Variegated Fritillary



This bug has been reportedly found in the following regions:

Elmore, Alabama

Barling, Arkansas

Bear, Delaware

Ellendale, Delaware

Miami, Florida

Park Forest, Illinois

Benton, Kentucky

Brookeville, Maryland

Millersville, Maryland

Holden, Missouri

Elephant Butte, New Mexico

Glouster, Ohio

Kellyville, Oklahoma

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Whitehall, Pennsylvania

Nashville, Tennessee

Arlington, Texas

Edinburg, Texas

Fort Worth, Texas(2 reports)

Houston, Texas

Keller, Texas

Los Fresnos, Texas

Portland, Texas

San Antonio, Texas(2 reports)

San Isidro, Texas

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Gardener's Notes:
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Fort Worth, TX (Zone 8a) | March 2009 | Positive
I have known the Varigated Fritillary was in my area, but have never seen the caterpillars in my yard. This year I planted loads of pansies and found out that they are one of the host plants. Can't wait to see their beautiful chrysalis and release them to multiple!


(Zone 8b) | July 2006 | Positive
1 3/4" -2 3/4'
Tawny Brown above with zigzag balck band in the middle of both wings followed by a blackish shadowy line, black dots and finally teo bands of black along the margin The Fore Wing has several black circles and crescents.

The similar Mexican Fritillary lacks dark markings on the Hind Wing disk above.
The caterpillars of this species eat more different types of plants than almost any other butterfly except the Painted Lady.
It has characteristics of both true fritillaries, who feed only on violets, and Longwing Fritillaries
Pyralid Moth
(Vinicia gypsopa)
Northern Cardinal
(Cardinalis cardinalis)
Pyralid Moth
(Vinicia gypsopa)
Northern Cardinal
(Cardinalis cardinalis)