August in the garden

(Zone 6a)

Sundown Coneflower

Thumbnail by SW_gardener
Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Verrry nice Steven!

london England, United Kingdom

OOOOOOhh I like that Fireworks Dahlia! Thanks for the flower pics today Steven!
Fairy cakes!! I think you call them cup cakes?

Thumbnail by terriculture
london England, United Kingdom

It was raining quite heavy here today, I ran out to take a pic of my roses and cut them before all the petals were gone!

Thumbnail by terriculture
(Zone 6a)

Thanks Terri! That's the first fireworks bloom! Next year I want to grow a bunch of them either in the raised bed we're going to build or in a container. Apparently they come in a bunch of different colours!

Ya, those look like cup cakes, but fairy cakes sounds pretty good too! BTW, your fairy cakes make mine look awful!

Your roses look really good too! All my roses are small flowered and I hope to get some like yours with bigger blooms!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)


(Zone 6a)

NicE! It sort of looks like lamium

Christchurch, New Zealand

Aussies have something called fairy bread eaten at all good kiddies parties - and a few grown ups are known to indulge as well ;)
It is white bread, crusts removed, buttered & sprinkled with hundreds & thousands.
I always thought it was horrible...
they used to have it at birthday parties in NZ as well - but not PC to serve it now.
I have fond memories of our version of fairy cakes.
A delicate sponge cup cake, top cut off to make wings set into the topping of fresh jam & cream.
These are also called butterfly cakes in some places.

cheers - Dalfyre

(Zone 6a)

Mmm, fairy bread sounds good too! What are "hundreds and thousands"?

Your sponge fairly cakes sound amazing! Do you just use store jame or homemade?

Christchurch, New Zealand

hundreds & thousands are tiny multi coloured sprinkles...
often used for cup cake topping.

I think most people would use whatever jam is at hand for the fairy cakes...
I have never made them but my father had a girlfriend that made the nicest ones.

london England, United Kingdom

Pretty Chelone Blossom, don't think I've heard of that.

Yardqueen, your sunflower is the tallest one so far! It has a bud now.

Thumbnail by terriculture
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Lovin that dahlia Steven, will have to keep and eye out for one of those.
lol dalfyre, I was going to ask why grownups would not like a sandwich covered with hundred and thousands (of dollars) lol, I was about to ask for a sandwich lol!
I never heard of the chelone either BB, do you have a pic of the whole plant, must go look it up.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Chelone is also called turtlehead! It is nice and tall and makes a nice colony in the right spot!

Right now I cant post any pics... grrr. they are hung up in the system taking their sweet time getting to my PC. I swear there are issues with the derned satellites. Grrrr.

london England, United Kingdom

At least there isn't two teenagers on the computer all the time at your house Blossom!
I'm lucky to get a look in when they are around and everyone wonders why I'm up so late... LoL!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Trade ya for the teenagers.. I could boot them out of the house.. what ever is messing with my pics stopping them fom getting to the PC is really irritating me. I am gonna have to crab at the phone company again. It has been over 8 hours since I took them and they have not arrived., Grrrrrrrrrr. I know dial up is slow, but this is ridiculous.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

not the pics I was waiting for... but anyway, here is a splish splas 4 oclock

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Another 4 oclock...yellow

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

And another splish splash -

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

pink cleome

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

White cleome

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Some of the tomato baskets

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

a lonely pumpkin

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

sedum matrona mamma

Christchurch, New Zealand

well it had to be done but I am sad...
my Lace bark has gone.
I had it chopped down, better now before it got any bigger.
I loved that tree, it was just an all round winner - foliage, form & stunning flowers with a honey scent.
And it was either self sown or some plonker planted it it the most inappropriate spot.
Hard up against the fence where it would have eventually crowded my neighbours house & it was already shedding leaves into their guttering.

I do have a seedling from it - & if I can nurture it along will plant it in a better spot so I can once more enjoy it's loveliness.

Thumbnail by dalfyre
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Pretty colors in our 4 oclocks BB.
dalfrye, that is a lovely plant sorry you had to get rid of it. I hope your seedling thrives.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Thanks Haighr, I have been very pleased with the 4 oclocks! It is the first time I grew them, but remember a neighbor that had them and as a kid, we would wait for them to open and close! Mine are going to seed right now. They are in a huge pot, but I suspect I will have many volunteers next season to dig and moove! I never dreamed they would make for such a nice container pot. I planted them in a pot as a fluck and decidded they looked good there and shure nuff! Im pleased!

