Blather stick

Lodi, United States

Sure, trap them in bucket and torment them--think they are going to tell you the truth?

But since you do let them go eventually, they may have developed a folk-legend about you which is not entirely uncomplimentary.

Sleep well with both hemispheres--and great luck on your exam!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

I just have to say that I'm poofing with pride about my cousin who is carrying on the nut family tradition with great joy and mayhem. Blather, blather....

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

a maid, gremlins, blather, I miss so much when I fall asleep.
Good morning all. Putting on the coffee.
Yes, Claire, that SMALL storm turned a bit bigger. We can get anywhere from 6 to 12 inches of snow and ice tommorrow. Please drive safe. Stop in Elbridge for coffee if you need a drive break!

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I think we might wait and leave tomorrow morning instead. Things are not looking good for the weather. If we leave Friday morning, I think by then the plows will have been out, etc.

Off to my exam! Thanks for the luck! I may need it!

Clarkson, KY

We put the puzzle together twice! So fun waiting for Santa to hatch out!!

Happy trails, Claire!! And safe!!! I will send all my mice that way for you to play with...

Now for coffee, then mayhem!!

(Zone 7b)

Could i have some herbal tea instead ?

Clarkson, KY

Chamomile, tension tamer, orange, raspberry, lemon, peach, or peppermint? Or green tea jasmine?

(Zone 7b)

Tension Tamer sounds good.

Clarkson, KY

Well, that was the easy part. Now how do ya want I should send it? Express in a pretty birdy cup surrounded by backrub to keep it from spilling?? Comin' right up!!

(Zone 7b)

I'm sure it will get here before it gets cold THANKS!

Clarkson, KY

ha! pblphbhllplbhll!! ;-pppppp

(Zone 7b)

I just love pulling your chain Grow makes my day happier.

Clarkson, KY

Well yank away, Dear. I'm a glutton for punishment...

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

I will take some of that coffee. I just realized I have no cream, and I dont feel like going out right now to get some. :( Oh well, its all in a day. Black tea will do.
Hey, I missed the chain yanking! tug tug... :P

(Zone 7b)

Hey Grow we got a order for more Tea..... YANK! YANK!

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

I am glad she delivers too! wow, I see a big tip in her future! hehehe

(Zone 7b)

Maybe a nice dozen of fertile EE eggs...

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Ohhhhh! thats a good idea!

Lumberton, TX(Zone 8b)

Is the Barnyard Fairy trying to turn the mice into livestock? She's gonna have to find a teeny little stool come milking time.

(Zone 7b)

Teeny little stool ROTFL

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

I'm beside myself with envy, I'm so jealous of the Barnyard Fairy's prettiful outfit. It's just not fair that she gets to have chickens that lay humungous eggs, llamas, curlicious goats AND a prettiful outfit. It's just not fair (sulk, pout).

Clarkson, KY

And she gets to take a 10-day hiatus!! How'd she swing that I'd like to know? Is there an apprentice BF?

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Don't spill the beans, Dahlia, but in January, we are getting 2 Sicilian mini donkeys. From the rescue league. Done my exam. Yay. Packing now.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Are you applying for the position?

Clarkson, KY

Transportation included?

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

You have to have a flying manure fork of course. It's a given....

Clarkson, KY

Well then...

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Does the position come with a prettiful uniform with especially prettifuly blue-smartied booties?

Lodi, United States

Don't do it grownut! She'll make you watch her beasties while she flies all over the world endowing hapless DGers with rare and exotic animals.

I know, 'cause I had to get married to have someone to watch my livestock while I traveled for work. It is sad to see his pale and pensive face vanishing in the rear-window as I drive away but, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.

Clarkson, KY

Y'mean get married right?? (I thought I'd given a nice open ended answer, but...)

Lodi, United States

No--I just gave the marriage example to show how desperate she is to lure someone in as her apprentice. Sort of like those scary folk tales where someone has a terrible curse laid upon them until they are able to shift it on to some other unsuspecting mortal.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Just to be clear, I'm not accepting applications for marriage partners for purposes of livestock tending!

I might accept applications for sous-barnyard-fairy (akin to sous-chef) who can help out with distributions and be a clearing center for cute critters awaiting distribution. I already have a hostage who watches barnyard animals and he is fine with that.

Clarkson, KY

Well, I've already got mad-critter-itis, and nobody to tend them while I go to Canada...Although I may stand in for a few Icelandics and an angora or two...

Lodi, United States

Hey grow, you are off the hook! I think your cousin, dahlianut, will become a BF apprentice for some sort of guady (prettiful) uniform. What is it with Canadians and bright colors?

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Its so the St. Bernards can find us in the blizzards and avalanches Catscan ^_^

Lodi, United States

I thought so. My Swedish ancestors showed similar prettiful leanings.

Sugar Valley, GA(Zone 7b)

Twern't no St Barnyards when My people dressed in Colors.. we dun it to get from gittin an arrow thru tha heart...Us NDNs aka Injuns is toughies...

Now... Fix That Moxon... ROFL

Sleet here again tonight they say... My Wheelie is ready to go...All fueled up and I get to take her to the barn... Im in a dayum car tomorrow... Fortunately a Mitsbiushi Galant that I have been in several times before, and she handles well on ice and snow....Boss did it on purpose so I would have the car for the weekend rather than the big E-250 van... I think he loves me..just wish he would give me a raise after a year....LOL

Y'all be good ,and try to stay out of trouble, and that IS an Order!!!!!

Mox.. I saw the new ordeal Goats...Love em!!! You and Kelly are absolute Saints....Reminds me of Jim and me when the pound calls with a special needs puppers that needs our lovin....I Need a clipping from the Bangs come spring.. I use that hair to make my Faeries.....How is my Llama Grandson doing??? Have you ever heard of a House LLama???

Thumbnail by DustyDS
Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Yes I have, I saw a program that the llamas came in side to watch tv and to look at their self in the mirror and there is a book I think it is "There is a kangaroo in my kitchen" and they had a llama that came into the house.

(Zone 7b)

Hey Grow any herbal tea this morning?

Clarkson, KY

Tension Tamer? Though yesterday's back rub was a one-off -no more of them runnin' around...

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