Brown Widow



This bug has been reportedly found in the following regions:

La Mesa, California

Oceanside, California

San Diego, California

Santee, California

Bartow, Florida

Daytona Beach, Florida

Deland, Florida

Deltona, Florida

Okeechobee, Florida

Sebring, Florida

New Orleans, Louisiana

Vacherie, Louisiana

Biloxi, Mississippi

Huffman, Texas

Portland, Texas

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Gardener's Notes:
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Huffman, TX | February 2013 | Negative
Beware!! These spiders will take over your home, garage, & any other sheltered place.
We had quite a few black widows in the summer of 2010, but the spring/summer of 2011 was months of repeatedly searching & spraying.
In April of 2011, I noticed a tons of cobwebs on my patio, and then my garage and bicycles. We have dogs, and dog hair was in the webs, so it really looked nasty on my patio. I never saw a spider, but I did see the star-burst shaped egg sacks in several places. Notably under the seats of the bicycles. Never saw a spider.
By the end of May, I was knocking down webs every day, but they were being rebuilt during the night. Some webs maybe a foot wide. The webs were a disorganized mess with dog hair, leaves & whatever else got stuck in the web. Th... read more


Vacherie, LA (Zone 9a) | January 2011 | Neutral
They're instantly recognizable by their black-striped legs. The bodies are quite variable, but usually light tan; the ones in the current DG pics are darker than the ones I see around here. They have become quite common in the Gulf South, allegedly spreading as hitchhikers on RVs and other vehicles. I used to go into immediate Terminator mode upon finding them, but now, after observing their habits, I have come to see them as peaceful coexisting critters in my world. Yes, their venom is as strong as (some scientists say much stronger than) that of the Black Widow. But they inject less of it, and it really would only be dangerous if you're a kid or an elderly/sick person. I've noticed they tend to only form webs up high (say, 8 feet or above), where they catch annoying buggies like mo... read more
Periodical Cicada
(Magicicada septendecim)
Magnificent Frigatebird
(Fregata magnificens)
Periodical Cicada
(Magicicada septendecim)
Magnificent Frigatebird
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