European Sow Bug



This bug has been reportedly found in the following regions:

Prescott, Arizona

Alta Loma, California

El Cerrito, California

Eureka, California

Fortuna, California

Melbourne, Florida

Moscow, Idaho

Round Lake, Illinois

Louisville, Kentucky

Millersville, Maryland

Bridgewater, Massachusetts

Halifax, Massachusetts

Harper Woods, Michigan

Holland, Michigan

Minneapolis, Minnesota

Southold, New York

Water Mill, New York

Raleigh, North Carolina(2 reports)

Grand Prairie, Texas

Clarksville, Virginia

Walla Walla, Washington

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Gardener's Notes:
1 positive 1 neutral 2 negative
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Watermill, NY | August 2019 | Negative
I am SICK of people claiming this bug only eats dead plant material. They eat EVERYTHING in my garden. They have attacked the roots of every plant I have, particularly annuals. I can no longer plant seedlings/plugs because there are millions of these things in my flower beds and they devour small plants within days. There were so many eating my wood deck that I have to get it power washed every year to kill them.

I tried putting down slug/earwig pellets but those pellets caused mildew to grow and kill my plants, so I stopped using them.I don't use other pesticides in my garden because I have bees, monarch caterpillars, butterflies and hummingbirds.

These are not roly polys. They don't curl up in a ball. They're the worst pest on my entire property. I have p... read more


(Zone 8b) | October 2009 | Negative
Sow bugs get more than half my crop of strawberries every year. We've tried putting down wood planks for them to hide under but they still nibble on almost every berry.


Coon Rapids, MN (Zone 4a) | January 2008 | Neutral
Sowbugs are the ones that doesn't roll up in a tight ball. They like to hide under litter, prefering the humid conditions. Damages to plants are hardly noticeable - mainly seedlings. They tend to be more common when you add wood mulch or letting nature build up leaf litter in woodland gardens. They also are found in wood piles and weedy spots. They are also more of a northern species than pillbugs.


| March 2007 | Positive
Slaters are found in cool damp places all over australia.
Swallow-tailed Moth
(Ourapteryx sambucaria)
Allen’s Hummingbird
(Selasphorus sasin)
Swallow-tailed Moth
(Ourapteryx sambucaria)
Allen’s Hummingbird
(Selasphorus sasin)