Hybrid Rugosa Rose 'Blanc Double de Coubert'


Rosaceae (ro-ZAY-see-ee)
Rosa (RO-zuh)
rugosa (roo-GO-suh)
Rosa rugosa
Other Details
Propagation Methods
Soil pH requirements
Flower Fragrance
Bloom Shape
Patent Information
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Pruning Instructions
Foliage Color
Bloom Characteristics
Water Requirements
Where to Grow

This plant is said to grow outdoors in the following regions:

Fayetteville, Arkansas

San Francisco, California

Sarasota, Florida

Trenton, Georgia

Idaho Falls, Idaho

Lorette, Manitoba

Riverdale, Maryland

Southborough, Massachusetts

Minneapolis, Minnesota

Minden, Nevada

Crown Point, New York

Plattsburgh, New York

Durham, North Carolina

Pembina, North Dakota

Drums, Pennsylvania

Easton, Pennsylvania

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Newport, Rhode Island

Charleston, South Carolina

Linden, Virginia

Pembroke, Virginia

Langley, Washington

Olympia, Washington

Redmond, Washington

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Gardener's Notes:

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Navin, MB (Zone 3b) | July 2018 | neutral

I love my Rosa Rugosa but it has a few problems. why are some branches turning lime green instead of the usual dark green ? Has anyone ...Read More

Redmond, WA | October 2015 | neutral

I'm a lover of bright green foliage so I like this rugosa. Both the stems, covered with hundreds of tiny thorns, and the leaves are a str...Read More

San Francisco, CA | September 2015 | positive

This rose has the whitest white I've ever seen that its so pure white almost glowing. It looks great at night when whites shows up silve...Read More

| May 2014 | positive

Zone 7a yard. Have a row of these on the property line. Who knows how old. They are kind of droopy and informal. My favourite thing is th...Read More

Toronto, ON (Zone 5b) | July 2013 | positive

I planted this as a small leafless stick from the garden center last year. It quickly grew to about a foot tall and 18" wide. The flowers...Read More

Durham, NC | October 2012 | positive

I find this rose well suited for the heat of central North Carolina. The flowers are short lived, but are produced frequently on a bush t...Read More

Crown Point, NY (Zone 4b) | June 2011 | positive

A rose I added to me garden while searching for hardy, old-fashioned roses for my zone 4 garden. One of the first roses to bloom for me, ...Read More

Charleston, SC | July 2008 | positive

A winner in my zone 8 garden. Very fragrant and easy to grow here.

Fayetteville, AR | May 2008 | positive

I have grown this rose in my northwest Arkansas garden for 2 years, after having seen it referenced in a number of older gardening books....Read More

Marietta, GA (Zone 7b) | February 2007 | positive

From HGTV.com's list of Carefree roses by Mary C. Weaver:

'Blanc Double de Coubert': Those in search of easy roses should ...Read More

Irving (Dallas area), TX (Zone 8a) | June 2004 | neutral

Bred in France. Won the Classic Shrub Rose award five times from 1999-2001, and the Victorian award from the Milwaukee Rose Society in 20...Read More

Duvall, WA (Zone 8B) | February 2004 | neutral

I get a lot of compliments on this rose from passersby (I have a 50 foot hedge of them). The scent is captivating to young and old alike...Read More

Sarasota, FL (Zone 9b) | January 2004 | positive

I had great success with this plant when I lived in zone 4, and am planning on adding it to my garden in Florida zone 9b. I would like t...Read More

(Zone 8a) | May 2003 | positive

A very hard working plant - it flowers recurrently throughout the season and in autumn follows on with large fruits and good autumn leaf ...Read More

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