CLOSED: Free Seed for Newbies!! Come on in!! New Thread 4-20-2009

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

absolutely NO zuke seeds...LOL. and if ya do, I'll be sure to share them with kelly

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Ive been trying to grow mother of thousands and your weeding them. I can seem to get a sprout!!

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Thanks cue (Kelly)!! That's mighty generous of you (or just plain evil!!). ^_^

Saint Cloud, FL(Zone 9b)

Are you kidding me? Well, anyone who wants any Mother of Thousands can have some for postage! I have gazillions of them. My husband pulled some like 3 weeks ago, and left it sitting on the concrete (just threw it there) and it's still doing really well! How is that possible? I guess I never thought anyone would want this plant, otherwise I would have offered :)


San Jose, CA

I got my envie today Robin- thank you so much, and thanks to everyone who contributed! It felt like Christmas morning when I opened it up and saw all those seeds. I can hardly wait to start planting. DG'ers are awesome!


Portland, OR(Zone 8a)

Robin, just wanted to let you know that I received the envie yesterday. Wow, huge assortment!

Thanks Again,

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Your welcome Kristin and Nikki did anyone get Kelly's?I bet the neibor got them pay back for all the zukes she left on their doorstep!!

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Ha ha ha - too funny, Robin!! Them, or those sneaky mail people - they smelled the pumpkin pie seed inside!!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Hi Everyone,
I have an idea let me know if you are interested. I find as I go through the forums most of us that are new, are having trouble sometimes swapping because we dont know the name of what we have. Is that true? I told you I was going to offer a May swap but wasnt sure what it should be. How about a May mystery Swap? THe plants that you love but (or hatesomeone else will love them) we can make it a game. You send the things you are trying to name. when we get our packages we see if we can name what we got post pictures get all the stays named? Something like that? Let me know if any of you are interested. I will have to post on the swap thread if we can find ten people that are interested. Would be a good learing experiance for all of us new to the plant swapping game!!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Are you here? What do you think?

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Hey sounds good to me. Mystery Flower Swap !!!!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Do you have any that you dont know what they are?

Saint Cloud, FL(Zone 9b)

Swap sounds fun, but exactly how would it work? Does everyone send something to the next person? Do they have to be plants or seeds? Of course it would be good to know the zone for the person you're sending to. i think I identified most everything with help from davesgarden forum....

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Umm good questions!! Maybe we could get the participants then I could do a put them in the hat and draw names a mystery is a mystery right? Zones dont really matter as in the colder zones tropicals can go inside... we all have some inside right? The hotter xones same thing if it wont work outside keep it in. Naming it will be the fun part. And if you get something that you decide you dont want, get it named and offer it up for trae it will be like two swaps in one.
I was thinking plants to answer that question but seeds maybe I hav a bag that are my mystery bag. Either way or both ways. Whatever works for everyone

Saint Cloud, FL(Zone 9b)

I have very limited # of things I could trade, because most of my plants are new, or babies, and I haven't learned how to make more of them yet. But if you have some specifics on a swap, I hopefully will be able to join in the fun!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Do you have any that you dont know the names of? Can you take a cutting from anything now? Get it started rooting? Polymer chrystals Flowerehj do you use those?

Saint Cloud, FL(Zone 9b)

I never heard of them. I have actually tried rooting things. Most of them died. I have overwatered them I think. I have oleander cuttings in water, but they're not taking root. I keep them all in the bright shade since the sun here is so relentless. 1 lantana is really taking off and 2 Turks cap is surviving so far. It's exciting to try! I also have some powderpuff cuttings in earth with rooting hormone but they don't look good.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Ill send you some in our trade. I root in them plant them in my transplants seed trays use them everyewhere. Youll see they will be great for your issues!! Youll be able to go away for two days and still find moisture when yu get back.

Portland, OR(Zone 8a)

Robin, the new swap sounds like a fun idea, and I do have a seed package without a name on it. I'll try to collect seeds from my own plants too. I've planted everything in my yard so I have a good idea of the names. This might help us with practicing collecting our own seeds. We should designate it as a newbie mystery seed swap challenge so that us newbie's don't get overrun by the olddie's. Of course We'd appreciate their expertise in lots of other ways.

This next thing is on another newbie swap from earlier in this thread, what happened with the newbie cuttings trade swap?


Caro, MI(Zone 5a)

A Newbie Mystery Swap sounds right up my alley! I'm definitely interested.

