Genista Moth



This bug has been reportedly found in the following regions:

Barling, Arkansas

Concord, California

Richmond, California

San Diego, California

Vista, California

Garner, North Carolina

Holly Ridge, North Carolina

Sidney, Ohio

Dallas, Texas

Helotes, Texas

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Gardener's Notes:
0 positive 2 neutral 5 negative
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Garner, NC | July 2012 | Negative
This caterpillar ate all of my false indigo to the main stems before I saw it. The plants are not in a prominent place, but I need to be better at IPM. Good to know that Bt works. Will try that next year, if it happens again. I cut all my plants back to the groun because they loked SO HORRIBLE. I have included a picture as well.


Holly Ridge, NC (Zone 8a) | May 2012 | Neutral
I'm marking this as neutral until I can determine how much damage it does to my baptisia.


Sidney, OH (Zone 6a) | May 2012 | Negative
The caterpillars of this moth are decimating my lupines. They spin a silky web around tender leaves and secondary blooms and cause the plants to wilt. From there, they move onto the unripened seeds. I've just started spraying with Bt, but may move on to something more toxic or just cut down and destroy affected lupine plants.


Dallas, TX | January 2010 | Negative
Genista moths found my texas mountain laurels about 3-4 years ago, and it's been a battle. They don't appear to be seasonal here, but show up off and on throughout the summer from April through October. Luckily, Bt spray works well.


Vista, CA (Zone 10a) | October 2008 | Negative
These things are a major pain. I have 1 acre of land with hundreds of species of plants in my garden. This year they completely defoliated my Bolusanthus speciosus tree. The amazing thing is how they found my one Sophora plant I have. A small Sophora tomentosa in a pot I have grown from seed. They somehow managed to find that plant and started to defoliate it too. I could not keep up with removing them. The kept coming back in greater number! I finally put so much Bayer Tree and Shrub into the soil it would kill a donkey if it ate a leaf. This did the trick. Looks like it will be a yearly battle.


NE Medina Co., TX (Zone 8a) | December 2007 | Neutral
In my area this caterpillar is found on the Texas Mountain Laurel plants, which are one of the host plants for the species. In the late spring, they might occur and some damage to the foliage will result. Once all the caterpillars go off to pupate, the plants won't be attacked anymore that year. Most years the damage isn't too bad in this Texas Hill Country area, where the Sophora secundiflora is native and abundant.


San Diego, CA (Zone 10b) | August 2007 | Negative
This pest has taken over two Scotch Broom plants to the point that I have pulled the plants and will not use them again. I can't even count how many there are on the plant, but it looks like the plant is crawling on its own!
I live in San Diego, CA in a temperate area.
Common Oak Moth
(Phoberia atomaris)
Brush Cuckoo
(Cacomantis variolosus)
Common Oak Moth
(Phoberia atomaris)
Brush Cuckoo
(Cacomantis variolosus)