Blather stick

Lodi, United States

I am at work:0(. And I cannot explain what the name means, since I stole it from my cousin in a fit of pique when the DG registration rejected all my excellent suggestions. In her case it makes sense--sort of--since her name is Kathy (she spells it Katscan) and she is a nurse. In my case it is just the relic of annoyance.

Can I come back and play when I get home?

Lodi, United States

And for Moxon and grownut, those guardians of epistemic rhetoric:

May I come back and play when I get home?

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Yes Catscan, you most certainly may. :-)

But fit of pique??? I cannot begin to imagine....

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)


Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

There is SO a Barnyard Fairy. I am she. Catscan is just being a grumpy pants and trying to ruin everybody's day just because she can't find proper rainwear. I tell you, she is one high maintenance chicken lady! (giggle)

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Giggle....I knew you were real!!! I just knew it. I am putting poo under pillow as we speak. Hoping to awake with a new cool barnyard critter! I am gitty with anticipation...not to be mistaken for constipation...oh dear, I will end there. hehehe

Sue, RI(Zone 6a)

Claire, are you putting him with your goats? Just a note if you are: intact males can harrass does. the same goes with donkeys it's recommended that it be gelded.
Ok! Enough of that! He is beautiful! and I'm green!! But I'll match the holiday scene!lol!

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Poo under the pillow....oh dear...what have I done?! I would drop one off on my way through NY if I could! Well, we shall never know...

Sue, yes, he's in with the 3 female llamas and the Nubians (not the mini goats). I didn't know he would harrass the goat does. I guess I shall have to see. We were hoping for llama crias in future. :-) I will keep a very good eye on him and if he starts misbehaving, we may give him separate housing with the wethers.

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Should I leave it there until then? hehehe!
Dear Barnyard Fairy, I have been a very good girl...
I would like a pygme goat that faints!!!! hehehe!

Oh what a thought! Maybe I should put poo in a baggy. hmmmm.

On a serious note, your new addition is handsome! I bet he will be fun for the others to play with.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Poo in a baggie! Yes, much better! The barnyard fairy doesn't like collecting poo from under pillows if it isn't in a baggie!

The fainting goats are very interesting. I haven't got any but they are also called myotonic goats. What actually happens when they are startled is that all their muscles stiffen up suddenly, to the point that they fall over, and then it takes about 10-15 seconds for them to relax. So they don't technically faint, they just have all their muscles go stiff. It's a bit odd, isn't it!

Lodi, United States

They had myotonic goats on MythBusters--but the members of the staff couldn't get them to faint. The kept jumping out and chasing them and yelling and the goats just moved away and looked at them like they were idiots. Then the owners came out and said "Boo" (figuratively) and the goats all fell over.

I am at home now!

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

I saw that one! I did laugh! They showed the goats falling over when the camera man went by but when the people tried to do it they just stood there. And the owner did it so easily!
I do think they are cute, it makes me sad to see the babies fall over though! :(
It doesnt seem right!

Lodi, United States

It's pretty obvious they would never survive in nature--but everyone says it doesn't hurt them. I am just not sure what the advantage is besides novelty. Is there something else special about them?

Clarkson, KY

Immunity to cameras and TV stars?

Cats must certainly come and play.

There is SO a Barnyard Fairy-no one else would dress that way! (I rest)

I've heard that there's a special Poovelope that is used when putting poo under a pillow for the BF. It is recommended to decorate it with depictions of the critter in question to help the BF along and possibly prevent misunderstandings (The BF is known to be somewhat fey in her humor and it wouldn't do to get horse apples in lieu of lambs or llamas)

I'd feel horribly guilty breeding Fainting Goats -can't think of anything good accomplished -they're not playing possum!!

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Poovelope...omg....I cannot stop laughing.

Clarkson, KY

For everything (turn, turn, turn)...
There is a season (turn, turn, turn)...
An obscure item for every purpose
Under heaven....

