American Kestrel

Falco sparverius


This bug has been reportedly found in the following regions:

Mesa, Arizona(2 reports)

Logan Lake, British Columbia

Huntington Beach, California

Stanton, California

Sunland, California

Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Mims, Florida

Titusville, Florida

Trenton, Florida

Madison, Illinois

Westchester, Illinois

Coatesville, Indiana

Yale, Iowa

Hebron, Kentucky

Baton Rouge, Louisiana

West Monroe, Louisiana

College Park, Maryland

Conway, Missouri

Elephant Butte, New Mexico

Las Cruces, New Mexico

Bend, Oregon

Gold Hill, Oregon

Downingtown, Pennsylvania

Austin, Texas

Dayton, Texas

Magnolia, Texas

Walkerton, Virginia

Lander, Wyoming

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Gardener's Notes:
1 positive 2 neutrals 0 negative
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(Zone 5a) | March 2013 | Positive
The American Kestrels are regulars at our place, out in the country surrounded by row crop and grazing pastures. We made our few acres a habitat for wildlife of all kinds and this is one of the blessings.

We put up a nesting box early in 2013. After two summers of nest failures (eggs laid but not hatched), we built a new, deeper box and placed it further from the road, yet still along the same fence line. Because of the frequent in and out activity, we suspect there are young now, but won't be sure until we open up the box when they leave or the young Kestrels perch on the fence lines before dispersing. We wanted to place the box away from all agricultural activity, but we do not have a lot of space and wanted to keep it away from trees so we didn't have to deal with S... read more


Lander, WY (Zone 4a) | January 2013 | Neutral
This beautiful little falcon visits my land almost daily in winter, when insects are dormant, occasionally taking small birds drawn to neighborhood feeders. We had a difficult drought in summer 2012 that devastated the grasshopper population, and the kestrel's scouting of the feeders seems to have begun at that time. Local birds are acutely attuned to the kestrel's arrivals and departures, and I can usually spot kestrel if I watch for the explosive scattering of the finches.


Walkerton, VA (Zone 7a) | January 2010 | Neutral
This falcon's population seems to be decreasing for no apparent reason. On our Christmas count this year covering 4 counties and 2 rivers, only one was reported - a record low.
Gulf Fritillary
(Agraulis vanillae)
Ecuadorian Hillstar
(Oreotrochilus chimborazo)
Gulf Fritillary
(Agraulis vanillae)
Ecuadorian Hillstar
(Oreotrochilus chimborazo)