Cottage Garden Seed Swap & Chat #24

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Mao.. Package a smailed from Phenix City, Al post office and bill number is 1000202306923 and clerk number 4 .

Please let me know what they say and ahppens and I sorry yours got messed up. Wonder if the stamp cameoff or got stuck. The post guy did everything. I didn't put none of the postage or stamps on them and he had a monster and a half pile at his feet.

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

Thanks for all the seeds, my co-piggies!! Now my bed will start looking like Star's - with all sorts of seeds to sort for WSing, 16 weeks before last frost, 8 weeks before last frost, special baggie starting seeds.....ooooo the fun of it!!!

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

gen2026 - your son is in my thoughts and prayers - DH has had back problems since he was a young man
Lala - you have my sympathy and my support. As I tell my students - weekends and the 40 hour work week were brought to us by the labour movement.

Man, I thought zone envy was bad - but piggy envy! I can hardly wait for my seeds to come. . . . ^_^

South West, LA(Zone 9a)

Ive been following along but just lurking. I can't wait to get my box!! Thank you Ella for all your hard work and everyone else that was nice enough to send me seeds!!! This has really been a great swap!

Columbia, SC(Zone 7b)

Oh my oh my!
I am flipping out here!
Thank you!!!! Alla you!!
Y'all are the purtiest buncha piggies I ever wallered with, thank you thank you!!
I will be sorting and cataloging and planting and sharing like MAD over the weeks to come! I did go screaming around the house and now I have to go out and buy More Pots! And More Soil! And More Land!!

And it is 25 degrees here!!


I love it, and I love you all!!! Y'all are the bestest piggies ever!!!
(I know that I will have to be the Stealth Seed Fairy and sneak into other people's gardens and plant seeds!!)
Lorie in Columbia SC

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

I know I wish they could magically all arrive at evrybody house at once. I gonna wait til the last piggy in before i get into my trough, so that way nobody will feel left out. We all in the swap together, so I will get piggy envy with ya too.

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

Lala - you don't have to do another midnight freezing gig, do you?

GA, GA(Zone 7b)

I just went out to the mailbox and my box arrived too! :)

Some of the seeds may have to replace some of the plants that I've lost in the 12 degree low last night. We've been having warmer winters so I thought I'd experiment with overwintering some borderline hardy perennials/tropicals this year. Boy, did I have bad timing!

I really feel for you guys in the North with the negative temps. I can't imagine, Brrrrrrr!

Now, I'm going to open my box and oink away! ^_^

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

I want to say thanks for all of ya that bene prayignfor my Dad. Just got word that he is home finally. he has to take it easy and he has had from war injurie s most of his stomach cut away and seems from the heart and fall that the hemoraging was comgn fromhis stomach. My brohter has goen to town to get his perscriptions for him and somethign to eat. he walkign bones and all this timeno solid food and is real weak.

Thansk again for hanging with me.

Now we need to keep Lala in prayer if she gotta walk the lines again in this weather that she dont get frost bite but more importantly that they settle and she cna get back to work.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Hi everyone :)

Ella , got my seeds today and I’m wanting to dig into them soo bad! I‘m on my way to the nursing home so maybe a little later tonite. I want to thank you for all of your hard work you did on these seeds and three hours at the post office? lol I couldn’t imagine lol I bet you made their day lol

Chele , you’re famous! So Cool!

Sorry I haven’t had the time to be on here, so much paperwork and trying to get dad straightened out in the nursing home and that still isn’t done, he has been in there since the first day in Jan. and I still haven’t talked to a doctor! We missed each other on Wed. he called while I was getting out of the shower and I called right back and they said he was gone and he was suppose to call me yesterday I stayed home all day just incase and he didn’t call, I’m getting so mad!

Dad didn’t have a doctor that would go to Corydon so I decided to have the nursing home doctor and that may have been a mistake, I won’t go into the reasons but there are a few, it’s so hard to make a doctor understand what meds dad is on when dad says he’s not in any pain and they know he has dementia so they should listen to me! It’s so frustrating!

