Weird Weather of '09 #11...what's the Bright Thing Up There?

(Trisha) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

We came from here

June is about here and there is a strange Bright Thing in the Sky and it is Warm outside?!?! Things are blooming and hopefully a new start for Laura too!

Thumbnail by zhinusmom
Eugene, OR

And things are busting out all over. Love the spider!!

Thumbnail by Sally_OR
(Trisha) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

Wasn't today absolutely beautiful? Spent most of the day cleaning out some of the front beds, potting up some grasses and repotting a bunch of houseplant....mine and moms. Have been a bit under the weather this week and all of this didn't help a lot.....have napped most of the evening and think I am heading for bed very soon...but we did accomplish quite a bit today:)

Packed a lunch, picked up DH and had a picnic at the marina was perfect for it....

Thumbnail by zhinusmom
Eugene, OR

Must be something going around, I've been down too. Still not quite up to par, but getting there. And yes it was beautiful here too! DH and I are going to the coast tomorrow, looking forward to that.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

anybody else been seeing the lightening tonight. I love watching it. I was thinking that those of you in the Bend area might be getting a heck of a show!

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

Sally, I hope that you're better soon. I've been in the same boat. something just not quite right. I'm blaming allergies!

Bend, OR(Zone 5a)

Trisha, fantastic shot of ALL those IDLE sailboats! What marina? We're planning on a christening trip for Wind Trek next weekend. Doesn't look too promising for the weather there though. :-( If not next weekend hopefully the following.

It's been beautiful here for the last week.

Shelly, yah I saw the lightning last night and could hear the thunder. We didn't get any out here in the country, just the backwash wind. Was hoping for rain, but that didn't happen.

Sally, I know how you feel, I've been suffering from allergies for the first time in my life! I'm hoping it's only going to this year and never again!

Have agreat weekend!


(Trisha) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

That particular Marina is Swantown at the Port of Olympia.....then the Olympia Yacht Club is right down town....maybe we will go there for lunch today since it is beautiful out and the boardwalk is a really nice area for lunch.

OH, I wish we got lightening around here!!! We always had thunder storms and lots of lightening when I was a kid....I sure miss that here.

Want to get back outside today, but will take it much easier, my side is still giving me trouble. The dog and I may just spend the afternoon lounging on mom's patio listening to the water and all the birds...

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

You might get your wish trisha... I'm not sure if this system is going to make it that far north, but there's a chance.

For anyone who likes checking out the lightening strike maps to see where it's coming down at here's a link to one of them. I always have to check it out when there's a storm going on. Updated every 15 min.

(Trisha) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

Had a great afternoon....had to go up to the garden center so took Laura and Sage with me...we are getting her trained....I let her pick out some plant of her choosing for her garden. She was so much fun to shop with. Laura and i got boring things like Heirloom Tomatoes......and a couple of Oriental Poppies I couldn't resist. Sage got Flowers so she and Laura are going to work on their garden tomorrow. But first we are repotting some houseplants for Sage. She needs some Inside plants to go in her bedroom window!!

My mom hired Sage to deadhead one of the shrubs next to her just gets tired too easily....Sage had a great time and did a really good job! She likes to earn money...and she is pretty good at Saving her money for something she really wants!!

85 degrees here today....we all got a bit too much sun while we were out.
Time to call it a night...she will be up way too early!

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Hey all. I'm in Corvallis now, visiting my folks. I was on my way to Philomath to stay at my brother's last night and thought I saw a flash in the sky. It was just the one and nothing else.

Beautiful, hot weather here today. I wandered around my brother's property this morning (he and my SIL are in Italy/France/Spain for three weeks) and checked out the plants in bloom. I miss the critters, but it's so easy being on 'vacation'.

My trip from Woodinville yesterday took 8 hours (normally takes 5.5), due to backups all the way from Bellevue to Olympia. I'm ready for some down time today. My folks and I are headed out for some lunch today and then maybe a little siesta for them while I run an errand or two downtown.

