Beaucarnea, Bottle Palm, Variegated Ponytail Palm 'Gold Star'


Beaucarnea (bow-KAR-nee-uh)
12-18 in. (30-45 cm)
18-24 in. (45-60 cm)
24-36 in. (60-90 cm)
36-48 in. (90-120 cm)
4-6 ft. (1.2-1.8 m)
6-8 ft. (1.8-2.4 m)
8-10 ft. (2.4-3 m)
10-12 ft. (3-3.6 m)
12-15 ft. (3.6-4.7 m)
15-20 ft. (4.7-6 m)
Sun Exposure
12-15 in. (30-38 cm)
15-18 in. (38-45 cm)
18-24 in. (45-60 cm)
24-36 in. (60-90 cm)
36-48 in. (90-120 cm)
4-6 ft. (1.2-1.8 m)
6-8 ft. (1.8-2.4 m)
8-10 ft. (2.4-3 m)
10-12 ft. (3-3.6 m)
12-15 ft. (3.6-4.7 m)
15-20 ft. (4.7-6 m)
USDA Zone 9b: to -3.8 °C (25 °F)
Bloom Color
Bloom Time
Bloom Time
Bloom Color
Bloom Time
Bloom Time
Bloom Color
Bloom Color
Bloom Time
Other Details
Seed Collecting
Full Sun
Sun to Partial Shade
Light Shade
Partial to Full Shade
Full Shade
Fruit Shape
Plant has spines or sharp edges; use extreme caution when handling
Fruit Size
Pale Yellow
Fruit Colors
Blooms all year
Growing Habit
Good Fall Color
Provides Winter Interest
Days to Maturity
Seed Type
By scoring the base of the bulb to promote new bulblets
From herbaceous stem cuttings
From seed; winter sow in vented containers, coldframe or unheated greenhouse
From seed; germinate in a damp paper towel
From seed; germinate in vitro in gelatin, agar or other medium
Disease Resistance
Allow seedheads to dry on plants; remove and collect seeds
Properly cleaned, seed can be successfully stored
Seed does not store well; sow as soon as possible
Leaf Type
Foliage Color
Bloom Characteristics
Water Requirements
Cactus and Succulents
Where to Grow
Other details
Propagation Methods
6.1 to 6.5 (mildly acidic)
6.6 to 7.5 (neutral)
Soil pH requirements
Patent Information
Plant Size (check one)
Growing Habit
Growth Rate
Leaf Shape
Leaf Appearance
Degree to which the appearance is present
Leaf Texture (top)
Leaf Texture (bottom)
Leaf Color
Color of Leaf Margin
Leaf Substance
Number of Vein Pairs
Appearance of Margin
Margin Width
Flower Shape
Flower Fragrance
Does it set seed?
Flower Size
Flower Type
Blooming Habit
Foliage Habit
Color Patterns
Awards (if applicable)
Seed Type
Growth Habit
Days to Maturity
Awards (if applicable)
Bloom Shape
Other Details
Pruning Instructions
Kernel Color
Flower Shape
Flower Habit
Bloom Size
Color Pattern
Bloom Shape
Pruning Groups
Bloom Diameter
Heat (Pungency)
Fruit Shape
Fruit Size
Fruit Color
Disease Resistance
Seed Type
Flower Size
Flower Characteristics
Leaf Shape/Type
Leaf Texture
Leaf Color
Bearing Habit
Rootstock Vigor
Disease Resistance
Fruit Usage

This plant is said to grow outdoors in the following regions:

Hayward, California

Reseda, California

Vista, California(9 reports)

Loxahatchee, Florida

Richmond, Texas

Sugar Land, Texas

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Gardener's Notes:

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Acton, CA (Zone 8b) | January 2007 | positive

Had this plant about a year now, and though was concerned it would fry in our hot, 115F+ sunshine, it has performed perfectly, and seems ...Read More

San Diego, CA | September 2006 | positive

I grow this in pots outdoors. We get only occassional light frosts in my subclimate. It takes very little water yet is very lush and do...Read More

Sugar Land, TX (Zone 9a) | May 2006 | positive

I received a "bulbette" form a larger plant about a year ago. I planted it in a pot indoors and it did rather well but when I moved it ou...Read More

Vista, CA | February 2006 | positive

This is a U. S. patented plant. The European patent holder reproduces it by tissue culture techniques. The plant holds true to the nor...Read More

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