CLOSED: Free Seed for Newbies!! Come on in!! New Thread 4-20-2009

Saint Cloud, FL(Zone 9b)

Ha, yeah! Sorry! My name is Froukje. I'm Dutch. I now live in Florida. Man, it's so hot right now, I can't even sit outside without doing anything! Should I have said in the envy that I'm in zone 9? I can't wait to try the baggie papertowel seed trick, my other seeds are not sprouting yet- I've still got hope. I was really looking forward to have all those little babies! My cuttings aren't doing so well either. I can never decide if I'm over or underwatering them! haha! Well, I'll just keep trying for the fun of it!

Menifee, CA

Hey, I am first on the list! ;) I am also the one who asked after quince, so that is very exciting to hear. I really appreciate how welcoming everyone is to us newbies. Can't wait to see what goodies are coming my way. :)

Victoria, Canada

Robin, I'm hoping one of those Andreas is my envy? And did I send enough stamps to get it back to Canada? I'm so curious to see what my envy holds! Thanks again for such the warm welcome!

Spencer, OK(Zone 7a)

As a newbie beneficiary to a wonderful huge packet of seeds, I want to extend my thanks to all who participated in donating and managing the seeds. Very much appreciated and I hope to later be able to donate some things as well.
I have met some really wonderfully nice and helpful people on Dave's forums.
Thanks everyone!

Saint Cloud, FL(Zone 9b)

About the swaps/trades/etc; definitely intimidating. Assumed is that you know the lingo or the general way these things work. Maybe the trade forums should all have stickies with some newbie much needed info.

Whitsett, NC(Zone 8a)

flowerehj - There is actually something under Extras called "DG plant and seed trading primer". Here is a link:

I found this information very helpful when I first started trading seeds.

Saint Cloud, FL(Zone 9b)

Thanks Syrumani, that is indeed very good! Have you found a similar one on plant trading?

Whitsett, NC(Zone 8a)

It covers a little bit of both.

Portland, OR(Zone 8a)

Robin, I just caught up on some of this forum I do confess I couldn't read all. I'm all for participating in some sort of cutting to try-out rooting plants. I havn't tried it yet, but plan to, I did buy the rooting hormone. I do have some Portuguese Laurel, havn't checked to see what 's the best way to do it. I'd rather try cuttings from a different type of large shrub, natives or ?. If there's a cuttings trade to try with details and easy cutting options for our zone(s). I check back later for more info.

I'll check the seed envie when I receive it whether it's for me, and go from there.
Thanks Again,

Tyler, TX(Zone 8b)

My newbie seeds arrived today! So many wonderful varieties! Thanks Arejay and thanks to all contributing members for sharing your gardens with us newbies!

Saint Cloud, FL(Zone 9b)

Did my envy arrive yet? Please let me know when I might be expecting it in the mail since my husband and I have to visit his mom and will be away from the house a while starting wed. probably. Just hoping they don't get fried sitting around in post office.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Yeah chellflower!!

Mine got mailed about when yours did, so maybe mine will be waiting in the mailbox when I get home today!!

trying to type with fingers crossed . . .

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

I got your envy today Flowerehj. I have to go out of town on Tues and wont be back until the following tues. even if I mail it tomorrow it may not reach you before you leave. DO you want me to wait until you return? Tell your husband I said thank you very much for the stamps!! Very generous!!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Oh Kelly it isn't sounding good.. I will send a new package tomorrow. Send me a dmail attached to your other dmails and tell me what you want. That is a long wait. You deserve and extra package.

Saint Cloud, FL(Zone 9b)

Hey Robin! With pain in my heart I must say that it is safer to hold off. Major bummer. Nothing we can do about it. I will let you know when we return! P.S. Could I ask for some sunflower seeds as well? Maybe you have some.... the ones I tried wouldn't come up (still learning- I'm getting more and MORE careful) :(

And THANKS again for doing this!
And your appreciation for the stamps will bring a big smile on my husband's face!


