Hybrid Tea Rose 'Heirloom'


Rosaceae (ro-ZAY-see-ee)
Rosa (RO-zuh)
4-6 ft. (1.2-1.8 m)
36-48 in. (90-120 cm)
Bloom Time
USDA Zone 7a: to -17.7 °C (0 °F)
USDA Zone 7b: to -14.9 °C (5 °F)
USDA Zone 8a: to -12.2 °C (10 °F)
USDA Zone 8b: to -9.4 °C (15 °F)
USDA Zone 9a: to -6.6 °C (20 °F)
USDA Zone 9b: to -3.8 °C (25 °F)
USDA Zone 10a: to -1.1 °C (30 °F)
USDA Zone 10b: to 1.7 °C (35 °F)
Bloom Color
Late Spring/Early Summer
Blooms repeatedly
Sun Exposure
Bloom Color
Bloom Time
Bloom Time
Bloom Color
Patent expired
Bloom Time
Bloom Time
Bloom Color
Bloom Color
Bloom Time
Other Details
Propagation Methods
Soil pH requirements
Flower Fragrance
Bloom Shape
Patent Information
From softwood cuttings
From semi-hardwood cuttings
From hardwood cuttings
By grafting
By budding
Other Details
Pruning Instructions
Foliage Color
Bloom Characteristics
Water Requirements
Where to Grow
Seed Collecting
Fruit Shape
5.6 to 6.0 (acidic)
6.1 to 6.5 (mildly acidic)
Fruit Size
Fruit Colors
Growing Habit
Days to Maturity
Seed Type
Disease Resistance
Leaf Type
Foliage Color
Bloom Characteristics
Water Requirements
Where to Grow
Other details
Propagation Methods
Soil pH requirements
Slightly Fragrant
Patent Information
Plant Size (check one)
Growing Habit
Growth Rate
Leaf Shape
Leaf Appearance
Degree to which the appearance is present
Leaf Texture (top)
Leaf Texture (bottom)
Leaf Color
Color of Leaf Margin
Leaf Substance
Number of Vein Pairs
Appearance of Margin
Mauve and mauve blend (mb)
Margin Width
Flower Shape
Sets hips
Flower Fragrance
Blooms on new wood; prune early to promote new growth
Does it set seed?
Flower Size
Flower Type
Blooming Habit
Foliage Habit
Color Patterns
Awards (if applicable)
Hybrid Tea
Seed Type
Growth Habit
Days to Maturity
Awards (if applicable)
Bloom Shape
Other Details
Pruning Instructions
Kernel Color
Flower Shape
Flower Habit
Bloom Size
Color Pattern
Bloom Shape
Pruning Groups
Bloom Diameter
Heat (Pungency)
Fruit Shape
Fruit Size
Fruit Color
Disease Resistance
Seed Type
Flower Size
Flower Characteristics
Leaf Shape/Type
Leaf Texture
Leaf Color
Bearing Habit
Rootstock Vigor
Disease Resistance
Fruit Usage

This plant is said to grow outdoors in the following regions:

Phoenix, Arizona

Grass Valley, California

San Diego, California

San Dimas, California

San Leandro, California

Denver, Colorado

Ocala, Florida

Palm City, Florida

Panama City, Florida

Chicago, Illinois

Downers Grove, Illinois

Noblesville, Indiana

Kalona, Iowa

Vidalia, Louisiana

Piedmont, Missouri

Elba, New York

Matthews, North Carolina

Sanford, North Carolina

Winston Salem, North Carolina

Diamond, Ohio

Clatskanie, Oregon

North Augusta, South Carolina

Ooltewah, Tennessee

Dallas, Texas

Victoria, Texas

Whitesboro, Texas

Willis, Texas

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Gardener's Notes:

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Ooltewah, TN | April 2016 | neutral

Please tell me the buds are supposed to be yellow for this rose! I was so excited to add it to my purple/blue flower bed and I am worrie...Read More

Denver, CO | May 2013 | positive

heirloom is perhaps the perfect rose. gracing us with it's ever changing color cycle , in bloom, and aging. i first planted this ros...Read More

Victoria, TX | May 2011 | positive

I have two in my garden; one originally bare root and the other potted. Both were planted during the same season and there is no differe...Read More

Dallas, TX | October 2010 | positive

This rose is just wonderful in my garden! Buds are similar in color to Stephen's Big Purple, and they age to a very elegant mauve. They a...Read More

Belfield, ND (Zone 4a) | April 2009 | neutral

Editor's Note

Plant Patent number 3234 has expired

Sanford, NC | July 2007 | positive

I am totaly in love with this rose. The color is wonderful muave to violet, the smell...amazing, reminds me of the smell of a big patch o...Read More

Sault Sainte Marie, MI | July 2005 | neutral

Bought one in 2004, and it survived its first Zone4b winter without protection. It had a bad time with black spot last year though (very ...Read More

Piedmont, MO (Zone 6a) | April 2004 | positive

Heirloom has made it through the past 3 winters here in zone 6 without any problems...no dieback at all this year. This is a fragrant pu...Read More

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