Campanula Species, Creeping Bellflower, June Bell, Korean Bellflower, Rampion Bellflower


Campanulaceae (kam-pan-yew-LAY-see-ee)
Campanula (kam-PAN-yoo-luh)
rapunculoides (rap-un-kul-OY-deez)
Other Details
Water Requirements
Foliage Color
Where to Grow
Grow outdoors year-round in hardiness zone
Bloom Characteristics
Bloom Size
Other details
Soil pH requirements
Patent Information
Propagation Methods
Seed Collecting

This plant is said to grow outdoors in the following regions:

Anchorage, Alaska(3 reports)

Juneau, Alaska

Denver, Colorado(3 reports)

Fort Collins, Colorado(3 reports)

Cornwall Bridge, Connecticut

Carrollton, Georgia

Moscow, Idaho

Buffalo Grove, Illinois

Waukegan, Illinois

Wheaton, Illinois

Iowa City, Iowa

Portland, Maine

Halifax, Massachusetts

West Yarmouth, Massachusetts

Worcester, Massachusetts(2 reports)

Detroit, Michigan

West Bloomfield, Michigan

Hibbing, Minnesota

Minneapolis, Minnesota(2 reports)

Saint Paul, Minnesota(2 reports)

Helena, Montana

Lincoln, Nebraska

Epsom, New Hampshire

Santa Fe, New Mexico

Rochester, New York

Rome, New York

Fargo, North Dakota

East Liverpool, Ohio

Haviland, Ohio

Chiloquin, Oregon

Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania

Quakertown, Pennsylvania

Conway, South Carolina

Murfreesboro, Tennessee

Arlington, Virginia

Blacksburg, Virginia

Fredericksburg, Virginia

Seattle, Washington(2 reports)

Spokane, Washington

Beaver Dam, Wisconsin

Eau Claire, Wisconsin

Ellsworth, Wisconsin

Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Sheridan, Wyoming

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Gardener's Notes:

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| August 2023 | negative

This is one of the worst horrendously invasive weeds Ive ever dealt with! But the good news is that the entire plant including the taproo...Read More

Denver, CO | April 2021 | neutral

Just eat the darned thing. Leaf flavor is mild, a touch buttery when raw, and sweat or sauteed it does just as well as any green you'd pa...Read More

East Liverpool, OH | April 2021 | neutral

How do i know that it is C. rapunculoides going in my garden or another campanula? I bought this at a garden club plant sale and after tw...Read More

| January 2020 | negative

I just want to let folks know that I have perfected a method that completely eradicates creeping bellflower. 100% effective and does not...Read More

Fort Collins, CO | July 2019 | positive

This lovely wildflower planted itself along my fenceline. As it has proliferated, I've enjoyed its flowers with no need for me to care fo...Read More

Malden, MA | August 2015 | neutral

While generally invasive I have found my dry, sandy, highly acidic soil keeps it check - this year I actually had a lot of it die off of ...Read More

Fargo, ND (Zone 4a) | July 2015 | positive

I can see why many people hate this plant, but here in Fargo, ND it is not entirely unwelcome. Many people have it in perennial beds and ...Read More

Fort Collins, CO | June 2015 | neutral

In my Colorado neighborhood we call this plant The Bane of Old Town. It grows early and everywhere, pushes through thick layers of mulch,...Read More

Calgary, AB (Zone 3b) | May 2015 | negative

Many, possibly, most, people who are battling this heinous weed are only digging up and removing the thin, delicate rhizomes that run sha...Read More

Elgin, IL (Zone 5a) | April 2015 | negative

I have been in my new garden for three years. The first year I had a few of this plant, and was charmed, the second year I started pullin...Read More

| July 2014 | negative

We bought this house in 2011 and as soon as the ground was thawed in spring 2012 I started battle with this demon. I am losing. There'...Read More

Anchorage, AK | July 2014 | negative

I will let others speak of the evil nature of this species.
I have been half-heartedly trying to control these things for a couple...Read More

| May 2014 | negative

Those of you who rate it as Neutral and are charmed by its prettiness will very soon be overwhelmed by its invasive an uncontrollable nat...Read More

ROSLINDALE, MA | May 2013 | negative

In North America, this is an insidious weed, one whose true nature takes several years to reveal itself. I would never plant this in any ...Read More

Anchorage, AK | May 2013 | negative

I bought this plant at a nursery. It was pretty, but it is monster in disguise. It is highly invasive. I spend most of my time in my pere...Read More

Falmouth, VA | August 2012 | positive

found it easy to control and what a delightful show of blue! When given good soil it is a majestic tall plant.

Lake Hallie, WI | June 2012 | negative

I hate this plant! It is so invasive I have yet to find a way to get rid of it. I have pulled it, dug it and removed roots 2 feet down wh...Read More

Minneapolis, MN | October 2011 | negative

Don't do it! I moved into this house 6 years ago and didn't have much time for yard work, and the bellflowers on the side of the house l...Read More

Webster, SD (Zone 4a) | August 2011 | negative

i have this plant growing all over the place---and, have no idea where it came from. growing in peonies, bee balm, coneflowers, and on an...Read More

Denver, CO (Zone 5a) | July 2011 | neutral

in our dry Denver garden this bellflower wanders a bit but only finds success in a few areas — under a pine tree and in a large iris be...Read More

Finksburg, MD | June 2011 | neutral

Whoops! My mother in law gave me a few plants and I put them in my little 5 x 20 foot bed... and thought they were a veronica type. But n...Read More

| May 2011 | negative

This pretty-yet-evil plant sat quietly in my zone 3 garden for about 5 years while secretly organizing an underground army which it relea...Read More

Woburn, MA | April 2011 | negative

O.M.G. I've never encountered anything like this. The comments that refer to it as the "cancer of the garden", "aliens", and nightmares a...Read More

(Zone 5a) | April 2011 | negative

Very invasive and hard to completely kill off.

