Siberians and species part 3

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Well, that's my whole point, I guess, and you said it for me. My dues are paid, and all I get is a bulletin. I asked why I hadn't been notified of any meetings, and the head of the local told me she'd had an operation and no one stood in for her. But that was this year, and I've been a member for years now.

Lebanon, OR

I wish all clubs would do well, in part it is the lack of members that will get in and do things for the club. Do not jump on me yet, but to give you an example we have 60+ members and out of the only 20+ come to the members and when it is time for the sales and the auctions both which are BIG there are only 5-8 people doing all the work. Our on line auction, I am lucky to get one or two people to help pack...

Other clubs, it is the membership is dying, no new blood and the ones there do not take the time to welcome and get to know anyone new coming in. Our club makes it a point if we see someone we do not know or reconsize we go up and introduce ourself, ask their name and welcome them. I truly wish all clubs did that as I have been a member of the garden club for 5 years and no one calls or bother to say boo to me as well.

Just a thought on both sides.


South Hamilton, MA

rebloomnut: get on their tail & ask about meeting notices. Like everything else it depends who is 'working' for the club. MT is a big place. even in ID the driving distances preclude N & S areas from getting together. You would think that in e-mail life, notices could be sent out about meetings.

Lebanon, OR

You know when I was doing the newsletter we gave the members a choice between email and smail, most wanted email and it worked, when our current one took over who does a super job, she will do one or the other...go figure.


Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

I am not a terribly active member but those core folks who do 90% of the work are my friends so they kinda shame me into more active participation by telling me how much they NEED my participation. I am lucky that this area is a hotbed for beardless with a good amount of judges and enthusiasm but sadly there are always a handful of people that do all the hard work of organizing, selling, and communicating. We usually have at least 5-6 events a season and we get a list/newsletter in early spring so we can plan. I usually am involved in the majority of events but I always feel guilty that I do so little carting and selling. One key member is not involved this year in this show but others have hustled and the Maine group have rallied and will come down. This is an extremely giving group but a bit of pleading makes it happen. Hats off to the very dedicated members that we all rely on.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

No one's going to jump on you for saying that Dee. I realize I'm conplaining about something I have to help in fixing. I just don't have the time this year, so it's my fault as much as anyone elses. The first meeting I went to all they talked about was hostas, and not one person came over and introduced themselves to me. But I didn't go to them to introduce myself either, so I'm to blame. The second meeting I went to, I did introduce myself to a couple of people, but I saw no value at all in the meetings, and haven't been back since.

Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

That's a terrible shame, Polly. It's their loss!

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Once I get a handle on this business of mine that's gone crazy, I'll make my presence known. I'm not shy. I'm sure all they need is some more volunteers, and more members. I felt like the new kid to the district that had the wrong outfit on.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

JI Thoroughbred. This one's different.

Thumbnail by pollyk
Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Peacock Dance. Falls are veined in blue, and standards and style arms pinkish purple.

Thumbnail by pollyk
Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Michio. The wind is really blowing here, so excuse the cut off part.

Thumbnail by pollyk
Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Polly, went out to lunch in Clay and on the way home stopped at Lan's Flower farm. She has about 4 dozen pots, all blooming of J I Darling. They were so beautiful, looked like a field of fluttering butterflies. I wish I had my camera. I bought one in bud, hadn't bloomed yet. Will send you a pic when it blooms. Already planted it at pond's edge. Rain really battered my bloomers, Pink Frost, Greywoods Persian Dusk, Royal Game, and Pleasant Journey. The astilbe is very pretty, seems to love the rain.

Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

OMG, Trying to pack for the show is crazy-the wind blew me to the car!! Kept breaking petals from the field to the barn! These flowers are gonna be kind of a mess! But hopefully it won't be as windy tomorrow. Wish me luck on the ride! Love Michio-never enough blues-and Thoroughbred.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Scratch this. Another wrong named one. Not Midnight Lagoon. I will search for it's correct name. Now two wrong named from the same place. Irritating.

OK, this one has now been positively identified by the grower as Greywoods Zebrina. I was sure it was, as I had purchased Greywoods Zebrina the year before, and they opened within a day, and look exactly alike. So Yay!

This message was edited Jul 5, 2009 1:09 PM

This message was edited Jul 5, 2009 1:49 PM

Thumbnail by pollyk
Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Beautiful, and your picture taking is superb. Nice backdrop, too. It's getting sunny, finally. I worked a bit in the rain this morning. Trying to stay ahead of the weeds.

Lebanon, OR

Polly, I do blame a club that is NOT friendly this is why clubs on the whole no matter what kind or type loose members. Most people (including myself) are a little shy when you go into a strange group of people or area that you have never been to or have never met. All groupls in my opinion need to learn and make it a habit to go up to people they do not know or have never seen and said Hi my name is so and so what is yours and make them feel apart of the group.

To me to leave a person in left field is down right rude! I know I have left clubs for that reason. I give them three times.

