2009 Clematis blooms Daily part II

Kannapolis, NC

Lily: Still quite lovely.

(Zone 4a)

Gorgeous plants!!!! Thanks for sharing.

Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

Spent some time at the Oregon gardens today. This is a horrible picture but I wanted to show you these giant clematis. There were 5-6 of these structures in a row outside the childrens garden. I would guess that they were at least 15' or more

Thumbnail by BeaHive
Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

They were covered in wall to wall blooms. Must go back this weekend and get better a photo of the whole structure. It was beautiful!

This message was edited May 14, 2009 7:53 PM

Thumbnail by BeaHive
Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

This Bourbin is in my yard. This view from the side reminded me of a valentine heart!

Thumbnail by BeaHive
Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

Bourbin Bloom

Thumbnail by BeaHive
Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

Montana Freda

Thumbnail by BeaHive
(Zone 4a)

Bea your photo's are just stunning!

Kannapolis, NC

Bea: Do you know which cultivar was on those poles at the gardens? It's quite lovely and for a dead tree, it be a delightful cover.


Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Yes, Bea your clems. are fabulous! The off white bloom must be a terniflora, montana rubin? (Oregon garden). Odd enough, I tried one of those and did have success, it must like cooler climate!

Montana Freda is lovely though, ahhhh now I wished I have room for that one. Does Freda grow that big too Bea?

This blue clem. got me confused (the marker says Jackmanii). I can't be certain what's the real identity -- too clear a blue to be Polish Spirit, questionable 'The President', too big too be Jackmanii? For my two other Jackmanii's petals are much smaller. Could it be because this is getting more sun than other two smaller blooming Jackies?

Thumbnail by Lily_love
Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Addendum: I meant to say, I didn't have success with Montana Rubin.

Kannapolis, NC

Lily: I assumed that's what you meant by your statement!

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Sorry about my typos. It's time to get some Java. lol.

Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

Lily. my Freda is about 12 ft now. I did not realize that it can get to 20ft. Will have to get a bigger trellis for next year. It is starting to take off this third year in the ground.
You may be correct about the ones at the OG being Rubin. I hope to go back tomorrow and I hope I can either find a marker or a grounds keeeper who know. They were just stunning!

here is a link to info on the freda

Delaware, OH

lily love, jackmanii has different forms on variable such as sun, and there are also different forms of it. it has been around a long time and some of the clones are different. there is also jackmanii superba, slightly different.
also age of plant makes bigger blooms and fertilizer as well as sunshine,

that bourbon bloom is striking. i put bourbon in last fall, and it is one of my very few not showing shoots yet. an done of the ones i did'nt dig into earth and check. hope it comes up.

Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

My Bourbin is only on its second year. It was slow last year and only had 1 bloom. Hope yours survive the winter. Mine is in a pot and we had a horrible winter.

Delaware, OH

good not know. i am going to dig around for the root today and se what is happening. maybe so low i can lift it a little which i have done with others.

Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

Hope you find it. It is a beautiful clematis!

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Here is an example of clematis planted in deep shade. This is my 'Asao', before the site was shaded out by big tree nearby. Asao was the first clem. to bloom in the spring. The last two years it barely can bloom for me. A single bloom here, there and much smaller than it suppose to be. It's a pretty clematis however.

Thumbnail by Lily_love
Delaware, OH

lily love , have you considered moving clems in too much shade? i have had to do this a lot have had good results. here moving in early spring is barely a set back. later, with pruning they go dormant faster buti have never regretted moving a clem or lost one form it. also i am know to severly prune or limb up trees to create more sun for a clem.

what happens, or used to happen here is that when i selected a location in early early spring for a clem, it was more sunny before the trees had leafed out, then as summer come on i realized i had selected a bad spot for the clem.
your asao is pretty i just put that in last fall and have a coupe of blooms so fat this year, low to ground, but the blooms are lovely.

doss has the most major mature asao i have ever seen, looks like virtual full sun, just gorgeous. did you see that photo? it is posted somewhere on dg forum. aspirational and inspirational for me.
lol and happy clemming this weekend if that is what you are up to.
i put in 20 flats of impatiens today at the base of clems (not too close) and peeking out from under the shrubs in front of them. first annuals in years i have put in. impatiens bloom here till mid november.
happy happy!!!!

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

CG, I'm contemplating moving my Asao this Fall. It's too pretty to allow it getting lost under the Azaleas.

