Cottage Garden Seed Swap & Chat #24

(Zone 7a)

Hallelujah! The seeds are flying home,
and joyful oinks are sounding across the land :))

Here ya go, Star

Thread #23 was getting challenging to my DSL, too

ps - I agree with Fairy - no need to send out confirmation #s, unless ya hear a real loud OINK!!

This message was edited Jan 16, 2009 5:40 PM

Thumbnail by bluespiral
Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Thansk for the thread.

I prayign so hard I don't and especially worried about the one that had to really fly. Won't relax til I know they all got there safely and especially the one havign to really fly . They said seven to ten days on that one even going priority.

If I was a fingernail nibbler, I would have to get false nails not only for hands but toes too. LOL

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Thanks karen....

oh, and speaking of COLD... when i went around the house this morning, looking for more cracked windows... i found this... aside from ice build-up... this looks like "snow" but it's ice crystals... on the wood work no less.

oh... -20° F .... that's just not fun no matter how you look at it.

Thumbnail by tcs1366
Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Eeewww! Terese, looks like its time for you to move farther south!

(bestest fairy)Tempe, MI(Zone 5b)

phew-that jump tuckered me out!!!!! My little legs don't do that naturally!!;)^_^

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

Morning all, it's cozy warm in New Braunfels, comparitively. Low was 42. Wish I could ship y'all some of this "warmth"! Ella, no problem for me to check my mailbox, but no seeds as of yesterday. Maybe today! I've got another 40 containers drilled and cut, ready to put dirt and seeds in! Already planted 20 jugs. Can't remember if I mentioned that on this thread or not. I think I'm trying to keep up with too many conversations. It reminds me of when my grandmother could sit in a room of many conversations and keep up with them all. I'm not sure I inherited that gene! Sure is fun trying, though!

When I get this next round of containers sown, I'll post some pics.


Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Tcs. It may look ugly for a bit, but if ya cna cut some plastic and tape it on outside of yoru windows will help keep them from cracking. The problemis cna ya stand to try adn go out and put up some in that frigid weather. I couldn't.

I knwo some packages may take an extra day or two, nto sure if they runnign over ground or by air, but know there oodles of cancelled flights out there.

Cool Tonya. I like looking at pics.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Neal -- Dh and i are seriously considering it... but in this market, who can sell a house.
Plus -- we have to wait til our boys move out.... at least 4-5 yrs for that.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Ella -- this will only last thru today... i think saturday will be in the mid 20's
I know i'm really whining about the cold... but i do feel for the folks NORTH of me... they are even colder.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Well that works out Terese, by that time the housing market will hopefully be back on track. Come on down! I love good neighbors :-)

Edmond, OK(Zone 7a)

Terese - I'm with you.... -15°. No snow painting for us today. You made me go look and I have I crystals inside my windows too. It's COLD! Girls want a fire but that means going out to grab some firewood. Bbbrrrrrr!

KL - you are exactly right - my girls would LOVE those! Not to mention it's something they can make themselves. ^_^

I just love everything we share on here!

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Thanks everyone - I will try to get some pics and start a new thread ..... suggestions on WHERE to start it?? I guess I can pick a place and put a link on here but I don't navigate many areas of DG it is so overwhelming.

Headed to LR with my son for a doctor's appt about his back - they moved our appt from the 26th to the 20th and now til today.....trying to get him in faster so they can reevaluate what is going on. He just turned 21 and is probably facing MAJOR back surgery, so those of you so inclined, I would definitely appreciate some prayers today to help me think of ALL the questions I need answered, to HEAR all the info I need to hear, and to help my son make the best decision we can. He is in his hardest semester at college and will have to miss at least 3 weeks of school if we schedule surgery...... we need LOTS of wisdom on this one. THANKS

It will be the weekend before I can get pics unless I can find some already on the computer because I am headed out the door to pick him up at college..... just let me know what forum you think I should put it on.


Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Genna will certainly keep your son in prayer. When he went off to college did he happen to get a menengitis shot or any of them other shots they recommend for colege students now a days?

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Geez, and I thought our high of 30° was freezing here! You all better stay out of that cold or we'll have frozen piggies around here!

Here's to a weekend with a log in the fire, some hot chocolate and warm food! (but I WILL check my mailbox!)

