CLOSED: Free Seed for Newbies!! Come on in!! New Thread 4-20-2009

Westford, MA(Zone 6a)

I've been using the search engine for a couple years and didn't even know this forum existed! Now I am overjoyed because I have so many questions that I know will now be answered. I'll happily get on the Cannonization of Dave bus. :)

> I prefer to call them 'pathways of grass' literally takes 5 minutes to mow.

Wee! My guy lives for that day, but he doesn't yet know how much work weeding is.

This very moment he is taking a quick nap after an overnight through hike in the mountains. I told him to rest up until the sun dips below the trees because I have mapped out a new garden with the hose, and we have sod to dig up!

Bossier City, LA(Zone 8b)

Hi I am new to all of this and a little bit lost. I haven't figured out how to get the address to send for the free seeds. It sounds wonderful and I will have seeds also to share as my plants go to seed. I love collecting plants. I guess it has become a passion. I think this new adventure is going to be fun once I learn my way around. Thanks so much from Footpath

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

Welcome aboard footpath!

you can find the address for the newbie seed pack in the Address exchange located in the 'extras' section here on DG. just look for arejay59 and send your SASBE to that address.

I received mine not long ago and was completely amazed with all of the wonderful seeds that everyone contributed. Already starting alot of them!

Saint Matthews, SC

Thanks arejay59! I will definitely get mine off tomorrow or Friday. Depends on when I can get to the store to get that bubble mailer.

Thank you so much!!

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

I got some of the canna seeds to sprout in water and planted them. I scratched the others a bit more and put them in new water. One tip on scratching the canna seeds....clean and wax the kitchen floor before trying to nick them so that they will be easier to find when you drop them, and don't let the cat help you find them. (I had to drop a bottle cap on purpose to distract her from the seed.) No wonder canna are so expensive, they are buggers to grow from seed.

Any tips on starting candelabra bush? Nick them? I put 3 to soak in water, nothing. I nicked them, nothing yet.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

The cat was only trying to tell you that you weren't done scraping yet. Keep going until you see the white.Sandpaper. keep it in the water at around 70 day 60 nights and wait ,rewax the floor, dance, apologize to the cat. Wait some more. Next week,plant it whether you see anything or not and wait again.
Have fun

I like that. Im trying to have my own pathways of grass!!

Footpath , this is a great place !!

Palm Coast, FL(Zone 9a)

did you nick the first batch of canna seeds? I am having a difficult time with this. why do we soak them> it doesnt seem to make them any easier to nick.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Address exchange

Seed Trading: Free Seed for Newbies!! Come on in!! New Thread 4-20-2009 (28 May 2009)

Caro, MI(Zone 5a)

Hi Robin and everyone. I just wanted to post a picture of my baby seedlings before they get moved to a more permanent home. The thought of all of you caring & sharing gardeners brings joy to my heart each time I look at them. You all make this world a much better place in which to live.

Thank you for your kindness. May we all pay it forward.

Mary Ellen

Thumbnail by LateBloomerToo
Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Mary Ellen that is great!! It looks like you have some Lemon Balm maybe some Lupine, dill? What else salvia?
Thank You for sharing

Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

Good Morning Robin

I love it when people show off their seed projects! It makes this contribution thing worth while. Feedback is always good.

Right now I'm up to my ears in tomatoes, planted some yesterday the rest in by Friday. Nice cloudy overcast weather really helps keep them from burning out too fast. Many seeds came from fellow DGers, that's part of the fun!


Thumbnail by lycodad
Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Hi Al,
So nice to hear from you !! Your tomato plants are gorgeous!! So are your irises!! The tomato plants you sent me are huge Al Ill post pictures when the sun come back out. They go into the garden this weekend!!
Thank You for sharing Al.
Does anyone need me to start a new thread? Is this one getting slow? I keep procrastinating a new thread because new people sometimes get lost when a new thread is started. Any thoughts anyone?

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Thank You the seeds arrived.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

KaperC, I think...Kathleen...I got your box too it is from you right? Nice box everyone....different stuff.
Everyone has been so generous lately, it is such a warm feeling to have these boxes and plants show up for and from people that don't even know each other.
This is just such a nice place.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Where is the redheadedwonder you've been kinda quiet lately? The Kelly Girls seem to have quieted too. and who else has gone missing? Oh I know Flower you hoo where are you? We have two flowers now. Flowerie I always want to call you I know it is Froukje but I don't know how to pronounce it so my mind says Flowerie.. are you getting new roots yet?

