Zone-tailed Hawk

Buteo albonotatus


This bug has been reportedly found in the following regions:

Mesa, Arizona

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Puyallup, WA (Zone 8b) | December 2008 | Neutral
Size: 50 cm, W 130 cm
Description: Black overall; pale trailing edge of wings; black tail with thick white bands; yellow legs and gray facial skin; medium-sized hawk; long, broad, rounded wings; wing linings dark with contrasting paler, barred, flight feathers; hooked beak; long, broad, dark tail with white bands; yellow legs and cere.
Wings held in dihedral
Immature similar to adult but with scattered white mottling on underparts, and gray bands on the tail.
Sexes similar

Habitat: Wooded canyons with streams, mesa and middle slopes of desert mountains near streams and rivers, wooded river bottoms, open or semiopen scrub. Usually nests in large cottonwood trees along canyon streams. Flight and appearance mimic Turkey Vulture., i.e. slow... read more
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