Menifee, CA

What a wonderful day!!! I got both my envie stuffed with seeds and some plants that I had ordered online about a month ago. Our yard is going to be so beautiful (eventually!).

My husband and I were literally oohing and aahhing over every seed packet. :) This is our first garden, and we had never seen or heard of most of them. Thank you so much, Robin, and to everyone who contributes to this lovely program. I will definitely be sending seeds back some day. :)

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Robin - you have dmail.


Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Froukje Yes I have sunflower seeds. Be sure to dmail me when you return.

Grey_Stering So glad I picked some good ones for you. Keep us posted on your new garden.

Kelly, Got your dmail.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

how much return postage should I send? Sorry if this was posted, but its early and i didnt see it when I scrolled thru the thread.

Whitsett, NC(Zone 8a)

Hope this helps, cue_chik . . .

Send 5 stamps and an address label with your name on it.
4 of the stamps will go back on your return envy, the extra will go into the "pot"

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

thanks. Must have missed that when I scrolled thru... and lack of coffee at that time could be another reason I missed it ;)

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Thank You Syrumani.

Are you all set Cue -chik? Don't want you getting lost out there in Seed Heaven.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

LOL, I am.. will be sending off (hopefully) an envy on Monday. I will dmial when its done :)

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

cue_chik has been busy running from a crazy stalker loaded down with zucchini . . . very, very tired . . .

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

ROTFL.. yes.. and it seems for the moment, Im safe....

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

be afraid . . . be very, very afraid . . . I recall Qinx saying something about heading down to Florida this weekend.

Maybe Qinx can save all those zuke seeds and send them to Robin for the newbie envies? That will save us looking over our shoulders for the rest of the summer!

This message was edited May 8, 2009 11:03 AM

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

hehehe... oh those poor, poor newbies. They have no idea what they are getting themselves into when they plant those seeds :S

Marietta, MS(Zone 7b)

Hello Everyone,

Just wanted to let you all know my seeds arrived today. Thank you all soooo much for all the great seeds! I'm marking containers now. Can't wait for them to grow.


Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Im glad you got them Althea keep us posted on your progress.
You two up there Cue chick and Kelly what are you two talking about??? I feel like I missed something. Start again will you? Where is the stalker? Why is he carrying zucchini.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Hey, Robin!!

Here is the link to the thread that started out innocently enough with a question about zucchini blooms falling off. It turned into quite the ROTFL fest after a couple of days. Any subsequently a bunch of us showing up on the same threads talking about zucchini... the stalker is Qinx - lol.

Check it out if you want a good laugh^_^


Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

and BTW, my name is also... Kelly...LOL.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Whew! That's a relief. For a second there I thought you were gonna say your name was Zuke . . .

Kelly is a cool name^_^

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

ROTFL! well, how do ya know its not my last name?

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Well I guess I suppose that I don't - LOL. Kelly Zuke - nice ring to it!!

Portland, TN(Zone 7a)

I think my baby may have the swine flu!

I suck... :( She has been here but a few days and already sick.. That's ok. I will get her some medicine tomorrow and hopefully she will have a few days to play in the sun and she will be back to normal. LOL

Portland, TN(Zone 7a)

Sorry guys. I meant to post this to another trading post! Blonde moment. I think it was too much sun.. I haven't seen any for weeks. LOL

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Kelly Cue Zuke!! Did you get a newbie envie?

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

No, LOL, because I havent sent off the envie yet!!! I am going to try to this coming week, if i can make it outta work before the post office closes.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Give her lots and lots of zuke seeds . . .

Saint Cloud, FL(Zone 9b)

haha! Funny stuff! I've been pulling weeds today: mother of thousands, not very exciting, but the results are good. And 2 of my 1st packet of seeds are showing signs of life!!! First sign of success thanks to lars1angel! Jippeeeeeee!

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