White-crowned Sparrow

Zonotrichia leucophrys


This bug has been reportedly found in the following regions:

Attalla, Alabama

Mesa, Arizona

Norfork, Arkansas

Logan Lake, British Columbia

Canoga Park, California

Highland, California

Cherry Valley, Illinois

Rock Falls, Illinois

Plymouth, Indiana

Yale, Iowa

Benton, Kentucky

Hebron, Kentucky

Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Ann Arbor, Michigan

Conway, Missouri

Elephant Butte, New Mexico

Las Cruces, New Mexico

Himrod, New York

Rochester, New York

Montville, Ohio

Sandusky, Ohio

Gold Hill, Oregon

El Paso, Texas

High Island, Texas

Iowa Park, Texas

Walkerton, Virginia

Vancouver, Washington

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Gardener's Notes:
2 positives 0 neutral 0 negative
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Vancouver, WA | March 2013 | Positive
A rare sight, here, but I'm always happy to see them. Visitors in autumn, mostly. The white brow streaks easily separate them from other sparrows and finches.


The Ozarks, MO (Zone 5b) | December 2008 | Positive
I love these birds and we have them in our area from fall to spring. They have a beautiful song and seem to sing constantly. When they leave in the spring I really miss them they are so gorgeous. They love sunflower seeds and also steal the mealworms I have out for the Bluebirds! They will eat from feeders but seem to prefer ground feeding.
Nursery web spider
(Pisaurina mira)
Eastern Cattle Egret
(Bubulcus coromandus)
Nursery web spider
(Pisaurina mira)
Eastern Cattle Egret
(Bubulcus coromandus)