CLOSED: Free Seed for Newbies!! Come on in!! New Thread 4-20-2009

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Yes Red ,
I am glad to see you are still here.
Did you see that everyone, if they are sprouted you know why just plant it.
Rita,,,,,You hoo, I found everything but....Cigar flower, Dwarf Godetia, Vinca, and wishbone flower....

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

Robin, there were a bunch of Clarkia seeds in the package I just sent. I think Godetia is Clarkia, although the one I sent was Clarkia elegans, 'Double Mix' or something like that, not Dwarf Godetia. Maybe this will be a good sub though? :-) You must be swimming in seeds over there!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

I am not only swimming I have gone under, There are so many seeds and I cam mot imagine how I cant have a certain one like that one. I kept saying to myself there has to be some here there has to be. I didn't know that Clarkia were the same or similar I guess. The things I learn in a day. Thank You Sunny

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

Mines is on its way, along with some seeds that I got recently in a seed trade for some veggies that I will never use. I know somebody out there will love them, though.
I hope Lorraine is getting better. She has done so much for so many here @ DG!!

Hinesville, GA(Zone 8b)

I posted on the wrong post before, (I posted on the closed one). I am new here, just joined a few days ago. And I new to growing things (gardening). I really enjoy it though. I have a traditional row garden, that is doing okay right now, I am trying to keep ahead of the weeds though, I have so far 4 HEBs (homemade earth boxes) with peppers and tomatoes, and 4- 4x4 raised beds for Square foot gardening. ( I am switching over to the HEBs and SFG in the fall, the traditional garden just takes up to much space for me). I also have some flowers in containers that I have just repotted into larger containers. I am planning on redoing our whole landscape in the next year. It is a mess. A true night mare.
Okay, all that just to say that I am planning to send an envie very soon, as soon as I make it out to get some stamps and an envie.
*lars1angel- I have an almost 4 year old daughter, who picks flowers too, and she gets mad when I mow down her flowers growing in our yard. I have to pull her away from the neighbor's flower beds daily, as she wants to pick all the flowers, and I don't think they would like that too much.

Portland, OR(Zone 8a)

DGer's are great! All these seeds to try. I'm been a newbie for just 4 months now, and have had some trial and error with seeds. But that's all in the process. The new batch hasn't yet germinated (fingers crossed) are verbena bonariensis, rose of sharon blue bird, echincea pink, agastache, and liatrus purple for my front yard. I'm trying to attract butterflys, hummingbirds and like blue salvia. low growing too. My zone borders 7-8. Have plenty of part shade areas to fill in backyard. I'll send and envie tomorrow.


Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Good Morning,
Glad tp have you, Birdieblue, Ninasmom and Kristin. It is great that you told us a little about you. IIt isyou will find fun to get to know people here and you will be surprise how you will start to feel like you know some of us even without seeing us. I will be watching for your envies.

Clinton, IA

arejay-whoohooo, looking forward to whatever you mail me,even if its close to my wish list. With such generosity I'll be the last to complain! Just wondering.....did we have a little "nip" last night before bed? Ok, might be none of my business but after looking a your last thread and the time on which you wrote it! Maybe seeds aren't the only thing you are swimming in!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Oh gosh here we go!! She is at it again!! You keep me in stitches RT...No need for the hard stuff!! If I am swimming it is definitely in seeds or rain..I have lots of both here.

Clinton, IA

Just making sure we are not driving you to drink......I wouldn't have much hair left with all those seeds surrounding me and all of the envies to fill. But isn't great how giving some people are and how wonderful for you to take over for your friend.

......Okay everybody lets give Robin a nice round of applause!! Can you hear us Robin?.......take a bow girlfriend!!

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)


Tyler, TX(Zone 8b)


I am a newbie...just became a paying member last Wednesday.

It's really nice of all members to welcome newcomers with a gift of seeds! Thank you for sharing!

I'll send out my envie this week...

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Thank You Rt, honestly it is way more fun for me than it is work.
Welcome Chellflower.

Jenison, MI(Zone 6b)


I have been following this for a few weeks and can't believe how great everyone is for doing this for us newbie's!! My envie is on its way today. Cant wait to be able to send you seeds for everyone else!


Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Hi Kristopher,
I look forward to getting to know you.

Jenison, MI(Zone 6b)

Me too Robin :) I have a family photo in my profile...

Portland, TN(Zone 7a)

We had sprouts on our seeds. I have tried to plant flowers with seeds for years and nothing!! Tried the paper towel trick on Sunday and little Anna has about 30 morning glory sprouts about the same in Zinna's. Have some holy hock and sometype of daisy. Of course, they still have a ways to go but getting there. I have been working so much I haven't sent the package for our seeds with our envy list. Spending 12 hours @ work and working a couple for home. Which is what I am suppose to doing today.. But I am procrasting. I will get those out soon Anna is already harrassing! :)

Nina's mom! Isn't it embarrissing. Everytime we go to a busniess or anything with flowers you turn you head and she has a hand full! :) LOL

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

I am confused so so it seems. Where is Corina's Mom? Tomatoes and Flowers? Who is that? Have I lost you? I hope not your package is on the way.

