South Lodi Launch Ready for Take Off!

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

What's all the ruckus about? What did I miss?

Who put the dang ice pack on my chair????????

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Oh yes, very good idea. And please send photographic evidence of her hosed down and hanging in the garage. It would be lovely for posterity's sake.

My hens are mostly using the nest boxes now except for one who keeps going underneath, but I am wise to her now, and I check with a flashlight. Today was an 8 egg day, with 2 blues and 1 green and 5 browns. Very eggciting.

Edit: forgot title of photo: Eggs as Olives. Still life. Dec 6, 2008.

This message was edited Dec 6, 2008 8:55 PM

Thumbnail by DrDoolotz
Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

MORE EGGGGGGGS!!! How beautiful Claire! Sooo pretty!

Lodi, United States

CPO Moxon, no egg pictures right now. Commander Mother Bird is very vulnerable to eggy stimulation at the moment.

Commander, you remember me, Officer Catscan? Just sit on the nice ice bag. There, now don't you feel better?

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Careful, no one is impervious when it comes to the emergence of new life forms.
I am putting up forcefields and calling all guards.
Sitting on ice packs is her only hope.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Oops, sorry about the eggy overdose....oh what have I done....?

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Its okay, Maybe she wont see it. hehehe
Force fields....on

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Yes.. I feel fine now.... Thank you. Just need ear plugs too..

Clarkson, KY

She may have just gotten stuck to her chair -if she stayed still long enough...

Clarkson, KY


Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Oooh, like stuck to the ice? Ouchie...

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)


(as Kelly says: "Mother of a Fatherless Goat!")

it wasn't my fault!

Lodi, United States

Put down the mouse, Commander. Back away from the computer and no one will get hurt.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I was busy studying constitutional law when this all happened. Yeah, that's it.

Clarkson, KY

I pray for you and what you'll end up writing after all this mess!! I shudder to think!

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

It's mostly civil rights stuff. You have the right to own chickens. You have a right to eat your own hen's eggs. You have a right to watch your own incubator. The government cannot interfere with your hatching schedule....etc.

Clarkson, KY

You have a right to do a whole lot of stuff they've litigated. And they don't have a right to litigate about much of it as I recall. But my telling you is a bit off. Grumblemumblefumblejumble....

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Just one... I can't be expected to quit now.. I just started!!!!!

Clarkson, KY

Oh golly -the ice has melted!! Pics!!

(the Iceman Cometh, but he's on the Wassail thread)

(Zone 7b)

ZZ Has all your chicks hatched i went shopping yesterday didn't have a chance to get on last night for an update?
Good to see the little chick is better now ^_^

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Almost finished... one is peeping loudly and ready to zip. One just pipped this morning.. and two of the rest candle with movement. That leaves 6 that stopped in the hatcher.. out of 30 shipped eggs.. I am more than happy.

edited to add..

No eggs will come out of the hatcher till at least Tues. just in case..

This message was edited Dec 7, 2008 10:05 AM

(Zone 7b)

OH! I'm so happy for you ZZ i'm glad you tried hatching again it is so much fun. They are all so cute and i'm proud for you and i hope they all hatch. {{{{HUG}}}}^_^

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Coming out of self-imposed study quarantine to say "Wow, awesome hatch rate for mailed eggs!"

(back to study)

Victoria, BC(Zone 8a)

ZZ is a good Mommy! Congratulations, again, ZZ!

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Awsome hatch! Makes me wanna go out and get eggs.
Also makes me wanna come over to play with wittle fuzzy wuzzy baby chicky wickys!
ught oh, brain turning mushy!

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

I did nothing but stare at babiez this weekend.. I was useless.. I can't believe the weekend is over!
Boo Boo Babiez will make anyone talk funny!

I'll be playing photo studios this week..

The tiny lil buff silkie is tuff as nails.. It's like 1/2 the size of all the other bumbling jumbos...

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

I cant wait to see the pictures!
Yes, it Monday morning and I am heasing off to school.
I will check in later!

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Well.. the babiez are doing great.. I haven't had a chance to take pics. The final percentage was 70% so I'm more than happy!

I believe Moxie is a pullet.. and she is Welsummer. I'm pretty sure Alvin is Speckled Sussex and sex undetermined as of yet.

I lost Olive in the mix.. I can't figure out which one it is now.. but I need to cause of the color of the egg... I want to keep that one... it's my first born ever.

I'm thinking Marlow is a Penedesenca cross..

After looking back.. here is a pic of the madness.. LOL

Thumbnail by ZZsBabiez
Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Oh, they are so sweet. Yes Olive! The first hatched.
When you find her put her in with some really different ones, or mark her.
What a great group you have there ZZ! 70% wow, thats fabulous.
Mission accomplished. A Success Id say! :D

(Zone 7b)

ZZ a 70% percent hatch is excellent and just look at your cute baby's.

Clarkson, KY

But how could you POSSibly get confused as to who's who with that photographic evidence...;-)

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Olive is the only one that I'm trying to figure out.. Me and both kids argue on who is Olive.. (first born)
The head spot totally changes as it dries.. and then the next day it's different yet. I wish I would have banded the leg right away.. I had no clue they would all look so much alike.. I didn't get a good pic of just olive when it was dry.. That is the only one I will keep if it's a roo... IF I ever figure it out! I think I'll start a thread on it for guessing..

THIS one is no question! Teeny tiny buff silkie.. Looks big in the pic.. but it's TINY.

Thumbnail by ZZsBabiez
Victoria, BC(Zone 8a)

The Silkie is adorable, ZZ!

You should knit little sweaters for them with their name stiched accross the back.

Good idea, hu?

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

I think, Teresa, since you came up with the grand idea, that you should really be given the responsibility for the knitting... ;-)

I can give you my order anytime!

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

I'm gonna call that one Tuffy.. doesn't matter if it's a boy or girl.. that is one tuff lil bird.. Poor lil thing gets stepped on all the time, cause he fits under all the others just right! LOL It just pushes it's way to the feed dish.. I just love it.

Another one of my favorites has a perfect + sign on her head.. fat and sassy that one is..

Then I have the lil escape artist.. I was wearing black pants and sat down by their pen with my knee bent and it saw the big black thing.. kept staring at it.. and whammo jumped right out of the pen and on my knee! I wondered why it kept looking at my knee! Must have thought it was mom.. black like him.. It was amazing.. 2 days old and jumped that high.. crawled right up there and squatted down.

Now THAT's what I call quality chick time!

Thumbnail by ZZsBabiez
Victoria, BC(Zone 8a)

Oh, but CMoxon, I don't knit. Knitted scarves for my 5 cats one Christmas, and it bombed... so I gave up.

That's amazing ZZ. Like you said earlier, they know what they are supposed to do.. and do it.

Hmmmm ... makes me wonder if chickens are smarter than people!?!? LOL!!!

Clarkson, KY

Just less conflicted,lol.

Elbridge, NY(Zone 5a)

Ya, with all the eggs you people hatch there is not enough time in the day to outfit them! LOL
There is a decent pic of Olive at the top of this thread but as you said, they change daily! Good luck!

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Here is a group of a FEW of the prospective Olive babiez...

Thumbnail by ZZsBabiez

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