Alliance, NE | June 2010 | negative

A friend of mine went for a walk to take a break from work. She came back with a handful of "pretty blue flowers". I screamed, "Bluebe...Read More

Seattle, WA | June 2010 | negative

I have recently renovated a small garden in Seattle that had been ignored for a number of years. It was my introduction to C. rapunculoi...Read More

| June 2010 | negative

This is a horrible plant. I have tried and tried to get rid of it. Goutweed was easy in comparison. Please do not plant it. You will regret it.

Juneau, AK | May 2010 | negative

Digging, Digging, digging, with hopes it will work. I laughed so hard reading the previous posts. It's awful. yes, dreams. It wears on me...Read More

Woodstock, IL | April 2010 | negative

I planted 3 small plants in a 25'X12' bed 8 years ago and it has taken over at least 70% of the flower bed!

Santa Fe, NM | November 2009 | negative

I too thought this was a lovely, tall flower. That is, until I realized, all too late, just how invasive this flower is. I spent the be...Read More

Portland, OR | July 2009 | neutral

This plant is somewhat invasive. It will overtake less vigorous neighbors and the roots are easily transplanted. All the same, a beautif...Read More

| June 2009 | negative

This plant is EVIL... it chokes out everything in it's path. I have a large native shade garden, and have been selectively weeding it out...Read More

Saint Paul, MN | June 2009 | negative

This has to be one of the most persistent, horrible weeds out there. I spent several hours with three friends trying to clear it from a f...Read More

Seattle, WA | May 2009 | negative

This plant often "volunteers" in weedy places in Seattle. I suspect it of being an invasive exotic with potential to overrun native wildf...Read More

Corpus Christi, TX (Zone 9a) | April 2009 | neutral

Despite its bad habits, I'm enticed by its beauty & the constant buzzing of critters. It's great as a cutting flower. I often give them...Read More

Denver, CO | July 2008 | negative

We call it "cancer of the garden" in the Rocky Mountain area.

Middlebury, VT | October 2007 | negative

If I never saw this plant again I would be happy. Here in the Champain Valley of Vermont it is worse than mint with a tap root that can b...Read More

Lakemont, GA (Zone 8a) | March 2007 | neutral

Medium 18" - Plant 12" apart. Zone 3-8 Purple-blue nodding flower bells from late summer into the fall. Light green foliage with dark ste...Read More

Josephine, Arlington, TX (Zone 8a) | March 2007 | neutral

Creeping Bellflower, Rampion Bellflower, June Bell Campanula rapunculoides is Naturalized in Texas and other States.

Portland, ME | August 2006 | neutral

This plant was in the garden when we bought our house a year ago. I love blue flowers, and bumblebees love it too. It blooms at the same ...Read More

Helena, MT (Zone 4b) | May 2006 | negative

It takes over flower beds and lawns. The more you pull it, the more it grows. It has breached 12 layers of newsprint (sheet mulch) in my ...Read More

(Zone 9b) | September 2005 | positive

Mine started blooming in late Winter. I'm in a zone 9b.

Northwest, OH (Zone 5b) | June 2005 | neutral

We just dug some of this out of the ditch across from our neighbor's house and planted it. I have a wildflower garden that I put all of ...Read More

Rochester, NY | June 2005 | negative

This plant is terribly invasive. It was growing in a corner of my yard when I moved here 7 years ago, and it has spread about 6 feet outw...Read More

Boulder, CO | April 2005 | negative

Where I live In Colorado, as in most of western & north central US (and parts of Canada), this plant is considered an invasive weed. Yes...Read More

Ithaca, NY (Zone 5b) | November 2004 | positive

The member who said these were invasive was right - they can be, unless moved when young. I generally dig up the young plants in early s...Read More

| July 2004 | positive

I enjoy this flower's constant bloom, and it fills in where I have holes.

Lincoln, NE | July 2004 | positive

I like this plant, and have never had any trouble with it choking out other plants. It's been in my garden for 2-3 years now. I live in z...Read More

Crofton, MD | July 2004 | neutral

I found Creeping Bellflower (Campanula rapunculoides) growing wild in a meadow near Cortland NY this week (August 2004). I used the fiel...Read More

Niagara Falls, NY (Zone 6a) | November 2003 | negative

It's considered a weed here in zone 6 NY. I have been battling it since I moved here 18 years ago and don't believe I will ever get it o...Read More

| November 2003 | negative

This is the perfect plant for the lazy gardener. Put this in your yard and soon you won't have to look after any other plants. If it's ...Read More

Epsom, NH | September 2003 | positive

This plant is invasive for those with a small plot of land! Here in New Hampshire USA, it blooms for months! In fact, it even survives ...Read More

| July 2003 | negative

These are almost impossible to get rid of. They have taproots, and Roundup acts like Miracle Gro! I saw them at a plant nursery recently ...Read More

Murfreesboro, TN (Zone 7a) | May 2001 | neutral

Starting in mid spring, flowers appear on thin stalks. Lavender and bell-shaped, with 5 pointed bracts, with the majority of petals on on...Read More

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