Tcs, I wanted to get on here the other day when it was your birthday and just couldn’t so I want to wish you a belated Happy Birthday! :)

Genna, prayers for your son and his studies too :) He is so young to be having back surgery!

Prayers for your dad too Ella, how is he doing? I skimmed thru most of the last thread and this one but didn’t see the reason for him bleeding? You all have just been chatting way too much since I’ve been gone but I’m back now still a little crazed from trying to get everything straightened out here, just seems like it’s never going to straighten out but I know it will sooner or later :)

Great! Just read that your dad is back home I’m so glad I’ll keep him in my prayers for a while :)

Oh La, stay warm lots of good wishes coming for you :) It’s -2 here I would hate to think about walking a line now!

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

Lea! it's so good to have you back chatting with us!Sorry to hear about the issues with your Dad's Dr.

Ella, glad to hear your Dad is back home. I pray he continues to recover.

Genna keepin gyou in my prayers. I hope the Dr. visit went well and y'all got all the info you need to make an educated decision on the surgery.

Lala my prayers are with you, too. I've never experienced labor dispute stuff before but was a singele mom of three and no job once. I'm sure that "stressful" is a mild description of what you're dealing with.


Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Piggy trough just came in the door! Squeeeeeeel!! Off to tear in!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

WOW -- i have a bizzillion posts to read ... but


**edited to add..... Thanks Lea. Hope your dad is doing better.

This message was edited Jan 16, 2009 4:02 PM

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Hahahahah ya oinekrs makign me laugh. Well knwo we wont see them folsk for a while either. LOL

PamSue. I had bought a bunch of them cheap seeds from the value place and a bunch from the summerhil co-op. With the swap have not had tiem to get to my seeds of them yet, but when I do, wil take out what I plan to sow and wil send ya on the extras for helping withthe folks in yoru neighborhood.

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

OMG! OMG! OMG! I think I have died and gone to garden heaven! Star, you are amazing! Fellow piggies - thank-you! thank-you! thank-you! for your generousity!

Gosh - I have enough seeds to start a nursery!

. . . . can you tell I am excited? This is better than Christmas - anyday!

^_^ ^_^ ^_^

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

Thank you all so much!!! The piggy trough just slopped it's way all the way to Massachusetts, and was not even stopped by the glaciers at my door! Beautiful seed packets and little cards and stuff - I feel like I was the rag lady of the bunch - didn't even remember to put my name on the packs I sent, completely devoid of ornament or sentiment. Will try to do a better job next year (she says with head hung).
And Ella, thanks again for all the hard work and fabulous job!!!

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

well then mine must be in my mailbox-not schleping out for it tonight though....

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Fairy. Yep your is in your mailbox. Get on yoru Fairy wings adn fly to the mailbox and back again. LOL

GA, GA(Zone 7b)

Yea Fairy, those poor little seeds are going to be shivering in the cold and dark crying for their mommie to come and save them. :)

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

Heck-if I go out there for the 15 mins it takes to go to the box and back I might be-they were saying on the news today that it only takes 10 mins to get frostbite at our temps today-they threw a galss of water and it immediately turned to ice crystals as it hit the air:(

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

Aww shucky darn... Didn't get mine today, but sure am enjoying everyone else's excitement!

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Wel, we don't want to have ya turn into piggy staue that the birds will be roosting on. Can ya con hubby to go for ya since you a thiny thing adn would freeze. ; )

GA, GA(Zone 7b)

Oh Fairy, Yuck! That's awful to be that cold!

Orrville, OH(Zone 5b)

I just took the dogs out and saw my box sitting on the floor under the mail box. My DH didn't even notice it this afternoon. The article with postage due must be a sasbe seed offer. I'm getting tired of paying postage just to give away seeds. Even after I tell them what postage they need they still try and send a bubble envelope with only one stamp.

I'm going to check my box out now. Be back soon.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Enjoy your box oa. Glad it there safe and the problem somethign else. Can breath again for a while.