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

Stacey I was outside because I'm in a labor dispute and had to walk the picket line last night (midnight - four.) I edited out most of my whining this morning, but the gist of it was that when I got home I discovered that my furnace couldn't keep up with the cold-snap and is running 10° colder than where it's set (I thought it was completley broken, thank goodness that part was wrong.) I was sitting there shivering trying to thaw out using my blow dryer. LOL!

It got worse after a 2 hour nap though as now my water pipes are frozen and not only will my car not start, but the ignition won't even physically turn. It's froze solid. And I'm supposed to be at a very important meeting in 15 minutes.

Ooops. I managed to still get my whining in despite my best intentions.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Oh geez. Man you got it bad all aroudn this morning. Maybe it good ya stuck at home. Better to be broke down at hoem than out on road somewhere if it not gonan run. Hope they will reschedule your meeting.

North West, OH(Zone 5b)

Ironically Ella it's a union meeting. I've been locked out of my job for months, and this is the first meeting we've had where we're expected to hear any real news. And I won't be there to hear it or have a vote on what's to become of me.

Boy did that sound melodramatic or what? LOL @ me.

But thanks for the support. This really is a great place to come when you need to hear an encouraging word or even just to vent!

Columbia, SC(Zone 7b)

Got my BOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Am I first!??

Thumbnail by pyromomma
Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Yep ya the first. Congrats. : )

So glad somebody go ttheres so now I can look at see what folks sent me.

Ya opened it up yet?????? Inquiring piggies wanna know.

Edmond, OK(Zone 7a)

Jump in Ella - with all 4 piggy hooves! I'm sooooo drooling!!

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Am surprised that sc got their box first. Thought the Ga or La folks might gets there faster.

I want too, but wil try waitign until some more folks get their's. Don't want to look like a pig. snort.. hehehehhehe

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Go ahead Ella, we can't see you! LOL

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Pyro probably fainted fromthe shock of all what in her box. heheh We be lucky if we here from her before next week. LOL Either that or she done took the stuf and is runnign iek crazy throwign seed here and ther ein containers. Can just see her doign a mad woman on a mission routine. LOL

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Oooh, my mail comes later... wish she'd hurry up! Maybe mine will come!

I have a question. If it says in the plantfiles that something can be direct sown in the fall or spring, would you assume that it could also be winter sown? I've checked the wintersowing database, but there are some that aren't listed yet, that seem good candidates based on fall direct sowing...

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

I would assume the same thing. Wintersowing should work well for those.

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

Whew! Took me a while to catch up with y'all! Maozamom - I agree with you on the bogus Zones they think we're going to believe. Just because it's getting a bit warmer in the summers doesn't mean that the winters will be any less horrific. I overslept again (I'm liking this habit - LOL!) so the dogs didn't go out until 6:30, and it was -1 then. It's now up to 12, and I can hear the ice cracking and popping in the gutters outside as the sun warms them. I have ALWAYS hated the cold - I credit that with growing up in southern California. Plus, I was genetically skinny (until I hit my late 30's and started living with an Italian - LOL!) so I had no natural insulation after we moved from Cal. to northern Indiana when I was 13. Yes, I hated it. Don't even ask why I'm back up north after living in sunny Florida for 8 years....I hate corporations, let's just leave it at that.

If I can keep my feet warm I'm generally OK, but it's so cold even my tootsies are chilly - and I'm wearing wool socks and my fuzzy-insided Crocs:,120&color=Cotton%20Candy/Oa

Sis gave me a pair last Christmas and they were the only shoes I wore all season long - without socks my feet were still warm. But even now, and with wooly sockies, my feet are cold. I HATE that. Oh, right, I already said that.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Dryad.. got mine on too. Went to po in them , two pairs of socks does help keep the feet a bit warmer in them than one. Got mien at walmart for 7 bucks. best investment i ever made. : )

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

OINKERS!!! Guess what the postman just dropped off!! WEEEEE!!!

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Robin, I'm the same way about my feet, if they're cold, I'm cold all over. I'm so happy to have moved my bedroom upstairs; its directly above the woodstove room and the floor is so nice and warm! I was fat so much of my life and didn't have a problem being cold natured, thats the ONLY thing I miss about my fat days, LOL.

