Weird Weather of '09 #11...what's the Bright Thing Up There?

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

Hey all, Just droped in to say Hi.
You all have been busy. I have totally lost my big puter, on Vac. this week taking it in to be looked at. Findly got the laptop down ( I think) but can only hold so much. Miss sharing

My new little buddy, was weeding and he popped out of some where.

Thumbnail by tillysrat
Union, WA(Zone 8b)

HI Tils, really miss your input on things. Hope you are back soon.

Poulsbo, WA(Zone 8a)

Its been hard to focus on DG, working a 10 hour shift and the commute on top of it. plus fighting this Laptop. Its less tressful playing a game on FB. I so miss my big puter, I'm on Vac this week going to take it down and see if someone can fix it.

One of my new babies

Thumbnail by tillysrat
Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

Cute little frog Tilly!

I have some blooms on my Jacobs ladder (yellow version)

Thumbnail by BeaHive
Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

These are a few blooms on my (CL) Valentine Rose . Drooping from the weight of the flowers.

Thumbnail by BeaHive
(Trisha) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

Beautiful butterflies, flowers and frogs...oh my....

The picture isn't real clear being so far away but this was taken over Laura's driveway yesterday.....we heard this crow and then the poor Eagle....he is so beautiful!

Thumbnail by zhinusmom
Eugene, OR

gardener...what a great story. How wonderful you got to experience that!

Tills ......lovely flowers. they really harm the eagles, or just chase them away? BAD CROW!!

(Trisha) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

Sally, I am not sure if they actually harm them, but they do harass them terribly. That I don't like...but generally I have always been fond of dad always liked them and we had a few around the farm when I was little that got to be quite friendly.

Eugene, OR

I've seen eagles here a few times, no crows though. I've seen ravens in town. The biggest that come to my feeders are jays, scrubs and stellars. I put stuff out for them, don't let them get into the feeders anymore, they dump everything out!

(Trisha) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

I get the Jays at the feeders.....the crows show up at the birdbath occasionally. As pretty as they are I do my best to discourage the Jays....they have a nasty habit of raiding the bird houses and nests of our smaller birds and stealing the eggs and killing the baby birds.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

I saw a beautiful pair of pileated woodpeckers soaring over my yard last night. They made their way back and forth from tree to tree before landing. I hope they stick around.

Eugene, OR

I can hear woodpeckers in the woods behind our place, but have never seen any. Maybe some day.

Eugene, OR

rc...are you getting weather over there? We've got some nasty looking clouds. Haven't done anything, but look just awful.

(Judi)Portland, OR

It really rained hard here yesterday, lasted about an hour. It is supposed to rain a lot today. I don't mind too much as long as the forecast for the week is back to sun and summer. The tomato plants should be happy with a week of sun after today's rain. I hope you guys down around Eugene are not getting slammed.

Eugene, OR

It never did anything last night here. I was surprised, from the way it looked. Sun is shining this morning, still cool. I think my tomatoes grew a ft in the last week.

Hope everyone is having a Happy Father's Day. We're going out to dinner tonight, which is really a treat for me (I don't have to cook). DH got cards and calls already, so he's a happy dad.

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

I told my neighbor about the woodpeckers and she said, "Oh you have my woodpeckers?" We decided that they must have a big territory that incorporates both of us. I haven't seen them since.

We had thunder and lightning and hail yesterday. I was inside, so I missed the hail, but at about 5:00 the thunder clapped right overhead. It boomed so loud that the dogs were running around the house barking (weather doesn't usually interest the dogs around here).

We needed the rain and now we have it back and more. That's good news for preventing disasters at July 4th!

(Julie)South Prairie, WA(Zone 7a)

Kathy, I hope your woodpeckers make another appearance for you. I have a nesting pair, and just love to listen to them talk when I am working in the yard. Mine have been very quiet/absent for about three weeks, so I am assuming that they are sitting. Hopefully that is the same story with yours!

Sounds like the weather that I had at 3ish was headed north! We didn't have the hail, but the lightning/thunder was incredible and was directly overhead (flash/boom at basically the same time). My boy Hunter is a big baby and went running to parts unknown with his tail between his legs, but Phoenix wasn't phased at all..even though we were in the shop at Mom's and the rain/thunder was almost deafening!

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

It looks like their territory can be as big as 200 acres, so I guess both my neighbor and I are owned by our mating pair. I'd just like to see them more often. My neighbor builds lovely church-themed bird houses just for fun and has built them for several neighbors. He's decided that he and I should build mine together and I've decided that we'll increase its size to house Woodpeckers.

(Julie)South Prairie, WA(Zone 7a)

Kathy, Woodpecker house sounds awesome! You may try putting suet out if you don't already. We have had pileateds, sapsuckers, and flickers come to it occasionally....may lure them to your part of the world more often. I was thrilled to see a pair of flickers that have started to come to my yard in the morning to eat (worms?) from my lawn. At a short seminar, I recently learned that a flicker present is a strong indicator of a healthy forest. :D.

The seminar I saw was put on by Paul Bannick, and it was based on his new book "The Owl and the Woodpecker". Had tons of very interesting info, and his photography is spectacular. If you have an interest, here is the link. The first page is promoting his book, and you can skip it by clicking "continue to", but in my opinion, the slideshow of sample images on this page is worth seeing too. He does some wonderful stuff, and in based in the PNW.

(Laura) Olympia, WA(Zone 8a)

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Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

I DO have Flickers also That's good to know I'll check out Paul Bannick That's good to know

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