Fairy don't blame ya. Walked to end f my drive for mailand by the time i got back the codl wind strips yoru rbeath away and stil aint warmed back up. Stay safe, your new babies be a surprise fo rya tommorrow. : )

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

First of all thank you all SO much for your concern and encouragement. Most of the time I'm pretty upbeat and try to just take things as they come, but between the -40° picketing, the "iffy" furnace, the frozen water pipes, and the dead car I'm afraid I was a tad beside myself this morning. As it turns out the meeting was the official beginning of the end which I suppose is a good thing in the long run. I may not know where I'm going now, but at least I know I'm not going back and can now try to move foreward. I admit it's pretty scarey. I'd worked there almost 25 years and it's really all I know. But life is full of surprises and adventures so away I go.

Ella I'm afraid I slept all afternoon so didn't get a chance to go to the post office today (I wouldn't have walked anyway so it really didn't make a difference. LOL!) Please don't wait on me to get into your own stash as it may very well be Monday before I get there. Dig in and have some fun, you certainly deserve it!

I'm glad to hear that your dad is home. Sounds like he's had a rough way to go too, but sometimes just being in your own place surrounded by familiar things can make all the difference in the world.

Lea it was so good to hear from you. I hate what you're going through with your own dad and you've been in my thoughts a lot in the past few weeks. Please keep us posted as your able and know that we're all here pulling for you both.

Genna - I'm also keeping you and your boy in my prayers. It sure seems that as a whole we've sure had our share of struggles lately, but I suppose that's too be expected from time to time with a litter of piggies this size.

I'll bet all of you that got packages today are in piggy heaven. Luckily I've already started a few seeds from my own stash so my jealousy level is still in check.

(Chele when I see you on TV opposite Rachel Rae I'll be the first one to pop up and say, "I remember her when.....")

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

I can't imagine having to live in the cold like some of you do. LaLa, you had to be out in it for four long cold hours. My hat's off to you. I wouldn't be able to do what you all take in stride. You are really tough people. I admire your fortitude.
On the one hand I am a bit envious of those who have received their piggie pkgs. Except, from your posts, I get the feelings of overwhelming happiness that I can't help but be happy for you! It's contagious too! : )
Star, so glad that your Dad is out of the hospital. : )
Lea, so glad that you are back. Take a couple of deep breaths and then get some sleep, then check out your options in regard to Eldercare in your community.
Genna, I don't know how I'd cope with being in your moccasins, my heart goes out to your family!
My prayers continue to be with all of you.
star, do you really think fairy piggies can fly? Hmmm. Even more astounding, you are really going to wait until the last piggie get's their pkg, before tearing into yours? Or is that you are just tired of looking at them seeds at the moment? Bet you are awfully glad to get your bed back. LOL!
Thanks for playing Seed Santa for all of us piggies! : )
(edited because I'm a space cadet)

This message was edited Jan 16, 2009 3:42 PM

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

LaLa. Your package did arrive. It at the Po , so you might want to call then and tell them to hold it til ya can get there, so they don't send it back to me. LOL

Don't try walking. My car broke in winter the one year and I trie dto walk the 20 mile shoemin the cold and only by the Grace of God am alive today cuz as I collapsed on the street, no sidewalks, a good samaritan picke dme up and took me to hosital. Had walked all the air of me.

So don't try walkign yoru babies safe in your mail slot. : )

Looks liek alot of piggies straight up and to the east of country hit today. Hope tommorrow the rest of the coutnry and the west gets theirs.

I feel for ya. Seems liek when one thign goes wrong it all at once. So maybe it good that ya didn't go. Ya got the info and ya didn't have to go out into the cold and ya got some needed rest. rest and sleep good for ya when things go wrong and pile up.

SW nope I really gona wait til the last piggy gets their's. It sittign on table behind me. Took a pic of it sittign there, but to cold to try adn down load. Gonan head and hide back under the covers in a minute.

