Crucifer Flea Beetle



This bug has been reportedly found in the following regions:

Aurora, Colorado

Fort Collins, Colorado

Wellington, Colorado

Orofino, Idaho

Fulton, Missouri

Belfield, North Dakota

Columbus, Ohio

Dayton, Washington

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Gardener's Notes:
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Denver, CO | August 2008 | Negative
I had a huge problem with them last year. They destroyed the young broccoli and collard green plants before that were more than 6 inches tall. This year, they attacked the plants when they were much larger. They seem to have left the garden for the moment. But, I am sleeping with one eye open, and awaiting their return. Like others here, I have not found an effective way to eliminate them. If anyone does, please inform me. Thank You


Wellington, CO | July 2007 | Negative
What a way to find out that the precious little alsyum seeds I have been nurturing all spring were members of the mustard family!

They were just getting to the point of flowering when this little bugger, the Flea Beetle showed up. Now they are just a pitted, sagging mess.

Not finding a lot of info on how to get rid of them. They are a big problem in canola fields but it looks like all the control methods are either for big commercial farms or are preventative in nature.

This site was sort of helpful:

Still not sure how to get rid of them. Apparently they will be dying ... read more


Aurora, CO (Zone 5a) | June 2007 | Negative
I lost my brassica to them last year, and I'm losing my melons to them this year. They swarm over the plants so thickly that the plants look black. I've yet to find anything that would get rid of them.


Belfield, ND (Zone 4a) | July 2006 | Neutral
The crucifer flea beetle is a non-native insect pest that accidentally was introduced into North America during the 1920s. Phyllotreta cruciferae now can be found across southern Canada and the northern Great Plains states of the United States.

The adult is a small (about 1/32 to 1/8 inch), oval-shaped, bluish-black beetle with numerous dimples on the wing covers. The whitish larva is wormlike and approximatley 1/8-inch in size, with tiny legs and a brown head.

The crucifer flea beetle has one generation per year. Adult flea beetles overwinter in leaf litter of shelterbelts and grassy areas. They emerge from the overwintering sites during early spring as temperatures reach up to 57 F.

Overwintered adults feed on seedling cruciferous host plants.... read more
Striped Cucumber Beetle
(Acalymma vittata)
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
(Sphyrapicus varius)
Striped Cucumber Beetle
(Acalymma vittata)
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
(Sphyrapicus varius)