Mary Ellen

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

if it happens, then Im in. sounds like heaps of fun

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

I got my envie today!!!!!!!!! Oh thank you to everyone who contributed to my stash!!! I about leaped outta my chair at allt he wonderful seeds (and most of them ones I had been interested in finding) that came out of the pack! Im so excited i dont know what to do with myself!!!!!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Are you here? No seeds? Im coming down there and have a talk withthat Mailperson!! Where are you?
Mystery plant cutting or seed swap. I see we have a few interested. Lets give it another week. See if we can gain a few more. Sometime new people have trouble getting back to the threads. Daves is a big place and sometimes overwhelming to navigate.
Im glad to see some envies are arriving and people are happy with them.
Who asked me for Red Star of Texas?

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Hi, Robin.

I got my seeds yesterday!! YEAH!! Not sure you want to be in Phoenix right now. We are having a heat wave. It's supposed to be 101 today, 106 by Monday. It's too early to be this hot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Guess the mailman couldn't smell any pumpkin pie in this one.
Lo and behold, the first one you mailed has never arrived and I'm sad about that:o( Hopefully someone got it that will enjoy the seeds:o)

Thanks to everyone who donated seeds to the newbie cause. Now I gotta read up on some of these cool flower seeds I got...


Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)


I just got my package of seeds today. I broke my shovel Wednesday and have been stalled in my gardening efforts until I can go out for another one. In the meantime, there are plenty of weeds to be pulled. Not to mention, things that may or may not be weeds....Now I have some new fun things to plant! I have to look some of them up to be sure that I plant them correctly. A fun project for a rainy Saturday.

Time to get outside. I follow the shade around to garden. Sunblock, long sleeves, garden gloves and a big hat for me!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Kelly I have pumpkin seeds I was in a hrry when I sent that one. I was leaving for Florida and just wanted to get something off to you. I will send you pumpkin too. Oxalis who was it that I spoke to about Oxalis?

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Thanks, Robin!!

arejay59- This is Mekos. You were looking for some plants for me a while back. Were you able to find them? Just wondering because it's been a while and I hadn't heard.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

oh hi mekos I am still away but yes I know I am looking for things for you . Not oxalis though right? I think I found a couple but wont have the details until I get back home. '
Oh I know who it is!! Silly me. Found it in the good old faithful dmail!! If I where being smart it would be in my trade tracker!!

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

I have Oxalis in FL. Could send some in October.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

You are just an Angel Mittsy!! What color is yours? Mekos.. I am looking for Bird of Paradise seed for you right?
You were wanting a Nuns Orchid but you found one is that right?

I found nun's orchid but I'm still looking for Mexican red or pink bird of paradise. I have pictures on my want list but don't know how to get it here. Thank you. Wasnt rushing you, just ran across this place last night and saw your name . Thought I'd ask if you had any luck. I found moon flower also.What is oxalis, I can't remember.

Hi Mittsy, I just D-Mailed you about some Japanese Iris and water lilys I'm looking for.Nice to find you here as well. I'm new here and just stumbling around here.

Thought I'd let you know that I have bunches of seeds since we talked last if you can use them to welcome in new members. Let me know when to send them when you get back and I'll send them to you. Wish I was in Fl. right now. just cold rain here.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

it wasn't you looking for Oxalis. I sent you Moonflower in your newbie package right? To add the picture that you want just find the name of the plant in plant files if you scroll down it says add to my want or have list. If you ass it that way whatever picture is attatched will be on your list. If you want to add your own picture go to you list click edit over on the right then just add picture

I never got a newbie pkg. You were going on a trip and was going to look for some special things for me in Fl. while you were there. You said you had just got some of the plants in on trades that I wanted and was trying to find others while you were there.You would let me know later.

I know! The postal carriers have been in someone's pies again. Those postal carriers!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

See its the sun!! I knew that! I am in Florida I am looking for a bird of paradise seed or start or something for you. I decided to send your when I got back home I remeber Mekos!! Senior moment or too much sun my memory got away with me for a minute.

At least you have the excuse of hot Florida sun. I'm soaked in water to the brain. You have a good trip, have fun and I'll just imagine I was there.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

I have some questions on some of my new seeds!

Since canna need to be scarified, I soaked them in water overnight (like I do morning glories). No change, yet. Should I try hot water? Boiling water? Sandpaper? Or just wait a while longer?

What is the best way to start hosta seeds?

What is the best way to start Candelabra Bush (Senna alata) seeds?

Thanks again for the seeds. You brightened a rainy weekend with a ray of sunshine!

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