۞ Lingernot/Staynot Gladomeer ۞ #8

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

I’m glad to hear Lingernot is off to eat cookies with Mrs_Ed! I know he will have a blast :-). He looks so cozy all tucked in with his beebear and new afghan like that.

Eugene, OR

We've hit a little snag....it snowed last night, really snowed! It's 20 deg, the roads are icy, so I can't get to the post office this morning. If the roads aren't better later, I think I can print a label online and have him picked up by my carrier tomorrow. Let you know later.

Eugene, OR

Well, our road was thawing out, so we thought it would be o.k. to go to the post office. We ended up getting stuck on the highway for over an hour because of an accident. Two cars spun out and two trucks jack-knifed. Finally made it to the post office and Lingernot is on his way. They said 2 to 3 days.

Here's his tracking #0306 0320 0002 5412 4257

Bon Voyage my friend. Have a good journey.

Thumbnail by Sally_OR
Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

You went above and beyond to get him on his way....glad you are back home safely.

(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

Now we wait his arrival at Mrs_Ed's and all the fun of baking cookies. What a guy!!!

Fort Worth, TX(Zone 8a)

Hope he makes it in time with all the horrible weather. At least he will be there by Christmas for sure.

(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

He sould be coming this way--77 predicted today and 80 by the weekend. Last week we didn't get out of the low 50's!!! Figure it out--I can't.

Eugene, OR

Anything for our lad!

Wish I could join you. It's 19 deg right now. 25 is the expected high. brrrrr.

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

Have a great trip, Lingernot!

Brrrrr Sally, that is pretty darn cold!

(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

Backdoor always open!! Come on down! The think the coldest I have ever been was on a trip to Corvalis to the CH2 M Hill offices (before Denver) with my husband. It was summer there but cold to this southern gal. Did love the salmon though.

Whiteside County, IL(Zone 5a)

Okay, all! I have informed Santa that Lingernot will be here for the holiday!

(Pegi) Norwalk, CA(Zone 10b)

At least Lingernot had a traveling companion on his way to Mrs_Ed's. Hope Santa finds he has been a good little gnome..

Eugene, OR

I forgot to take a picture of the little angel that is also in the package. So he has an angel riding with him too.
Glad you notified Santa, Lingernot requested that I do the same. So he's covered.

The fairies keep insisting everything was fine, no problems while I was sick. But they keep teeheeing behind my back, so I know there were some shenanigans going on.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

How 'bout a new thread! Seems like time!

We're going here: http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/933066/

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