CLOSED: Free Seed for Newbies!! Come on in!! New Thread 4-20-2009

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

I understand the waterlog I have a few helpers of my own. I dont have either of the seed from Kentucky that you mentioned so we would love to have them.
Thank You for thinking of us. Have a wonderful trip.

Bellefonte, PA(Zone 5b)


Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

Oh I would love to have Rose of Sharon & what is Bluebird...Your Grandaughter is just precious all decked out in her yellow outfit she looks just like a flower!!

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

I am searching for someone named--- "evr"--- I think I reived a packet of seeds from her and need to ask some questions about one that was not labeled. I have the return address as Toronto, Canada
If anyone can assist me in getting together with tis member i would greatly appreciate it.
Also if I sould post it somewhere elsse that you might want to suggest to me..please do......I'm all ears and flesible

thank you very much, Sheri

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Robin, I sent you a large baggie filled with individual labeled with pictures on each package, Rose of Sharon seeds. I gathered them last fall when we were on our way to FL. The white ones with the red centers are Red Heart and the blue ones are Bluebird. For pictures, newbies can check Plant Files. I have had good luck starting these from seed. I will gather more but I think you should have enough to last you until fall.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Yes you are right Rose of Sharon you did. I thought bluebird was something else. Maybe the Kentucky threw me off. I do still have lots and lots of Rose of Sharon.
Anyway have a good trip Mittsy. Take your baggies for the ride!!

Saint Cloud, FL(Zone 9b)

Hi everyone! I thought I'd join this happy little discussion for a while! I just joined,:caught the gardening bug and then spent a month in my yard/garden! I love being outside! Robin- you have Dmail, I am sending in my envelope! Wow, can't say how awesome it is to find people like you all participating in this! It reminds me of the couchsurfing principle; slowly toward a better word, pay it forward, etc! Thanks! Totally awesome!

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

Well......I keep forgetting to get one of those envelopes until after i get home from the store or the post office and see this thread, soooo, my 8 months has past, but I still have some things I want to sent to soon as i get a good envelope. It's #1 on my "to do" list for tomorrow, right after Physical Therapy ^_^

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Robin, I think we should give basic instruction on the bubble envelope.
Buy a new 6" x 9" inside dimension self sealing bubble envelope.
Print out label with your name and address.
Stick this label in the to: area.
Cover this label with clear tape.
Print out another label with Robin's (arejay) name and address and cover your name and address label.
Insert your requests and return postage. It's extra nice to include the zone you are planting in. Use a piece of tape to seal envelope.
When Robin receives your envelope she will be able to peel off her label and remove your postage, affix to envelope, check your zone and want list, stuff with seeds, seal and drop back to you. These envelopes can be used many, many times.
I hope this is helpful!

Thumbnail by mittsy
Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Flower!! Such a good idea and you look lovely there by that beautiful Hydrangea!! Did you send me a BIG rooted piece of that ???
I was thinking just this morning, we should add some things of interest to newbies on this thread. Maybe we should have a sticky like the big guys??

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

I have sent rooted cutting, but am not sure if you did get one of them.

A sticky would be great.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

Wow, that Hydrangea is gorgeous. I've no luck with them. I cant seem to keep them alive and /or growing. :(. Eventually I'll figure out what Im doing wrong and get it

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Do you know how we get a sticky ? Did you see Mittsy's directions was that a great idea....What else can we put in the sticky?

Anyone have any ideas? Flower and I are in a monthly plant swap too. We were talking about new people and plant/or seed swaps. Sometimes it feels overwhelming. It seems as if everyone seems to know everyone else or, like I cant sign up I don't have enough to swap or gee would they even want what I have they have such big have list. I don't have enough plants. You know the drill right? The best part I think about the swap we are in is that you dont have to sign up every month. You can choose when. Flower and I were thinking maybe something on a smaller scale so you can all "get your feet wet" so to pun intended , don't get them too wet we don't want any damping off happening!! Any Musings, fresh ideas hanging in the crowd?

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

By the way... it is still incredible to me that there are 942 views of our newbie thread!!

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

speaking as a newbie - - it is very intimidating to sign up/ participate in a trade or swap. We always feel like we are starting out with the basic flower assortment, something seasoned gardeners might find dull, boring, and possibly already have tons of (and thats if we have anything at all). we think "oh who really wants another darn Marigold, impatient, salvia - - who really needs more of this seed or that" because we assume, the vets have progressed into more advanced, exotic and/or hard to find seeds and plants.

Ont he same token, those of us minus seed feel a bit apprehensive attending trades and swaps empty handed. Just doesnt seem fair. Kinda like showing up to a pot-luck with out a dish.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Yes Cue. You said it. So I was trying to find something that everyone would feel comfortable entering. Like one or two plants. Maybe a what did you sneak to the greenhouse and buy swap? You know you go in pretending you just want to look and then you find the plant that has on no there are three of them in that little pot ..I could share it with my mother plant...huh anyone been there? Maybe ...those are the ones we can separate and share. Or learn to do cuttings and rooted or un-rooted plant swap. That way everyone gets some gardening learning too. Who knows maybe some old timer that has been so generous with their seeds would have some pointers for us!!

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Great idea, Robin. Like cue_chik said, trading can be intimidating. I don't have that problem with people I know in my locality, but a complete stranger?? Now that's a different story . . .


P.S. I haven't received my envie back yet. Crossing fingers it's in the mail when I get home today . . .

