Blather stick

(Zone 7b)

I think i will have some lemon this morning "Thank you" i was wondering if anybody was here this morning?

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

I am here and not here-in and out- both in body and mind. LOL

Clarkson, KY

I'm working on the reference thread. Kinda feel like maybe it should be stickied, but since I started it that's kinda tacky, huh?

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

No go for it. Who better to do it than you.

Clarkson, KY

Well, I asked. And for my own self too! I feel like a wild woman...

(Zone 7b)

Yes grow go ask admin to make it a sticky but please reference on the thread for others to limit talking on the thread. That if someone wants to add a link just explain the link and thats all.
You know how us ladies can start talking ^_^

Clarkson, KY

Who us?! Perish the thought!! ( I think I did but I may have erased it!!)

Clarkson, KY

I'm off to see the wizard!! Have a lovely day!!

(Zone 7b)

Have a Great Day Grow and you derserve the Praise for your chicken link thread.

I'm off to do some last minute shopping and have lunch with my DH

Have a Good Day Wren talk to yall later Harmony ^_^

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Some one just joined DG called 'CIAGuy' from NY. This could be verrrrrrrry interesting if he has P&L. Today I practised my dancing but I still haven't figured out to do it in a snowdrift.

Lodi, United States

A guy from the Culinary Institute of America would be very useful--souffles, omelets, creme brulee!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

LMAOAPMP Catscan ^_^ mmmmmmmm creme brulee mmmmmmmmmm. What is the fabby 'sticky' thing about Cousin Nut? Did you invent a new velcro thingy? Honey? Referencing what? Is it like a better dictionary? The Barnyard Fairy will eat that up!! I just KNEW you were from the Rocket Science side of the fam Cous even though you luv your rock ^_^ And why can we not talk about it dear Harmony? Is it a super secret? Inquiring minds need to know ALL the details. Speaking of rocket science, my humidification experiment when I made it rain in the hall was not all bad. It has given me a fabby new idea for my weather transporter. I was stuck on the wind problem but aha if I can make rain without wind this could change everything!

Clarkson, KY

They stuck the reference thread up at the top for us and we should not chat on the reference thread even though we may want to blather very much...We need to conquer our baser instincts and yak elsewheres so it doesn't just get useless

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

We have an entire thread dedicated to talking we ought to be able to keep it under control.....Oops! bubble, blather, bumble, bbbbabble

Clarkson, KY

{{{the pressure's on}}}

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Thankz to you Grow! That is a great thread.. I sure appreciate it.

Clarkson, KY

The scary part is the maintenance!!

Tacoma, WA

Yes, thank - you grownut, it will be especially helpful to us newbies who have trouble keeping up when breed names (Owl) and other "chicken talk" starts flying!!

I haven't been to any of the links yet, but I'm looking forward to some GREAT chicken research / education!
Thanks again, Becky

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Great links Grow. We do appreciate all your time with that.
It will be a valuable addition to the poultry lovers!

(Zone 7b)

Yea Me Too!! Grow thanks for the Thread and it will live on here with you as the author so future chicken owners can have the tools to tend their flocks.
So many times there is a question and now thanks to you there will be answers.

Thank You Dear Friend Grow !! ^_^

Sorry iwantchicks for the ("Owl") mixup would you believe i also have "Quail" Too.

I will from now on say Shield Owl Pigeons and OEG Bantam Quail Chickens.

Clarkson, KY

Gosh, y'all bein' so nice an' I DO thank you (twiddles one toe around in dirt, VERY sheepishly), but it ain't blather iffen it's about me!!

Really, Admin just warned me to keep tabs on the links there so we don't end up with an expired list...{{{help}}} The Dave's links won't change, but...

(Zone 7b)

Whats and expired list do you mean expired web site's. If that is it then you could check them ocasionallly or just put on the thread to inform you if a web site has expired then you could remove it.

Tacoma, WA

Harmonyplace, no need to apologize, I think you should get the most breeds award, or at least the most breeds with names of other birds award!! Do we do awards on here? I hereby grant you, Miss Harmonyplace, winner of this years "names of chickens to figure out who the newbies are on this thread award"!! Speech time (Also, I was trying to tease Haystack a little too, but I was wondering the same this myself, he just types faster than I do. HeHe!

grownut, wow lots of upkeep for you, I love those things you say in threads like (twiddles one toe around in dirt, VERY sheepishly) how do you come up with those? You should be a writer!

(Zone 7b)

Well I'm so use to chicken talkin and pigeon speaking till i do forget others think i'm raiseing Owls.
I keep waiting for the game warden to pull up and want to confiscate my Owls LOL

Don't feel left out when some on here go to text talking i can't understand any of it BTW And FYI

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

iwantchicks, I believe that would be "The Golden Feather Award". hehehe if we dont have awards maybe we should start, it would be fun!

Dacula, GA(Zone 7b)

I found this chicken video on youtube while looking at something completely unrelated. "Chickens of fire" Great music. Hope you like it.

(Zone 7b)

Just stopped in to say HI and i will be off to a Christmas dinner today and the BBQ yesterday was a very good time.
Everyone take care and look out for those roaming packages!!

{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}} Harmony

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

You are funny Harmony!
I am so glad your BBQ was a success. I cant even see my grill. Its under about 2 and a half feet of snow. LOL No BBQ for me. :( til May at least.
Have a great time at the Christmas dinner.
((((((((Hugs back at you!)))))))) How do you make the cute hugs thingy????

(Zone 7b)

Sewin HI and my dinner was very good and i enjoyed myself a little too much (very full)

The hugs thingy is on your keyboard mine is next to the P on my lap top it's just like ( only it's {and } so put them together and {{{{HUGS}}}}

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

{{{{{{OHHHHHHH}}}}}}}}}}! I am so on it. I found out how to make hearts today too!
♥ I am learning sooo much {hugs!}

(Zone 7b)

Okay i want to know how to make hearts {{{Please}}} ^_^

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Okay first type the & sign and then type the word hearts and then a semicolon ;
No spaces in between it though! ♥

(Zone 7b)

(Zone 7b)

Smiley is ^ then _ then ^ and no spaces in between ^_^

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Thats the one! woo hoo!

(Zone 7b)

Wow i can say ♥ ^_^

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)


Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)


(Zone 7b)

What about this {{{{{♥ HUG ^_^ }}}}

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Okay stars didnt work :(
But the others look good!!!!

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