Dalfyre, too bad about your big tree, but maybe the baby will do just as good in a better spot!

(Zone 6a)

dalfyre, that fairybread looks delicious!!! I seem to like sweet things like that that gross other people out :) I have some "hundreds and thousands" that starshaped...I always just called them sprinkles. I'm going to go make some fairy bread once the kitchen is empty........I'm not going to let anyone catch me putting butter and sprinkles on bread!
And your Lacebark is beautiful!

Blossom, love you four-o-clocks! After frost you can lift the roots like dahlias and store them for the winter. That way you get much bigger plants faster next year!

Candee, thank-you! I got the seed for the dahlia from Thompson and Morgan. They're really easy to grow!

Here's my four-o-clock grown from dollar store seed!

Thumbnail by SW_gardener
Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

LOL! Aint no way am I lifting them 4clocks! But that is a thought! I am going to have tons of seed and volunteers I am sure. The derned things will be like fairy sprinkles in the garden!! LOL! I think I am just gonna have to fnd a permanant spot so those clocks can go tic toc!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Steven, you started that dahlia from seed??? How long did that take to mature?

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Haighr...I tried dahlias from seed... took a long time to get good size tubers to lift... least 2 years. The first year they were teeny!

SW, I will have to take a pic of that 4clock again for you tomorra! They are in a huge pot and I may have put only about a dozen seeds in it and it is monsterous! Maybe I could just try to store them in that pot for the winter and see if they grow back... I am very pleased with them coming from seed and this being their first year. I think though they are a bienail? LOL! (SP!)

I need more HUGE pots!

Christchurch, New Zealand

my Mum visited after the tree was cut down & brought me something to cheer me up...
a hand knitted jersey for my elderly dally.

Thumbnail by dalfyre
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

What a pleasant surprise gift for your pup dalfyre, bet he needs that this time of year in your neck of the woods.
Steven, I would have thought even longer for a seed to become a tuber and produce so I am pleasantly surprised.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Awwwww! that would cheer anyone up! SO pretty in pink!

Here you go too. You and SW have to share this!

The multicolored plant in the center is the 4clock. It is about 4 foot tall! It has some dusty miller in the pot with it too. The two pots in front of it have petunias and gomphrena in them. The hanging baskets above the 4clock are chocolate mint in one and the varigated ginger in the other.

The wheel is a wheelbarrow and you can see a touch of alyssum in it.

The other baskets that are white have more petunias and lobelia.

To the left and behind the last white haning pot is the tomato patch. Above it you will see a green hanging basket and that is a cherry tomato in it as do the baskets that are to the right by what looks like its under an umbrella. At the base of the umbrella are some of my green peppers in pots.

To the left of the petunias in red pots are some daylilystarts in black pots. I think there is a hosta peaking out to the right of the pic!

Well behind all this is a sitting area and more flowers!

Welcome to our little "viranda"! Have (_)? and relax! Or as terri and the geek are know to say.... chillax!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Now that's lush and I love that wagon? buggy? it is really nice.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

better veiw!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Here, moved the wheelbarro for ya! The hanging basket above it is creeping Jenny.. terri said to try it so I did!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

turtlehead colony

(Zone 6a)

Candee, I started the dahlia seeds back in feb/march but I didn't repot them or anything so they were pretty small and runty when I took them outside. The 'fireworks' ones are just starting to bloom, but I think they would flower much earlier if had had grown them on properly when they were young. The other dahlias I started are the 'bishops children' and they have almost black foliage and have been in bloom for a couple weeks now. They have very vivid coloured blooms. I would recommend them, they grow quite fast!

Blossom, very nice garden! I love your 4-o-clocks! Hows your chcoclate mint? I made tea out of it the other day and it was delicious! 3 sprigs to a mug of boiling water! YUM!

dalfyre, cute doggy sweater! I've always wanted to knit. It would be so useful!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

SW, gonna have ta try doing the tea thing! Three sprigs huh?!!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

I'd like to see those bishops children Steven, sound intriguing.

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