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

No I not :( Makes me sad.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Dont be sad....I have more when mine root Ill send .

Rockwell City, IA(Zone 4b)

Thank you. I will get a bubble envelope when I get to town and send to you. I will let you know when I send it out. Please give me your name and address as I am just learning how to get around on the web site.Thank you.

Westford, MA(Zone 6a)

> Does anyone need me to start a new thread? Is this one getting slow? I keep procrastinating a new thread because new people sometimes get lost when a new thread is started. Any thoughts anyone?

(Haven't yet figure out how to do a proper quote.)

If you put a link to the new thread in this thread, I will happily follow. I am still new enough to feel slightly overwhelmed by the sheer volume information on this site!

Caro, MI(Zone 5a)

Al, up to your ears in tomato plants, what a lovely place to be! : ) Tomatoes and pepper plants are my starting point each year. Do you can or freeze them? I'm down to my last few jars of tomato juice and salsa now. Looks like I need to do a few more this year.

Robin, here's my list of seedlings. All of the seeds that you sent plus some store bought ones. Almost everything germinated! That's a pretty good haul for my not so perfect conditions here.

Seeds started: (About 20 from Dave Garden's Seed Swap)

Canterbury Bells, Creeping Thyme, Gay Feather - Blazing Star, Hollyhock - Nigra, Lupine Russell's Prize Mix, Pyrethrum Daisy
Rudbeckia, Salvia - Blue Bedder, Shasta Daisy - Silver Princess, Shasta Daisy - Alaska, Delphinium Blue Mirror, Delphinium - Fantasia Mix, Delphinium - Pacific Giant Mix, Ornamental Grass - Ponytail, Hollyhock - Chater's double Maroon, Mexican Hats, Datura - Double Purple, Foxglove, Rocky Mountain Penstemon & Sedum -Stone Crop.


Mammoth Gray Sunflower, Strawberry Blonde Sunflower, Citris Sunflower, Fuzzy Face Sunflower, Chianti Hybrid Sunflower, Sundance Mexican Sunflower, Go Bananas Hybrid Sunflower, Dwarf Sunflower Mix, Aster - Crego Mix, Canterbury Bells - Campanula, Zinnia, Candy Cane Mix, Zinnia - Dwarf Pumila Sprite Mix, Zinnia - Giants of California, Cosmos - Orange, Cosmos - Pink, Yellow Bells, Turks Cap, Hummingbird Vine, some mystery seed, Morning Glory - Picotee Blue, Morning Glory - Picotee Red, Morning Glory - Shiva, Morning Glory Blue Star, Morning Glory - Flying Saucer, Morning Glory - Bush, Sweet Pea - Mammoth Salmon Creeping & Hyacinth Bean vine.

One little seed pack was unlabeled but is growing just fine. I'll have to get a picture of it and see if anyone can "Name that sprout". LOL I need to get outside with the camera. Usually I forget it because I'm loaded down with gardening tools. I REALLY need to make myself an apron with pockets for all of my gardening essentials. I was going to make a cover that fits over a 5 gallon bucket but I keep thinking that it would be dirty all of the time. Seems like even if I go out to only look at the flowers, I come back in needing another shower. LOL

I hope that I collect seeds correctly this year so I can contribute to next year's stash.

Mary Ellen

Caro, MI(Zone 5a)

P.S. Yep, the thread is getting slow to load for us country folk with dial up. :)

Mary Ellen

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Mary ellen your doing great with the new seeds. I cant start my Mexican hat seeds no matter which way I do it!!
I am off to start and new thread and finsh a few more envies see you all soon
PS....dont anyone get lost!!
Here it is New Thread!!
I wonder who will get there first???

Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

I really like tomato salads Mary Ellen! LOL

The photo might seem a little deceiving, about half of them go to a 4H project for other families and a few more are sold at a spring fundraiser at our church.