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

arejay where are you ? Who is Corina?

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Hi FLower,
I have made the ultimate goof...I thought the envie I had here said Lars was Corina and Matthew I think Mother, Oh wait the confusion has settled...Sorry everyone, That was Lars talking to Ninasmom....I am going back to my happy place now. Rtgardens must have put hardstuff on the sticky part of her envie or her stamps made me lose track for a minute!!

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

LOL arejay you are so funny !!!!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Thank You Flower.......Bowing graciously....

Clinton, IA

Robin-HEY!! Don't blame me!!

Go back to your happy place NOW. I'm going back to the Lilac bush :)

Fort Worth, TX

What a wonderful idea! Thanks so much for the offer. Here in Texas we are midway through Spring and heading into Summer (high 80s today). I planted my seeds a few weeks ago and if even a quarter of the 200 or so sprout then I am in big trouble. I like basil as much (probably more) than the next person but what was I thinking planting 25 sweet basil plants? Not to mention the purple basil, lettuce basil, and genovese basil. Now if you know of anyone local who wants to start an herb garden - send 'em my way and I'll set them up with everything they could possibly want except tarragon which for some reason I can't seem to start from seeds.

So thanks again for the offer. Mighty sweet of all of you. But I am going to pass. My entire back porch already looks like a nursery with peat pots and mini-greenhouses and assorted other containers - all filled with seeds in various stages of sprouting.

Happy Gardening!

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

I hear you with the basil..I have at least 6 varieties planted. Tomatoes even more varieties gotta have basil if you have tomatoes...right
If you change you mind about the seeds just let me know. I am glad you stopped in anyway. We look forward to getting to know you and we will all be watching for your trade list to grow.

Portland, TN(Zone 7a)

Guess what?? We have some little sprout leaves on our morning glories. They are looking strong. We may actually have seeds that produce plants this year!! We are soo excited. Our first seed success is on it's way! :)

We are going today to get our packages to send for seeds! :) We are soo excited. My husband says we have turned our dining room into a greenhouse. LOL

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

That is wonderful news!! I think all of us here have had our greenhouse in our dining room or kitchen , bathroom whatever works where ever the sun is shining... or the most lights are.Curio cabinet. Who is that uses their curio cabinet? Some here does.

Portland, TN(Zone 7a)

That's what we used!! LOL :) I couldn't find anything else... It worked.

Clinton, IA

Boy oh Boy did the mailman ever luck out!! Guess what came in the mail today!!! WhoooHoooooo I got my "little package" I have been at my Mom's all day doing her gardening (she's 86 but she still can move around in her push cart and pull a few weeds!). She enjoys all of the flowers that I plant for her and look at what I can share with her!! I'm only about half way through with her yard and I was waiting to get my seeds to finish mine. So I bet you all can guess what I'll be doing tomorrow!! Thanks a buch Robin and thanks to all the seed senders. I better hit the hay-anther big garden day tomorrow.

........the mailman can rest easy now.

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Whew!! Glad to hear you, the seed and the mailman made it through alive.
Good Night

Portland, OR(Zone 8a)

Hi, I've been reading up on organic gardening & companion planting how some herbs will deter insects & pests. Herbs if you have these. I sent my envie a few days ago.

*Lavender Viridis (just because I like it)

I'm going to collect seeds so I can give back to newbie seed deal. Thanks so much, this is a great website, DGer's are great!
Thanks Again,

Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Yes Kristin,
You are correct there is also Marigold,Garlic ,Lemon Balm. All bug fighters.

Jenison, MI(Zone 6b)


Have you received my envy yet ma'am? Hope you had a great weekend!


Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Kristopher as a matter of fact it came in the mail on Saturday. I will be back to you by Saturday!!
Have a good week,

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Hi, Robin.

Did you get my envie from Phoenix yet?


Litchfield, ME(Zone 5a)

Hi Kelly,
I think that already went back out.
Let me know if you dont recieve it in the next couple of days.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

OK - too cool. I'll be watching for it. Thanks, Robin!!

Jenison, MI(Zone 6b)

Thanks Robin! Looking forward to it!!


Portland, OR(Zone 8a)

Robin, thanks for the info, I do have some marigold seeds I'll plant those.
And I'm looking forward to seeing what's in my envie.
Thanks Again,

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

We'll be heading out to KY for our annual spring visit with the grandsons. Please let me know if you need more seeds from Bluebird and Red Heart Rose of Sharon. I collect them from my son's father in laws bushes in KY. That's where I also harvest the Dogwood seeds, but that's the fall trip when we are on our way back to Cocoa Beach. Here we have, galliardia and marigolds are full of seed pods. Our gardeners just cut the cannas back, so no more seeds from them until next year. I harvested so many I don't even bother to collect anymore. Glad you liked the assortment. I stuffed that box as full as I could get it.

My granddaughter keeps wanting to pick the only cucumber that is of any size on the bush I planted for them. She'll be 3 in August. Loves to dig in the dirt just like her gramma. Such a helper. When I let her help me water, I end up soaked to the skin. Gotta love em!

Thumbnail by mittsy

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