That's good news about Sage getting her gardening skills all warmed up and discovering the gardening gene early. These are good memories she'll have forever.


southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

Hi Katie.... you're almost shouting distance! almost.... lol. well you still might have some luck with the lightening. But I don't think that it's supposed to move as far north as it did the other night. I had some last night and I suspect that I will tonight to.... But you'd have to go another hour or two south from Corvallis. But, with a little hope, maybe you'll get to see it. You'll have to go and watch from Mary's Peak if you do!!

(Trisha) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

Here is Sage hard at work.......she took her earnings to an art fair today and spent it all on Rocks!!! She loves rocks and stones and gems of all kinds, from the exotic to the ones she picks up on the street!

(Trisha) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

would help if I put the picture in wouldn't it:(

Thumbnail by zhinusmom
Eugene, OR

Have a good visit Kathy!!

Sage looks so serious! LOL Too bad I'm not closer, I have about 15 rhodies that will need deadheading soon.

Hot here too, 90 on my deck. Too hot for me, have to tend to everything in the morning.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

Very cute picture of Sage

(Trisha) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

She is a fun kid, always has to be doing something.
I would put her to work here, but I think they are working in their own yard today.
Guess I need to get back outside and do it "my own self".

(Laura) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

Yeah I need to train her to weed our beds...

Union, WA(Zone 8b)

Good luck with that. I tried to get my daughter to weed the driveway when she was about 10 and she refused. NOW she's a gardener.

(Laura) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

It's more trying to get her to only pull the ones you want pulled, not step on the seedlings you want to keep, and pull the whole weed, not just the tops.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Years ago my nephew did a beautiful job of weeding my mother's back flower bed, except that he interpreted a little square of Corsican Mint my mother had been trying to grow as part of that same flower bed and very carefully ripped it all out!!

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

Lol..... I know a couple of adults who've weede my corsican mint!!! At least your nephew had a good excuse. Are you still in Corvallis? Today seems as though it might be a nice, cormfortably warm, spring day. Maybe.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

I came back yesterday. I left at 11am, so traffic was good.

Friday's trip down was 8 hrs: 2pm to 10pm. Yesterday's was 5 1/2 hours.

It's 10 degrees cooler up here. Ahhhhhh. But my plants were all thirsty. The pet/house sitter cleaned my kitchen floor, which was really very nice, but I really wish she had watered!!

Moscow, ID(Zone 5a)

I finally took a day off with sunshine!
Very nice weather & plenty of work to accomplish.
I wish I had a 4 day work week from May through September...

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

I'm envious. Have fun today!

Moscow, ID(Zone 5a)

just got back from picking up a load of manure. Hot, sweaty & ready to unload. At least this part is easier.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

Wow... that's quite the time difference Kathey! I'm glad that it went better as well that it's cooler up there. Too bad about your plants not getting watered. I'd rather water plants than clean a floor anydoor.

Katye... that doesn't sound like fun at all!

(Trisha) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

D*%#.......two medic visits yesterday and Doris is back in the hospital!!! At least her daughter was right there with her when she had the attack this time....and, thankfully, it scared the bejezzes out of her...hope it scared some sense into her!!! Maybe now she can see that this woman cannot be left alone AT ALL!!!! It isn't my family or my business, but it is so frustrating!!! It IS my mother and another dear neighbor who are suffering and are going to end up in the hospital just from worrying about their friend grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!

Mother in law should be out of surgery and in recovery about now.....they thought she would be in her room by around five......can't imagine Double Knee surgery.....but she really did need it!

Seventies here and getting a little high cloud cover here and there. Got some of the front entry plants repotted, a little weeding done.....hope to get back to work on the back patio this afternoon.....have to with DH to take some measurements and meet lawyers...he is doing some consulting on a bicycle accident case:(

Was hoping the mail would get here before I leave....should be receiving come cannas and some interesting unknown sedum (and Fresh homegrown Lemons) today!!!At least my postman knows they are coming and will put them in the shade by the front door for me....he is a sweetie and my dogs very most favorite human!!