I will not be very active for about 6 months the end of this year and the first part of next year and I do feel bad. I will be at the auction in August as I am chair, the sale, which I am turning over to a new person, but will be there to help and then I must bring home all the goodies and make a list for the next thing, and then I am chair of the fall regional but after that I am done for this year. Not upset but have things that will require my time here for awhile. I hope I get to go to Nationals next year. Time will tell.

I wish you much success Polly in your new business, I know the plants I got from you are all doing well, as I have shared a few that bloomed within 6 months of planting.


Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

It never hurt a soul to be friendly and it can make a huge difference.

Polly, you've got my number. That Midnight Lagoon goes on the want list.

Well I'm back from set up and my JIs looked anemic next to the "transplanted ones." I wish I could clone myself so I could do some transplanting without making new beds. I'd rather make new beds for Polly's irises!

South Hamilton, MA

I would like a weeding clone please. You can guess what the rain has done for them. Midnight Lagoon very pretty--3F ones are better looking in my oponion.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Great Booj, the more you want the better pictures I get. Weeding clone for me too. Or maybe a weeding clone of someone that has more energy than I.

3 falls were my first love, Lucy. But now I really like them all.

Thanks Mittsy. I'm learning with a lot of help from some people on DG. I'll have to stop at Lans. I'll be in the area Monday.

And thank you Dee. The irises I received from you were great as well, and you've given me much great invaluable advice and encouragment. .

Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

I like three falls best. Closer to Asian art forms.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Joyous Troubador. Again with the wind blowing, I cut the top off. Hopefully I will get more blooms on these and get another chance, but you never know.

Thumbnail by pollyk
Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

OOOOOOO!!Polly Midnite Lagoon and Joyous Troubadore are fantastic.
Your pix are find.
We did get a lot of wind yeaterday and even tho the temps were in the 70's I had a sweatshirt on.
I cant believe its July last nite a low of 49 and the heat has been on for about 10 minutes.

Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

Same here! Have a great day!

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

Woke up at 3am smelled awful in the house.
I wandered into the kitchen to see if a stove had been left on but oror was stronger in the garage.
SIL motercycle gas tank was leaking.What a mess before breakfast.The Kawasaki is a 1983 I think he's ready to give it up.There was talk of donating it somewhere.

St. John's, NL(Zone 5b)

Stunning JI! It's been unseasonally cool here too.....night temps in the upper 40's-low 50's seem the norm these days. Days in the 60's, although today it hit 75 with 90% humidity. No wind though...VERY unusual for us!

Siberians still going strong here...Navy Brass and 4-Fold White

Thumbnail by Todd_Boland
St. John's, NL(Zone 5b)

Dear Delight after a morning shower

Thumbnail by Todd_Boland
St. John's, NL(Zone 5b)

Harpswell Happiness

Thumbnail by Todd_Boland
St. John's, NL(Zone 5b)

My own sibcolor hybrid...I'm really pleased to get this light lavender blue since most of my sibcolors have turned out deeper blue

Thumbnail by Todd_Boland
St. John's, NL(Zone 5b)

also among my sino-siberian hybrids I managed the closest I've come yet to pale blue

Thumbnail by Todd_Boland
St. John's, NL(Zone 5b)

Most of my sino-siberians have quite tall flower stems but this one is a dwarf...the foliage and flower stems are only about 12"!..A sino-siberian for the rock garden.

Thumbnail by Todd_Boland
St. John's, NL(Zone 5b)

in keeping with the pale blue theme, the best pale blue sibtosa I've yet developed.

Thumbnail by Todd_Boland
St. John's, NL(Zone 5b)

on the other extreme, check out my wine-red biversata.

Thumbnail by Todd_Boland
Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

It was really cold last night here too, Jo Ann. We went to the fireworks at Fair Haven, they were gorgeous but we were so cold with the wind coming across the lake.

That's my first year for Midnight Lagoon. I love the dark ones. I bought it last year from Ensata. This year I don't see anywhere that's selling it. Ensata carries so many that no one else carries. In fact it's a very small group of growers that even carry JIs. Dee does, of course, and Aitkens. Iris City Garden no longer does. But if you see something at Ensata you want you better get it, as the next year it's gone. And like many of the bearded hybridizers they are getting to the point where I wouldn't doubt they will be cutting back or retireing. We really need some young blood growing the beardless.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Love those crosses, Todd! Now a biversata is what cross?

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

I checked Dee's and she has many blues and wine and plums but not very many pinks.
I have a big order in for her dwarf early spring Iris.
John your sino sibs are beautiful

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Honestly, there are not that many really nice pinks. They do not seem to have great substance.

St. John's, NL(Zone 5b)

Polly, a biversata is (versicolor X ensata) X 2 parts versicolor, 1 part ensata.

Houghton Lake, MI(Zone 4b)

Polly, your pictures are beautiful. Really like Thoroughbred and Michio.

Todd, love all of your crosses, and also Dear Delight.

I love looking at iris pictures!

Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

Todd, I hope you will introduce some of these. They are outstanding!!!!

Lebanon, OR

Here here I agree and if you need a test garden, they could be grown here in the commerical beds and the guest beds:) I have quite a few I am guesting and I also send a report and picture of them to the hybridizier


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