Love Bug



This bug has been reportedly found in the following regions:

Archer, Florida

Bartow, Florida

Cape Coral, Florida

Fountain, Florida

Hobe Sound, Florida

Lake Placid, Florida

Live Oak, Florida

Lutz, Florida

North Port, Florida

Okeechobee, Florida

Pensacola, Florida

Saint Cloud, Florida(2 reports)

Stuart, Florida

Vero Beach, Florida

Delcambre, Louisiana

Denham Springs, Louisiana

Thibodaux, Louisiana

Sandy Hook, Mississippi

Missouri City, Texas

Richmond, Texas

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Gardener's Notes:
0 positive 0 neutral 6 negative
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Live Oak, FL | February 2020 | Negative
I think they are getting worse! If you build anything with wood for outdoors, they will be attracted to it, and also the color white.
I can count on seeing them just before Memorial Day, usually, then a second time Labor Day Weekend here in North and Central Florida.
I drove through Kissimmee, FL on the turnpike during their season. OMG! Thank goodness I was prepared. You do not turn on your windshield wipers while driving. That just makes things worse. Carry a gallon or two jugs of water and a package of dryer sheets. You wet the windshield down then rub with the sheet, then start rinsing. When you get to your destination, wash the vehicle immediately cause it will stink if you don't get the condenser and radiator... read more


Stuart, FL (Zone 9b) | February 2020 | Negative
I don't see any recent postings on these lovely (not) love bugs. I've lived in Stuart, Hobe Sound and Lake Placid. All cities in Florida. We've had these little demons at each city! We made the mistake of stopping to wipe down our windshield, put the rag in our car and very unfortunately forgot about it over a weekend. The smell is worse than anything I've encountered. Imagine rotting fruit with rotting meat. Is there anything good to say about this bug; makes you wonder where it got it's name!


Orlando, FL (Zone 9b) | March 2013 | Negative
they are so annoying, it's hard to imagine them gone during the season. it's like you are guaranteed to find one inside your clothes when you undress.
they get in the house and then die all over the place. the smell isn't as bad i expected though.
do not wear light colors! they will want to get onto you more.

it's disgusting to see the walls absolutely covered in them. and next time look up under the roof before you walk through the doors at Publix.

at least they are harmless


Fountain, FL (Zone 8a) | October 2006 | Negative
I HATE love bugs...they are so nasty the birds won't even eat them! And they do a real number on the paint of your vehicle if you don't wash them off in a timely manner. YUCK!!


Murfreesboro, TN (Zone 7a) | October 2006 | Negative
We recently visited Orlando, FL for several days, and I agree the infestation is horrible this year. At least they don't sting or bite, because they sure are a swarming nuisance.


Archer/Bronson, FL (Zone 8b) | October 2006 | Negative
The infestation this year has been horrendous. They have decided my orchid house/patio/porch is the "in" place to hang out. It's October 1st and they are not gone yet.

Getting into the front door is a problem as they are all over the door, in the screen, on the door knobs, coating the screens of the orchid house and everywhere.

They seem to be cognizant of the fact that I am not euthanizing bugs on my land and are taking full advantage of my good nature.

Tree frogs and lizards won't eat love bugs. Evidently bats don't eat love bugs either. Mosquitoes aren't afraid of love bugs and love bugs are not afraid of you. And that's all I am going to say.
Zebra Longwing
(Heliconius charitonius)
Snowy-crowned Robin-chat
(Cossypha niveicapilla)
Zebra Longwing
(Heliconius charitonius)
Snowy-crowned Robin-chat
(Cossypha niveicapilla)