Here is a seedling from Jackmanii's origin. The next generation:

Thumbnail by Lily_love
Delaware, OH

love your naturalized naturalized clems......so cool. today i weeded out hundreds of heracacolia seedlings, some sac already inches high(sometimes i pot them up, but these were imbedded in gravel path and impossible to pull up with root, so they got pulled or hit with round up.
i am looking for different seedlings and have a couple on the watch list, but so far only species types have self seeded. have plenty of "my angels " too, but can not pot them all up.

lily love , you will not regret moving certain clems to more sun, well worth the effort and time. your garden style is very beautiful and i am sure all the plants will work with you on the transition.

i am reading new book about luther burbank, it is amazing......he is the guru of american hybridizing and the father of much of what is on our plates, very inspiring book.
have a green one and enjoy the nirvana of the garden. i'm there for sure too.

(Zone 4a)

I agree, maybe moving your Asao will give you much more pleasure in future years. Gosh she is so pretty! I need to get one of those too at some point LOL!!!

You know I really think it is time to find a home with a bigger yard. How can I accomodate this clematis addiction I have with such a small yard? LOL It sucks!!!!

Delaware, OH

dawn, how far apart do you put the clems? you have a nice fence for them. put some a couple of feet forward to grow on a tall skinny ornament, vs the fence. so in front of the others....usually people can double the number they have in with out any crowding issues, remember "think vertical" ie behind, or just beside at the dripline of a shrub, or on supports that are already part of your place, like mailbox. remember 2racingboys? she had a nice mailbox clem.

East Bend, NC

Does anyone know which clems require the least hours of sun ?I read that clems don't do well under trees but bought Josephine from a local nursery and the card that came with it said it was a good choice to grow under a black walnut tree.

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Ummm, 'Black Walnut' if I remember correctly excrets a substance that inhibits other plant's growth....
I would need to do some research into this matter before I lose that beautiful clem. Just my thought.

Delaware, OH

josephine needs good partial sun and can take full sun. i would be leery of black walnut tree also

(Zone 4a)

Guru not sure exactly what you are asking so I will answer the best I can. If you are asking how far from the fence do I plant? Well I plant right by the fence...they aren't a few feet out at all. Most clematis along the fence are planted at least 2 feet apart from one another unless I have them growing together - in that case about a foot apart.

On my pergola I know I had less room so the two clematis on each post are planted less than a foot apart. I hope this doesn't crowd them. I guess time will tell.

Appleton, WI

Clematis aren't affected by juglone.

You will have more problems with dry soil than anything else.

(Zone 4a)

Sorry I have to ask but what is "juglone?"

Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

Dawn..when in doubt google it. I did know either! Here is the link. It has to do with toxins emitted by the black Walnuts Tree ( in a nut shell version!! ) LOL!

(Zone 4a)

Aha. Thanks. LOL.

Delaware, OH

dawn, you can plant some ones that stay smaller in front of the ones already on the fence. like double row, staggered. and the ones on the front can grow on shorter obliesks? always room for more clems. plenty of vertical space!

(Zone 4a)

True and you know what? I even thought of that...however then my gardens would only be clematis and nothing else?!?! LOL!!! Not that it would be a bad thing but.....I do kinda like having a few other things around. You know which perennial I just love. The coreopsis moonbeam - it is so pretty in full bloom!

Delaware, OH

dawn, i saw that photo of your yard..the clems look gorgeous and you have room for a lot more. like a walled garden in england. i love the moonbeam coreopsis too. i don't have any anymore, but it would be a nice front of clem plant.

Appleton, WI

Dawn, I worry about that too.

The weather was lousy yesterday, so I spent a lot of time on the internet mainly looking at clematis photos. I'm pathetic that way before my clematis bloom. lol

Check out the link. Scroll down to the second photo. I was actually contemplating doing something similar in the middle of the year, but scratched the idea after picturing my husband having a meltdown after hearing of the idea. lol

Appleton, WI

Oops - forgot the link


(Zone 4a)

LOL why is it our hubby's tend to freak out when we get new idea's in our heads??

Wow that would be lovely but it sure does look like a lot of work.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

There is a recent article in Dave's about black walnut trees including a list of plants that grow and don't grow near them. I have only been able to grow hostas and trumpet vines near mine. Trumpet vines may be a better choice.

Appleton, WI

I don't know why they freak out, Dawn, although my husband has a thing about the trees and the lawn. I finally convinced him that shrubs are fairly plain and need clematis. I try to be gentle with his sensibilities and not push too much. He does a lot of the grunt work for me and build things for the garden. I am very grateful for all he's done and the garden wouldn't be as far along if he hadn't been so willing to help. Still, if I was only me making decisions, and I had 5 men to help, my garden would look very different.

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