Hickory Tussock Moth



This bug has been reportedly found in the following regions:

Chester, Connecticut

Naugatuck, Connecticut

Arcadia, Florida

Hillsboro, Georgia

Clay City, Indiana

Crawfordsville, Indiana

Burlington, Maine

Oakland, Maryland

Adams, Massachusetts

Nantucket, Massachusetts

Craryville, New York

East Durham, New York

Nichols, New York

Barberton, Ohio

Cincinnati, Ohio

Glouster, Ohio

Arcadia, Oklahoma

Dilliner, Pennsylvania

Tobyhanna, Pennsylvania

West Chester, Pennsylvania

Charlestown, Rhode Island

Burlington, Vermont

Blacksburg, Virginia

Chester, West Virginia

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Gardener's Notes:
0 positive 1 neutral 4 negative
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Clay City, IN | August 2016 | Neutral
Found one of these on my neck after going out to feed my animals. Felt something prickly on my neck and brushed it off. Within 24 hours my neck is covered in a bad rash that itches tremendously bad!!! Located in Clay City, Indiana. I'm so glad I was smart enough to pick it up with a paper towel to throw it outside!!!


Madison, GA | October 2013 | Negative
As I had to find out the hard way, the Hickory Tussock caterpillar is "an extremely attractive species of caterpillar", it "is also one that is best avoided".

While my boyfriend and I were at his mom's house (in Hillsboro, GA) this past weekend, I was playing outside with his daughter and we found a very fuzzy, strange looking caterpillar on her playground. She wanted to keep it and watch it go through the butterfly stages and transformation. I got it on a stick, we found a container, put air holes in it, then put the caterpillar with the stick inside. As the day went on, we found about 5 more of these caterpillars, and put them in the container with more sticks and leaves. I thought for certain that I didn't touch any of the caterpillars, and I know my boyfriend's daughter ... read more


Dilliner, PA | September 2010 | Negative
This caterpillar is one I would advise staying away from!
My 16 month old son found this out the hard way!
Although he has sensitive skin anyway, I too, broke out in an irritating rash after he had touched me after playing with this particular caterpillar.
It has been four days, and while my rash seems to have subsided, he is still miserable with his.
Not a caterpillar to play with!


Oakland, MD | January 2009 | Negative
As DiOhio warned, whenever I come into contact with the caterpillar of this species, where-ever the hairs stick in my skin become itchy fluid filled bumps.
I found out the hard way when I was a kid not to touch them. I remember both of my hands being covered in little bumps, and them itching and burning so badly that i was scrapping them against the carpet trying to get rid of the sensation.


Corning, OH (Zone 6a) | January 2007 | Negative
WARNING: Some people may be allergic to the hairs of this caterpillar. Be especially careful with children handling this caterpillar and then touching their eyes before washing hands.

Although I can hold this caterpillar and let him walk on me without having an allergic reaction, if any of the hairs become embedded it will hurt and burn and itch for over a week. I accidentally left my leather garden gloves sit on the front porch overnight and the next day when I put the gloves on I unknowingly squished one of these caterpillars that had gone into the glove for shelter. I was miserable for days.

Host plants include ashes, elms, hickories, maples, oaks, and walnuts, but will usually accept most any shrub or tree.

One generation.
(Tymbophora peltastis)
Sacred Ibis
(Threskiornis aethiopicus)
(Tymbophora peltastis)
Sacred Ibis
(Threskiornis aethiopicus)