Beaumont, TX(Zone 9a)

Oink, Oink Oink. My box arrived today. Thanks to all the piggies, especially Ella for all the hard work. When y'all see all the seeds, you will get an idea of how much work it took. I'm amazed at all the seeds. It's going to take a week to sort and look up all the names. Thanks again to everyone.


Flora, IN(Zone 5a)

To all the very sharing and generous piggies^_^
and a special thanks to Ella for all the time and effort in making so many people happy .
My box arrived today
Now to go take a good look inside.^_^ ^_^

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

I second that Gardengus! Everyone has been extremely generous, and my garden (and I ) thank you!

My daughter and her friend especially liked the fancy paper and fabric bag that some of the seeds came in. (they might even like the seeds, once they turn into flowers ;)

Ella obviously spent a lot of effort getting everything just right. She even managed to make the 'extras' that I didn't request a perfect match! What a job!

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Ok, I am impatience personified, I know! I have room to plant indoors, but not much to start. Lots I want to wintersow, but still scavenging containers here and there. sooo....

What seeds do you all start 12 weeks before last frost (or more)? I have a bunch I'm not familiar with, and some from Summerhill that didn't have that info either! So far I've started geraniums, begonias and petunias mostly... anything else that you regularly start early?

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

KL -- have you stumbled onto Tom Clothiers site yet... he has a lot of that data in his data.... his site can be a bit over whelming in the beginning - until you find everything.

i found that in his down loadable sprad sheet ... he has a column for "weeks before last frost"

here is the link to his extensive database

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

That's another beauty of the piggy swap threads - if you dig out the ones from last year and start from the end, you can scroll back to the Jan-Mar dates and read what everyone was starting and how, TONS of information on there. (I cheated and copied a lot of it to a separate document....) As I recall we ended up lamenting that we couldn't put more accurate or detailed info on the Plant Info pages about seed starting...

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Robin -- good idea.

here is the first thread, dated 2.14.08 where it pretty much all started

GA, GA(Zone 7b)

Whoever got the Isotoma/Laurentia axillaris should go ahead and start it. It takes a longer from seed to bloom than most.

Iola, TX(Zone 8b)

I posted on here earlier that I got my box of seeds in today.... I can't find the post on this thread anywhere, but its posted on davesgarden somewhere... LOL!!! I love all the seeds that I got in!! I have been going through every envelope writing down names so I can look them up to see what I can winter sow....
My two babies Termite and Belle Starr were right there with me, wanting so bad to get in the seeds....

Thank you all!!!

Lynn, love thw seed catcher bag, do you sale these??

This message was edited Jan 16, 2009 10:19 PM

This message was edited Jan 16, 2009 10:20 PM

Thumbnail by Trishann
Beaumont, TX(Zone 9a)

Trishann, you posted on the previous thread #23. Yours is the last post on that thread.

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

My mail delivery came late today. DH brought in the package, but ES (eldest son) and I had a date to watch one of his Netflix Movies. So I'm only now going through everything in my PIGGY SWAP PACKAGE. : )
I am overwhelmed by my fellow piggies generosity. I am dreaming of WS'ing, but before I do, I want to enter everything into my garden journal so I can keep records of what does well and where.
I'm still scavenging containers too, and am very grateful for the hyperlinks above that will help me to figure out when to plant. Some of the "extras" star sent me are things I would have asked for "If I had a brain". LOL!
Truly in some respects better than Christmas, because this gift will keep on giving! Some of the seed I know that star had to do extra research on to match with me. Thanks Star for doing an excellent job!
I know that I'll be doing some things quite differently next year. Like collecting seed and mailing supplies early. I am so impressed with some of those labels, and happy to know that mine weren't too bad. By next year I'll figure out how to make mine so pretty! : )
This little piggy is going to belly up to the trough, and feast her eyes on the seeds!
Walk In Beauty, or for this group maybe it should be WinterSow in Beauty!

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

argh - Journal - something else I forgot to update. I'm gonna be one busy piggy tomorrow!!

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