Blather stick

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

NOT YELLOW! THIS IS HIGH PRIORITY! Break out the order catalog. We must fix this problem before the performance!

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

CPO Pastrypuff have a wonderful Christmas!

Everyone is leaving for the holidays.. whaaaa

I have Catscan's babiez hatching Friday and Saturday!

I'm not in the Christmas spirit this year.. it's so much work and so much money I don't have.. I'm just a grinch this year.

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

ZZ I am not going anywhere! We can hang together. I never go anywhere for Christmas.
Just dont steal the roast beast or pan toozala! (or Cindy lu Who's candy cane!)

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Don't be sad ZZ. I'm hanging out here too through the holidays and there will be dancing too. Did I mention we are having KD and weinies for Christmas dinner? (Long story). I plan on fatted calf for the day of dancing though.

Foley, MO

Where is the Chicken Fairy? VERY good question! I leave for a couple months and BAM! What is going on?

(Zone 7b)

Patch i was told because i ask about the chicken fairy that the person who was the chicken fairy was gone. I nor anyone as far as i know hasn't heard anything from the fairy in a long time.

I don't know what the ones above are refering to unless someone else has become the chicken fairy.

I have recieved no confirmation that she has returned so i have no idea whats going on.

I hope this is not another can of worms being opened.

Foley, MO

Edmund demands I open his can of worms!

(Zone 7b)

Hope you have a good night and if your still curious about the CF ask the ones above they seem to know more than I ^_^

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Nope, dont know anything. I thought it was imaginary, not a real person. (Unlike the Barnyard Fairy, and Duck Fairy who still bring ducks and critters for all to enjoy) I must have sighned on after she left. I dunno! ;)

(Zone 7b)

Yes jeanmarie she hasn't been gone that long and it was before your time here she was fun. Don't worry i was just answering patch and as far as i know i'm off the subject. I know what i said above and thats all and i won't comment again on this subject.
I was only confused as to someone saying they had heard from her. I don't know why anyone would mention that as it was a very hard time here and in my honest opinion should be quietly left alone.

It's the Holidays and we all want to enjoy these gone to soon moments.
I want for everyone to have a peaceful and joyful Christmas and New Year.


This message was edited Dec 24, 2008 9:02 AM

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Merry Christmas to everyone!!!!
Santas coming tonight! Weeeeeee!

Barnyard, Saint Vincent & Grenadines

A hard time?

Most of those who knew the Chicken Fairy well were absent from this forum during the time someone was mocking her. Seems the "hardest" time of confusion regarding her whereabouts, character, and treatment, was suffered by those who, like you HarmonyPlace, did not know any better but to believe what some un-related stranger had to say.

Frankly, DF and BF believe it best to let by gones be bygones [which is it, oh great Spelling One?], but should the CF re-appear, should she truly still be alive [she has always existed in MY heart], then there would be no cans, no worms, no open wounds, only great rejoicing among the fairies and their followers! Not likely anyone here would consider anything BUT reverence for the Great Chicken Fairy. Especially with spring hatching time just around the corner!

And as it is the eve of that Great Day in manhood, the celebration of a Birth like no other, DF wishes Peace and Good Will to all, and to all a wonderful time!

{Check under those pillows! DF is gonna hitch a ride on that marvelous sleigh, even sneaking to places no reindeer have been allowed to go recently! Ducks make great house pets!}

(Zone 7b)

Why is it that i the one who loves peace the most in this world that my name becomes associated with trouble or confusion.
That being the person that i'am have tried to understand and comprehend the very essence of all who post here.
I concede that i must be to ignorant that i must have missed somewhere where this forum was considered anything more than a place to learn and share with friends about poultry and other farm animals.
I have no more to say than everyone have a Merry Christmas

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

Ms. Duck Fairy,

Please be nice. You, being brand new to the forum (as of 12/21), clearly know WAY more about the Chicken Fairy than you should for as new as you are.

I, like Harmony, will not be fooled. We know you are the previous Chicken Fairy which was also the same person that was Tamara Faye.

I know this because you, the Chicken Fairy AND Tamara Faye, d-mailed me as your trouble with the neighbors set on.

You my heart strings were pulled for your poor dying chickens, your ill son, I felt for you and I really liked your Chicken Fairy posts - hilarious - and Tamara Faye's knowledge. I miss that and I wish we could have that back.

Then you just disappeared. Yes, there are stories about where you went and what happened, but I'd like to forget those, too. Who knows, maybe you were L2G2, too???

Happy Christmas Eve to all and hopefully all will be in a better mood tomorrow.


Foley, MO

Well, I for one missed the drama and will not be swayed by those that are newbies themselves. Not that I have been on here even half as long as TF, but, I don't pose as someone who has been here forever neither.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

I'm home!!!!!! We went from a very cold Ga to a warm Florida. It is so nice to be warm My sisters house was almost as cold inside as it was outside.

Dahilanut start the spring dance!!!! The maples down here are blooming and so are my daffodils.

will have the pictures tomorrow!!!!!

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Wooo Hooo! survival of the fitest! She has made it!

Happy dance...wiggle wiggle!

(Zone 7b)

UM could we kind of let this thread go and start another or something??

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

If I was not so tired I would be dancing to. I will have a "smart card" so I can get on line with my own laptop before I go again and I will not stay that long!!!!!!!!!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Ok go for it What will we call it?

(Zone 7b)

Grow is already on it go to the forum and its there

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