pods from my "guru"! Not all are going to sprout, but it will be interesting to see totally new never before seen daylily flowes! She has over 2400 registered hybrids. All my pods from her are openpollinated ones and who knows what they will do! Then I got tons from our beds.

I really like the brugs, but am hedging on them due to the winterover part of it in my zone and hence lack of storage.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well, heres whats going on in my garden..

This wildflower. I think is a Joe Pie... but not totally sure.

It sure gets busy pollinators like these tan bugs that I think are immature lightning bugs and it draws butterflies like crazy. It smells wonderful and is a fairly tall perennial.

Makes great filler for cutting flowers, just wished I knew its correct name!

And this is a better pic of it then what I took earlyier!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Artemesia silver king.. boy that would make a great mural or wallpaper if I do say so myself!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Baptista Australis (lead plant?)

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Soldiago (golden rod) from the prairie, just starting to open

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Wild strawberry.. hmm aren't they late!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

miscanthus ambrosia

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

The spirea has wained

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Waining heliopsis...gonna have to get deadheading...

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)


Emory, TX(Zone 8a)


If you deadhead that sppirea it will keep blooming.

I am the same way about day lilies as you are abiut brugs. They are beautiful, but I don't want to get started with them. Oh I have a few, but what I mean is trying to get more that I think are pretty because I know it would get way out of hand! I would just keep collecting them and DH is really tired of making new beds!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

LOL! Oh, I usually do prune that spirea.. just have not got to it. Heck I am still dead heading the tall garden phlox. My other spirea is overgrown with golden rod.

Today the hub and enjoyed just lollygagging all around the place doing this and that in the garden and going out to shot photos of wildflowers. It was a gorgeous day.

I have pics to post.. but gotta run them up to a folder first. Back later with those!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Ok, I am back.. first up, the toad stool

Christchurch, New Zealand

more daffodils have opened.
I love these doubles, make me think of poached eggs for some reason ^_^

Thumbnail by dalfyre
Christchurch, New Zealand

I am trying to encourage these violets to spread.

Thumbnail by dalfyre
Christchurch, New Zealand

this violet needs no encouragement, I may have to be a bit ruthless with it - even baking sunshine only slows it a little.
I planted it all over the place once I found the first clump - it is a pretty colour.
Had no idea how vigorous it would prove to be.

Thumbnail by dalfyre
Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

They are gorgeous dalfyre! I love the daffs and the yellow violets. OUr violets here are purple, or white with speckles or white with a purple eye. Some of the wild varieties are yellow. But they dont look like yours!

Here is a pretty white wildflower that grows in our prairie, dont know its name, but you can see how sparce the vegitation is and how poor the soil. Its amazing that we have some beauty here.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

here is a wild monarda

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

A dainty lil pink flower

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

I dont know if thisis in the aster family or not or daisy. Its very tall and the petals are very fine, but to me its more daisy than aster.. but what do I know. Its just another wild thing here!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

another wildflower. this one resembles a cosmos. It gets to be up to 7 feet tall, likes the bog area of the prairie

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

another pink wildflower....

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

another pink wildflower

(Zone 6a)

Hi all! Beautiful photos! Sorry I haven't been around.....I've been working afternoons and trying to adjust to the lopsided schedual. There's not much new in my garden right now, I cut a bunch of celosias earlier to dry for a friend who really liked them. I like you yellow cosmo look alike Blossom! Maybe it's some sort of coreopsis? An I like the colour of your violets Dalfyre, they're different then the usual solid purple and white ones over here.

Thanks for posting your brugs Yardqueen, they're lovely! Mine are all un-named ones but I've gotten some pretty flowers off of them. A NOID I picked up last year made is just finishing up a couple blooms it made and they turned a peach orange colour with a cream throat! I was so surprised because they weren't that colour in the spring!

Here's a pic of Zulu Warrior from the other day

Thumbnail by SW_gardener
Emory, TX(Zone 8a)

sometimes the color varies with the temperatures

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Thanks for the tips on the brugs, but I am not sure if I did that tub idea that our growing season is long enough to get them to bloom?
BB that looks like Joe Pye Weed, I have some in a kinda light purple and it is great in arrangements.
dalfyre, so neat to see daffs blooming when here we are getting to the end of our season.
Steven, did you get a part time job?

(Zone 6a)

Yes I got a job at a wearhouse up the road, it's not very interesting but it pays and the hours are regular so it has it's pros. And it pays weekly so I like not having to wait between checks!

Heres a like to the new September thread It's a free for all, whatevers interesting in your garden!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Yikes, I haven't even posted my August pics yet lol! Guess I'll head on over there and try to bring things up to date over the winter months?

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

So the white thing is a Joe Pie????

That is kinda what I thought.

SW congrats on the job. Looks like now you can get some kale! That is if you can find any. Iam having difficulty in that too! LOL!

Heres a mantis on a tansy... Oops, may have posted this critter twice. I am so full of blond moments this past few days as I am so busy.

Gotta run, I got parcels to mail before my fellow traders behead me!


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