Regal Jumping Spider



This bug has been reportedly found in the following regions:

Mobile, Alabama

Tempe, Arizona

Anaheim, California(2 reports)

Burbank, California

Union City, California

Daytona Beach, Florida

Gainesville, Florida

Kissimmee, Florida

Orange City, Florida

Palm Coast, Florida

Polk City, Florida

Waldo, Florida

Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Keyport, New Jersey

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Laurens, South Carolina

Elizabethton, Tennessee

Ingleside, Texas

Keller, Texas

Lewisville, Texas

San Antonio, Texas

Wharton, Texas

Vancouver, Washington

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Gardener's Notes:
7 positive 4 neutral 0 negative
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Anaheim, CA | February 2018 | Neutral
I've seen this spider in Anaheim CA (92807) and took a picture in 2014, but California doesn't seem to be in its official range..


Philadelphia, PA | July 2013 | Neutral
Please add Philadelphia, the city of brotherly love, as a habitat of the "camel cricket." Since the end of June the bug comes out in our family room at nite. It has daddy-long leg like legs and a solid body. It seems as though this bug jumps at you and can see! If I can get a picture, I will upload. Mostly, it scares the crap out of me then I jump too. My hubby killed one on my leg last nite which resulted in tempory itching. We sprayed twice, made sure areas of humidity are clear,etc. This may be a job for the pros.


Vancouver, WA | March 2013 | Neutral
I don't personally like quick-moving spiders (I don't want to be attacked, thank you) and generally give them their space. Saw one in the garden last year, among the vinca minora leaves, and thought it was almost beautiful; it had the iridescent face and a russet patch on the back of the abdomen and was the largest and fuzziest jumping-spider I had ever seen! It was also quick to get out of sight, hiding among the leaves.


Beverly Hills, FL | February 2013 | Positive
Well I have a story to tell and it is about a female Phidippus regius who was my cell mate while in prison.

While I was in prison I had caught a small jumping spider, beautiful orange patterns covered her body and (although there were more eyes) the two shiny black eyes facing forward caught my attention.

Most of the guys that were there caught these spiders for fighting (it was a big deal to have the toughest spider in town) I never did get into that. I kept my spider out of that sporting arachnid arena.

At first I kept my spider in a cup with a lid, but as with myself I figured it didn't like to be locked up either, so I let it loose in my cell. It had found a corner on the ceiling an made a home and stayed in my cell. I took care of it for ... read more


Orange City, FL | May 2010 | Positive
I love my little guy, my daughter named him Jack Skellington..he just matured to full size last week and I have been handling him a lot since to get him used to me...this is by far my favorite spider and one of the things I love most about them is they are gentle enough that, with my help, my 4 year old can interact with him and hold him..I hope to gather more soon and I would love to breed them once :-) just let the babies free in the backyard lol


Lewisville, TX (Zone 7b) | April 2010 | Neutral
When I first saw this spider it "freaked me out" as it was chunky & quick! Those colors on it's back looks like it was looking directly at me! I am not a fan of spiders but knowing this is a beneficial one I won't be afraid of it biting me.


Elizabethton, TN (Zone 7a) | June 2008 | Positive
I have one that "owns" the west wall of my living room! If I hang a new pic, move one, or want to dust/clean the wall "he" has to be right there watching every move. I've told him (yes I talk to him haha) he can watch from a distance--I have a "thing" about spiders (ewww).So, we've come to a compromise, when I do something at/on the wall he seems to know to move up to the far corner and stay out of the way. I have noticed that this is the ONLY wall/corner that never has cob webs, including the window on that wall. I don't know if he eats the "cellar" spiders that abound here in northeast TN, or if they just know to stay away from him. He's black & white, fuzzy and well, cute I guess--for a spider hahaha.


Crossville, TN (Zone 7a) | May 2008 | Positive
My absolute favourite spiders in the whole world. They remind me of puppies and definitely have a nice and interesting personality!
Ours follows us around.


Pittsburgh, PA (Zone 6a) | May 2007 | Positive
"YES" here in pittsburgh,PA we have them as well and i have noticed that they do seem to have a personality of sorts (i thought at first it was my imagination)but they are cute for spiders and i don't mind having them around.


San Antonio, TX (Zone 8b) | August 2006 | Positive
Wonderful little creature! I've come to the conclusion that jumping spiders DO have miniature personalities....I know that my large female watches me on the porch as the sun rises in the morning....just alot of fun to watch... :)


(Zone 8b) | August 2006 | Positive
Although jumping spiders do not make webs to capture prey, they do use silk, hunting spiders trail a dragline behind them to break their fall in case they miss a jump.
Jumping spiders are harmless, beneficial creatures.
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