Beautiful Brazoria C, TX(Zone 9a)

Yipee! Happy Dance and stuff!

Mail Man Steve just drove all the way up to the front door and gave a little honk. What a nice guy! Saved me having to bundle up and trudge the entire 110' out to the mail box (the black box with a few baseball bat dents) and 110' back (.04 mile) in the blustery, fridged.....

I got the box and the contents are ... I'm whelmed, very close to overwhelmed at everyone's generosity, the liberality of the gifts to so many gardeners.

Is there catnip/catmint seeds in there? Kitty Frit (14lbs) was all over that box like it is sent or scent just for her.

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

Anticipation! I had to call home and see if DH has checked the mail yet!. He hasn't and I was a good piggy and didn't ask him to make a special trip right now (it's at the end of the street, if it had been at our house I would have asked him to go look!) But I did ask him to call me if he did go and the seeds were there!

Beautiful Brazoria C, TX(Zone 9a)

This is just the way Frit rolls

May be I should say the way she lumbers or slumbers.

This message was edited Jan 16, 2009 1:37 PM

Thumbnail by PullTab
Orrville, OH(Zone 5b)

I was gone for a while and came back to a card in the mail box saying they have a envelope/package with postage due. I wonder if that could be my seeds.


Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Pull Tab. There very well could be. When it got down to a piel of all the same stuff and didn't knwo who to give to anymore just piled al the left seed sinto a big bucket and just started goign aroudn and pullign adn tossign and didnt look.

I know Critter had sent some as extras so ya may have gotten some in your box. The stuff in the baggies is for the community for you to sort and divide and share how you see fit for folks.

Glad all the piggie s were able to help this year with surviors and communities.

Which remind s me hope lynn s doign ok and her home still safe.

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Yippee! They're here! Gotta going snufflin and oinkin through the amazing package now!!!

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Okay, I'm jealous, and I realize I'm a lot farther away than most piggies, except of course Tuink.
kl, DH got his new parts and the tractor is going to be fixed. That doesn't mean he won't buy a new one, just that until he finds one he'll continue to use this one. After all he already has a buyer. LOL!
Where you see DH on the tractor is the new field he planted the pine seedlings earlier this week. Most of the rest of the disced area on the farm is for fire breaks. Sad but true.
At least now he'll be able to terrace the area I want to plant my kitchen garden in. : )
I am so sorry to hear how cold it is back east. I'd invite you out to CA, but it is so expensive to live here.
Ice crystals are forming on the inside? Dad always usd to use weather stripping on the windows when we lived in OK. to conserve the heat. Wood stove keeps my house warm, except for my bedroom. We have an electric fireplace in there now. I figured it's already paid for itself. We haven't turned on the furance once this year. Last year I had it on to keep warm, and the boys opened their windows to keep cool, and our propane bill was huge.
Star how is your Dad doing? Fingernails are over rated, I'm always having to dig the dirt out from under them anyway. : )
Gen, I will definitely be praying for your family and your son. : )
Keep warm everyone!

Scottsburg, IN(Zone 6a)

Thanks again Ella for doing all this - you're like one of Santa's Elves :-)

Edited to say - Gen, I meant to say that we're keeping you and your son in our prayers.

This message was edited Jan 16, 2009 2:49 PM

Edmond, OK(Zone 7a)


This little piggy is doing flips all over the house - just flippin out! My trough came too!! Going to sit down and gorge...might not hear from me for awhile. Sipping on some of that apple cider vinegar concoction and rubbing my belly. ^_^ Oink!

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Mao. There better not be any postage due. Rach package was weighed out and the post guy had to change some to priority and that postage was paid cuz they weighed to much.

Yours weighed 11.0 ounces and was 3.04 in postage plus 75 cent for confirmation sticker. It had a 0.72 stamp that was used on it from the long haul flyer and a sticker for 3.07 in cash on it.

Let me check confirmation number, checked and it hit your town this mornign so could be.

If they say postage on it due can give you the bill number from post office her to show that all postage was paid

i got my seed envelope this morning and i have gone though the contents was way more than i expected and thanks so much to all of you for sharing your seeds and a special thanks to ella for coordinating this swap. it was fun. I will be sharing extras with some people in town who are in need.
thanks again for the great swap
pam sue

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