Don't know its real I.D. we just call it the little yellow pond Iris, but it bloomed yesterday!!!

Thumbnail by zhinusmom
Moscow, ID(Zone 5a)

"LYPI" is a great name, Trisha!

It is 84° right now & will rise - it's almost as if the heat collects on the property from about 3 pm on.
Hope i can get water to everything - back to work, tomorrow.

RC - manure: not fun, but I am so grateful to have access to it, and it saves me a lot of $.
I am in the process of building large areas of layered compostables out in my orchard, so I need everything I can get my hands on. Hard to find leaves this time of year, though, LOL... that's why I have a nice big lawn - it's a crop for composting!

Lunch break is over - now to weedeating the orchard. NOT FUN AT ALL!

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

Sounds like the heat has finally made it your way Katye.... I guess to make the manure extra smelly? But, as you said, it's cheap so that's what we need!

It was starting to heat up again today and then it suddenly dropped about 15 deg. and the thunder and lightening started up about 15min. later. It's bringing warm rain, which actually feels good. So, I've still been working outside in it, if it starts striking down, I'll give it up for the day.

Trishia... so sorry to hear about your day yesterday and that whole situation. You're a trooper. Hopefully some sort of a resolve is reached before things get worse. But, too bad that it's dragging you down.

Eugene, OR

rc....your storm came through here between 7- 9, thunder and lightening the whole time. ^_^ A good soaker rain, won't have to water tomorrow. And it's cooled off some but still warm here.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

lol.... It did come through finally, boy it took it a while. I've been getting it every evening since thursday or fri. last week. ALthough pretty lightly most nights. Tonight was good!

Here's a pic that I also posted in another thread of a thunder cloud over the garden tonight. It was pretty loud at times. I wouldn't be surprised if the thunder storms return off and on tonight.

This message was edited Jun 2, 2009 11:32 PM

Thumbnail by redchic01
Eugene, OR

The clouds were awesome tonight, I was with my knitting group. Between the window and a skylight we had quite a show. Long low rumbly thunder, I like that kind. DH said the lightening lit up the whole street. I would be surprised if we got more but the news just said it's on it's way out until tomorrow night. I saw some lightening the last couple of nights, but it was way off. This was right over head.

southern willamette , OR(Zone 7a)

That would've been great to have a good view of it. It passed over here when it was still pretty light out (as you can tell from above) and that pic was taken closer to the end of it.

(Judi)Portland, OR

Expecting thunder storms later today and tomorrow. Meanwhile, the spotty raindrops yesterday were not enough water for the garden and a few plants are looking like they need a drink. Guess I'll get out there and water this morning in case the same happens today! The storms are interesting as long as they don't last for days!

Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

Looks like my daughter will be having graduation in the gym tomorrow. Lightning and thunder storms predicted. Cooler today at 73..but the humidity terrible. I will just close my eyes and pretend I am somewhere tropical...Mexico.. Jamaica.. Hawaii... Now all I need is a lounge chair, good book and a pina colada or two.
This was sunrise yesterday morning.

Thumbnail by BeaHive
Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Wow. We're not having any of that - just heat, heat, heat. It's not record-setting, but plenty warm (highs in the mid 80's). After today it's supposed to cool down, I think.

Union, WA(Zone 8b)

My sprinkling system has been broken and time non-existant so all my stuff in really drooping. It sort of perks up overnight, but I will have a mountain of deadheading to do soon. My garden gal is coming back on the 8th and I will get her busy out there.

Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

Got hot again today. Currently 87 deg and so humid. I wish it would just rain already!! Had to turn on the a/c. Can't take it anymore. Cool shower and jammies soon! No work in the yard tonight! Mom and my brother expected later tonight.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Watering tonight - again. It's 80 in the house. Outside is nice (my shade comes in handy in this weather) but had to put on Off for the bugs and still got bit. I did do the cool shower thing after working. Ahhhh.

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