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

I am NOT LICKING A Poovelope! Decorating it sure! NOT licking it.
I just think they are cute. I also like the dwarf and pygme. They are small and sweet.
Dont have any real purpose in mind. Just to love them. Maybe play dressup with or take long walks in the sunset...ahhhh! yes, I can see it now.
I am still not licking the poovelope!

Lodi, United States

Are the mice playing, yet?

Clarkson, KY

They are usually made out of a very durable fabric and buttoned shut, though there is no requirement. If you do not wish to lick one simply construct yours without the U-lick strip!! (Silly!)

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Ohh! you have all the answers Grow! Thanks! I will get right on it.
I have a whole bucket of buttons. And great fabric.

Clarkson, KY

As long as it's not my own business, I'm chock full of answers!!lol.

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Did you need someone to mind your business for you?
I am sure some fine person will be willing to help you out!
I cant even keep my own straight though.

Clarkson, KY

I'm certainly not doing it!!lolol. Oh dear. S'pose I really do all right, but everyone else's is more interesting...really a maid would be more to the point. After all, who's to pick up after me when I'm busy with all these projects!?

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

I am afraid a maid would take one look at this house and run screaming down the street.

Clarkson, KY

Ha! Cousin!!

(Zone 7b)

When i get sick my house gets sick too. Why just go in my laundry room and look how it vomited clothes all over the floor. Then turned around and puked up a whole sink full of dirty dishes.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

I thought the gremlins left them. We have a herd of them that mess up this house.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

who has mice? Catscan, do you have mice? I thought I was the only one with the mice in the barn. My mice only play when I catch one in a bucket, and then I play with them for a while before I let them go. We always have a good chat and we play "Barnyard Fairy Tries to Pet the Mouse" and the mouse plays "Mouse Tries to Prevent Barnyard Fairy from Petting" and this goes on for a while until the mouse gives up. Then I pet it and let it go.

(Zone 7b)

Wren you have gremlins i've heard of those but never seen them they are responsible for all the missing socks.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Good night y'all stay warm. It was 80 at my house today and will be up there tomorrow.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Here they are responsible for a lot of lost stuff that is what the dog does do.

(Zone 7b)

Yes Wren my Ga. weather is back it's was in the 70s here i just love it! Made me feel so much better with the sun on my face.

Goodnight Wren

Clarkson, KY

G'night! Sleep tight! May the bed bugs all move south {{{shhhh}}} 30ish here and dropping...hens are starting to lay again though! -one in six laying! Hopefully most are finally done with the molt...

(Zone 7b)

Getting eggs are we looks like somebody got a early christmas present ^_^

Clarkson, KY

Yes!! Four a day for two days running!! Out of 24 hens! I've been going nuts. Every single project I want to do ('cept those birdhouses) uses eggs and ours are sold before we can eat 'em cuz DH doesn't want people going elsewhere...rrrgggh. Meeeeeerry Christmaaaass HOHOHOOoooo....

(Zone 7b)

If 4 are laying then the others should lay soon shouldn't they?

Clarkson, KY

They look more and more like chickens each day, so I hope so...

Lodi, United States

Moxon, stop teasing the mice. They were waiting for me to leave so they could play and now you are harassing them.

(Zone 7b)

Grow I'm going to hit the hay ^_^

Did you put the puzzle together on my merry christmas thread my friend emailed me that and i just loved it.

Well goodnight sleep well and i liked your wassil and i hope you get lots of eggs.

I was hopeing to speak to Claire guess she's busy.

See you tomarrow or if not then real soon {{{{{HUG}}}}

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Hi Harmony, sorry, been studying real hard for contracts exam (final) tomorrow and then leaving for Canada for 10 days so lots of things to get finished up. Will be on the internet from Canada though. If we make it through this weather! Ice storm due tomorrow when we are supposed to be leaving.

Must sleep before exam. Gotta be up early.

Catscan - the mice love me.

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