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Kelly , seriously no envie? I know yours left a week ago. There is another member that I sent stuff to a week ago that hasn't arrived yet too. I don't understand some weeks I send on wed and some on Mondays I think when I send on Mondays it takes twice as long. That leads me right into another thought I had...I was thinking When I start a new thread cant on this one the space is already gone. But I thought I would make a send and receive list. Ill post the dg name of the envies I got in the week and then when I send them out Ill post that I could do it say the same day of each week.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Robin -

That sounds like a simple tracking method and hopefully will make your job easier. Especially when you have all us newbies stalking the mailman and letting you know when he doesn't bring our little package - lol!!

I'll let you know if it arrives today.


Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

unrooted cuttings i can definitely do, cuz you know, they are rooted.. just via the mother plant ROTFL. I know enough to know how to take a cutting, but how to get it rooted, a whole other story. i took cuttings from my buddleia's about 4 weeks ago, tho they are still very green and alive, they have yet to produce roots.... long waiting process it is. I took 4 cuttings from each plant 'Black Knight' and Royal Red'.. however, 2 of RR wilted. oh well, ya win some ya lose some. tried to root Night Blooming Jasmine, failed on both attempts. am now eyeballing my Mandevillas and thinking of possibly trying my hand at those.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

Dont forget Mothers day is this weekend, so mail might be a bit delayed by all the packages traveling the country...

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

cue_chik, are you using Rootone on your cuttings? Have you tried areation?

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

yes, I used a root hormone on them. areation?

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Many use an airstone and a small aquarium pump to root cuttings in water. I have rooted butterfly bush cuttings by stripping the leaves off a 7" piece , leaving four leaves at the tip, dip in water, then in rooting compound, shake off the excess, insert in sterile seed starting soil in a flowerbox on my deck and wait. The waiting is the hardest part. After 2 months the roots are big enough to pot up in one gallon pots for a year. Then the following year I move to the permanent location and plant. I had pretty good luck with red currant cuttings until my paid weed whacking service lopped them all off. Now I willl have to start over.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

i did similar with the bb. I took a six inch cutting, left 4 leaves at the top, stripped the rest. Cut the remaining 4 leaves in half, dipped in water and then root hormaone and stuck in 4 " peat pots.

its been 4 weeks, they are still living, but i dont see roots yet. guess i need more patience

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Boy I tell you what girls if you can get a leaf cutting to root that is more than I can do. I tried that on some begonia leaves and they just rotted and I used rooting harmone and all and zilch nata. I have trouble getting things to root for me regardless of what I do. Seed I can handle and already rooted stuff LOL.

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

now see.. seed is the difficult thing for me. I cant ever get them to germinate. they dont like me for some reason.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Mason Jars and the crystal and water of course maybe a little sea weed fertilizer, in a shaded place for a bit then sun...Cuechick have you tried the paper towel germinating trick?

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

No envie arrived today :o(

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

please describe / instruct the paper towel germinating trick

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Dampen a paper towel and roll the seeds into it. Keep it moist until the seeds sprout. Carefully take them out and plant them up.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

You can cut pieces with the sprouts out and plant it, paper towel and all.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

I found you. You have dmail
Sorry for the delay. Tracked you down. You mailed on Monday I received the following Monday it left here May 1. Should have it any day.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Thanks, Robin. I'll be watching for it. You must be a very busy bee with all those envies coming and going - lol. Keep up the good work. This is a great thing that the DG members do and is sure to make a newbie very happy!!


Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Kelly I know why it has taken so long. The post office people smelled the pumpkin pie you requested. They are on a little coffee break.

Hi everyone,
I just wanted to put up a quick note. If there is anyone that has not received their seed ,and their envies were sent more than ten days ago , would you find the first dmail you sent me and send me a note with your mailing address and first and last name. Sometimes there are no dmail names on the envie and I used those to mark the date I sent back , then try to write a note to each of you telling you it has been sent. If your dmail name isn't on the envie I get lost....there have been a few that have written wondering if there seeds have been sent this week. I send out every Tuesday, unless it is raining really hard.
Oh one more thing. I really love some of the letters that come with the requests and I am so impressed with the seeds that often arrive with the request. It is great I think that you are paying it forward before you even get started.
Well maybe one more thing. I have three maybe four envies that yes I am holding onto, you were looking for special things or special colors. I am waiting until I find the ones you are looking for. Like, tropical 's or special kinds of Vegetable seeds. There are also a few of you that asked for something like one that comes to my mind is quince. I have some and I am going to send it to you as soon as I find it!! I sent your envie just no Quince in it.

Thank You all
Here is a list of the most recent ones sent out:
I hope no one minds I am going to use your first names. Helps us get to know each other.
There are two people I am not sure of if you don't have your seeds please dmail me
I cant find you in Dmails to see if I sent as I don't have your DG names
Last but not least
I have three left beautiful long letters. I am working on your questions and seeds. Danielle I am going to Email you.
I have two Kristin's if you see this today would you dmail me and ask(whoops) what you were looking for, so I am sure not to mix you up.If I don't hear from you today I am going to mail and if you get the wrong stuff. dmail each other it must mean you are meant to trade.
Have a great day everyone.
I am going to post a list of some of the things I am looking for, for some of the newbies. If anyone has them let me know. We can trade.

This message was edited May 5, 2009 10:38 AM

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Dang those post office people!! And I was soooooo looking forward to the pumpkin seed . . . lol.

Kelly ^_^

Marietta, MS(Zone 7b)

Hello Robin,

Thank you for keeping us up to date. And thank you for doing this for us 'newbies'. I am sure it gets confusing!


Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Your welcome Althea

Saint Cloud, FL(Zone 9b)

Robin, you must have like a seedwarehouse by now! I will be a patient little puppy and not harang the mail lady! :D

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

I call it seed heaven!! What is your first name flowerehj?

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