Mine I enjoy eating fresh (don't we all?). Also make homemade pizzas, bruchetta, and fresh spagetti sauce with other veggies. We always end up with a huge surplus towards second week of September that we sauce up unseasoned and freeze in cool-whip containers for winter use. The seasonings are added later when thawed.


Hi arejay59 My envie and stamps on on the way. I've been reading and laughing and am getting up the nerve to jump right in. Can't imagine how you keep up with all the newbies like me. I'm sending on some extra seeds that others might enjoy. Thanks to all for the welcome.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Hi Seray53 I see you found the new link!! Jump right in!! We are all waiting to get to know you.
Al come over to the new thread!!
There was a plane circling over yesterday was that you saying howdy???

Santa Rosa Beach, FL

Arejay, Thanks for the offer of free seeds. I live in the panhandle of Florida at the beach so all of my gardening in done in containers., I moved here from St. Louis and Iam just now experimenting with plants that I used there. Most have done well. Because I lived in zone 9 there is a whole different world of horticulture here! Plants that I used as annuals in St. Louis are perennial here and some of them take on a whole different look when allowed to grow year round.

I have no way of using your seeds - we only grow tomatoes, which are almost ready now but have no space for anything else, but flowers. Thank you for the offer but give mine to someone who could really use them. Andrea

Thumbnail by Aschnapp
Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Hi Andrea,
Nice to meet you. I bet it is all different in FLa. There are some beautiful flowers there. I visited last month on the west side of Fl. It was wonderful!! Stop and visit we all look forward to getting to know you. Here is the new thread.

Columbus, GA(Zone 8a)

Thanks for the offer, but I'm gonna decline.

I'm a member of Dave's for the Bird Identification forum.

I don't garden (I'm handicapped, missing my right leg above the knee), but I really enjoy watching, photographing and studying birds.

Thanks again for the offer, though.

Hackster - my Harley Road King has a sidecar, which is called a hack, thus my friends call me the Hackster.

This message was edited Jun 28, 2009 8:39 AM

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Well welcome anyway and if you decide you want to throw a few seeds around from your Harley Road King let me know...the offer will hold. As for the bird Id I do lots of that I love my birds....our newest newbie thread is here come look us up when you get a chance and introduce yourself we have a ton of fun and new faces and energy are great!! I hope we become friends so I can call you
Hackster sounds great when you say it outloud.
by the way can you name this one?

Thumbnail by arejay59
Columbus, GA(Zone 8a)

And you may call me the Hackster, too.

And it looks like your heron is doing a little fishin'.

the Hackster

This message was edited Jun 28, 2009 9:10 AM

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Thank You Hackster!!

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

rI would love to be involved in the monthly pant swaps since i no longer qualify as a newbie. I was in 1 oe 2 swaps late last fall, but havn'e heart from them and realy want to be in one so could someone here that has any info in it pease help me out??thanks a lot for sure! ^_^

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Hi Sheri,
We are all over here
We would love to have you.

Indialantic, FL

Thank you so much for the warm welcome!! Both my parents were avid gardeners, both flowers and veggies -- wish I had paid more attention! I was only interested in eating or smelling or both!! I am growing lemon basil and regular basil, and I have seeds from both but don't know how to harvest the seeds except to pinch them off. I am happy to send those to arejay59. Also I have surinam cherry bushes growing in my yard, and the fruit are wonderful, but will have to wait for more to form. Here in 9b this plant is considered an exotic pest, but many of my friends grow it without a problem. Fruit is actually an acquired taste! I have made jelly and a couple of pies from the cherries this year.
I plan to have a container garden, because a bad back prevents much of anything else, even though I have a yard. At 70 (in August) I am ready for lots of spare parts! If someone can tell me how to harvest magnolia seeds, I have access to the seed pods - they are still green, but I think they turn color later on. I have no transportation so can't attend a plant swap. I really would like to grow the Abraham Lincoln heritage tomato, the Granny Cantrell's German Red tomato, and the Chinese Giant pepper. Any info on
acquiring seeds with none to swap would be most welcome!
Robin, I will send an envelope and stamps as soon as I can get a ride to the drug store or post office. Thanks everyone, for all the information and especially for the warm welcome! I have so much to learn. . .

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Hi Duchess I hope you got my dmail...come on over to the new thread...

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