Giant Water Bug



This bug has been reportedly found in the following regions:

Miami, Florida

Orlando, Florida

Sarasota, Florida

Carrollton, Georgia

Brighton, Michigan

Buckley, Michigan

Dunkirk, New York

Cavalier, North Dakota

Fort Worth, Texas

Lampasas, Texas

San Antonio, Texas

Spokane, Washington(2 reports)

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Gardener's Notes:
1 positive 4 neutral 1 negative
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| June 2012 | Neutral
Accidently stepped on one of these late at night in Dieppe New Brunswick. Had no idea what it was. The guy who stepped on it, thought he stepped on his flash light due to the size of it. We took a picture of it which I added to the data base.


Brighton, MI (Zone 5b) | March 2012 | Neutral
I would have given this thing a negative rating but, I know it has a purpose other than shocking me every time I see one! We have several small marshes around here and one of these pops up almost every year. I'm not afraid of most insects but, I have to admit, this one bothers me. Nasty looking creature...and until I saw these photos, I had no idea of the beak it has. I've had to terminate 4-5 that came in the garage. They're too big to live with me and they remind me of a huge roach! Killed one a week ago and that is why I stopped here to learn more about them. Almost sorry I did now that I know they bite too! On a positive note...they just lay there out of water. You leave it alone and it will leave you alone.


Buckley, MI | September 2009 | Neutral
We found this bug today as we were taking down our pool for the summer. The pool water was not chlorinated so it got a bit pond-like and the bug was living inside it. We also found one about a year ago, dead, in the spring. Nastiest bug I have ever seen, and HUGE for around here.


Spokane, WA | August 2009 | Positive
I live in Spokane, Washington and my friend just found a giant water bug. He was dead when she found him and is keeping him for positive identification from a professional. I have never seen this bug before and as far as I have read they are not native to this side of the country. Maybe they are migrating this way. What a nasty little bugger!!!


| May 2009 | Negative
umm yeah i live in moncton ,new brunswick and we have one of these bugs , we have been trying to fiure out what it was b/c no one has ever seen one and thats exacty what it was! , this was about may 10th , it was in a car ! and whan we flicked it out side it looked like it was hummping the ground ,not to sure what to do so if someone could tell that would be awsome


San Antonio, TX (Zone 9a) | August 2006 | Neutral
Ok I'm a Texan through and through . . . I was raised a country boy and I thought I'd seen and messed with about every type of critter that flies, crawls, slithers and swims in these parts . . . However, I've never seen one of these before or since.

It was crawling around in my paint shop one night and when I flipped on the light he caught my eye. So I grabbed my camera as he was looking to hide inside an empty food can on a shelf. I dumped him out on the workbench to get a better photo of him. Obviously he was not too pleased about that action.

Here's what says about these guys . . .

Other Common Names
Electric Light Bug
Toe Biter
Fish Killer

very large: adult up to 65 mm... read more
Cabbage White
(Pieris rapae)
Black-crowned Night Heron
(Nycticorax nycticorax)
Cabbage White
(Pieris rapae)
Black-crowned Night Heron
(Nycticorax nycticorax)